I have a magical world

Chapter 387 The Marquis’s Reaction

Chapter 385 The Marquis’s Reaction

Plenty of firepower and martial virtue.

Chen Xuan felt the joy brought by the firepower coverage.

More than 100,000 monsters could not withstand his firepower.

And this is far from Chen's limit.

Refer to the model of Blue Star War.

Firepower output should be achieved by various means such as sea, land and air.

Including cruise missiles, strategic bombing, targeted killing of fighter jets, etc.

But this time he only conducted a pure ground defensive battle.

What if we get hundreds of large BM-21 Hail multiple rocket launcher systems.

Or Rabbit’s PHL-16 rocket launcher, Guardian-2D multiple rocket launcher, etc.

Then you can wipe out the monster clusters while talking and laughing.

Even hundreds of 107mm rocket launchers or Type 70 130mm rocket launchers can rain death on monsters.

Rocket launchers are the real king of land coverage firepower.

Not even the howitzer emplacement can compare.

Because the sound of rocket launchers is often very scary.

Xia State even has rocket launchers with guidance effects that can hit 400 kilometers away.

It looks similar to a medium-range missile.

There is no such thing as error.

Because after landing, there is a killing range with a radius of tens of meters.

Even if there is an error, the approximate target will still be within the killing range.

However, supplies such as multiple rocket launchers are different from light weapons and support weapons.

Even for rabbits and furry bears, it is a weapon that cannot be ignored.

Chen Xuan actually ordered a batch, almost hundreds of them.

But not everything has been shipped yet.

This thing is not an artillery piece.

Normally, it ranges from six to twelve tubes.

The output firepower, including the damage difference, is almost five times that of the same number of artillery pieces.

Often carried on military trucks.

Of course, launch nests for 107mm and 130m rocket launchers are towed.

The main thing to look at is the caliber of the rocket launcher.

In other words, this is still not the ultimate output state in Chen Xuan's mind.

If you add strategic bombing, tank clusters, drone swarms, fighter swarms, artillery and self-propelled artillery swarms, and preferably a lot of cruise missiles, it will be exciting.

Just like the Bald Eagle can launch a large number of Tomahawk cruise missiles from a Los Angeles-class submarine at any time.

Achieve ultra-long-range coverage strikes.

This multi-in-one strike mode is truly unlimited firepower.

It seems that there is still a long way to go before this goal.

But as long as things go well, this ideal may soon be realized.

At present, just the intensive support firepower is enough to cause the monster group to suffer a lot.

I have to say that most of the time, Chen Xuan's ideas are very bold.

He considered that Blue Star's size might not be able to keep up, so he thought about popularizing Blue Star's technology.

Of course, he could only popularize it among the contracting parties, just in case.

Then directly use Naroa's size to convert it into productivity.

After all, this is where the land is truly vast and abundant.

After truly achieving this step, there is no need to continue to "suck blood" from Blue Star.

But it is still very difficult to really do this.

It takes a certain amount of time and accumulation.

Chen Xuan stood on the roof of the battle fort. He looked into the distance, his eyes gradually deepening.

At this time, the overall situation was decided, and the last 30,000 mixed monsters quickly lost their vitality completely under the blow of the air-burst magic tear grenade.

Originally, there were more than 20,000 flying monsters in the sky trying to pounce.

But they quickly retreated at the call of an unknown tone.

Even if they don't retreat, they will inevitably die if they continue to charge.

Because Chen Xuan had already prepared the Bald Eagle Phalanx, Rabbit’s Land Shield 2000, Da Mao’s sword-and-cannon integrated close-in defense weapon system, He Lan’s goalkeeper system, and England’s two twin DS-30Bs. Anti-aircraft guns, etc.

He even made a lot of French Nexter Narwhal 20mm remote-controlled weapon stations that stretch his hips.

It can handle a swarm attack of 200,000 to 300,000 flying monsters.

Watching the battle gradually subside, Chen Xuan yawned.

He was a little tired. After the roar of the explosion ended, the surroundings seemed to become extremely quiet.

The drone tracked them and confirmed that all the monsters had retreated into the area covered by the light curtain.

"Send out armored personnel carriers, and the cleaning team will be responsible for cleaning the battlefield."

"The mine-laying brigade is taking a temporary break and will mine the designated area again after two water clocks."

Chen Xuanyan gave concise and concise instructions into the intercom.

At the same time, the command was temporarily handed over to the veteran Tansen Mars.

He was a little tired and planned to go back to Blue Star for a few water hours.

Anyway, his apparent identity is just an insignificant middle-level officer in the team.

at the same time.

Inside Attucks City Hall.

The long table in front of Marquis Andrea Ferre was almost filled with scrolls of magical documents.

There are at least a thousand official duties waiting for him to handle.

Moreover, these are official documents that have been approved and screened by the city hall, his municipal chief Roel Valentine, and his military chief Radenko Jackson.

Contains many bills that need to be signed during wartime.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of new bills and orders are issued almost every day.

There are also various instructions.

Those official documents with less impact are handled directly by the heads of departments in the city hall.

Some larger resolutions must be handled personally by Marquis Andrea Ferre.

Andrea had not slept for a Naraya day.

Processed more than 1,000 screened official documents.

He could finally breathe a little before the new batch of official documents arrived.

Fortunately, he has a strong magic cultivation level, otherwise it would be too much to bear.

Rubbing her eyes, Andrea picked up the water glass next to her and drank it in one gulp.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

"My lord, here comes Sir Anel Reyes."

The waiter's announcement sounded outside the door.

Andrea twisted his neck and answered smoothly.

"Let Sir Arnell come in."

The door was opened.

Sir Arnell passed by the table and glanced at the pile of official scrolls.

He came to Marquis Andrea and bowed.

"Your Majesty the Marquis."

"I am here to report to you about the situation of the Magtan City support team."

"Since they arrived at Attucks last time, they have now entered a fighting position."

"But things have changed."

"Originally, in accordance with your instructions, we changed the lottery balls and allowed Magtan's team to enter the defense line of the city tower in Division 19 of the Wild Rose Region."

"And secret guards were deployed there in advance to monitor the situation."

“But not long ago, Anil Holden, the commander in charge of operations in this division, transferred one of his sons named Domenico Holden from the outer Thorny Fort to No. 19 of the Wild Rose Region. Partition.”

"Instead, Magatan's team was moved to the outer Spike Fort."

"According to the recent magic detection, the Thorn Castle was attacked by a swarm of monsters."

"The number is around 100,000, and the offensive is quite fierce."

"The current battle situation is unknown, and the diffuse black fog obscures our observation field of view."

"The most important thing is that there is no magic circle that can visually monitor the situation in Thorny Castle."

Sir Arnell reported truthfully.

This made Marquis Andrea raise his eyebrows.

This matter is a secret mission, and not many people know the inside story.

Only a few chief officials and Anel Reyes, who he appointed to pay attention to the matter, knew something about the situation.

Anil Holden, the commander in charge of operations in this division, is not at the chief officer level.

Didn't know about this.

But this kind of unauthorized transfer hit the point of the gun.

In fact, everyone knows this kind of thing tacitly.

But during the battle, Andrea was particularly unhappy.

In particular, this incident also destroyed his subsequent supervision layout of Magtan City.


After exhaling a depressed breath, Marquis Andrea closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair.

Gently pinch the bridge of your nose with two fingers.

"Pay attention to the situation at the Thorny Fortress."

"Peripheral harassment should become intensive in these days."

"And according to the analysis of the Magic Association, the main attack direction this time is in the southwest area corresponding to the Thorn Castle, which may be attacked by monsters."

"It might as well be transferred to the periphery, just in time to see what Magtan City is capable of."

"Thank you for your hard work, Anel. Please report back when there is any situation."

He waved his hands tiredly.

Anel bowed again and left.

Silence returned to the office.

Marquis Andrea picked up a magic communication mirror on the table.

Tried calling, but got no response.

So he picked up the other side and got a response quickly this time.

After the call was connected, Loel Valentine, the city official wearing a suit, appeared in the mirror.

His expression was solemn, and he also felt a little tired.

"Your Majesty the Marquis."

Roel Valentine greeted with a slightly hoarse voice.

Marquis Andrea just nodded lightly.

"Roel, have Radenko come to see me later with the Attucks defense map."

"He should have gone to the front line. The communication mirror cannot contact him."

"I understand, my lord."

The exchanges between the two parties were concise and concise, with fatigue and stress being the main themes.

This stage seems inevitable.

Just have to get through it.

About an hour later.

Radenko Jackson, the military commander wearing high-level rune armor, arrived outside the office and waited in a hurry.

Marquis Andrea saw him after taking a nap.

"Radenko, Anil Holden, who is responsible for the operational command of the Southwest Division, is no longer suitable to continue as the division commander."

"Transfer him to the second legion of Attax's new army."

"Responsible for the counterattack after the full-scale demonic disaster breaks out."

"In addition, transfer Domenico Holden from the defensive line of the tower in Division 19 of the Wild Rose Region to the front line. Don't enter the battle fort, just arrange any front line fortifications."

Marquis Andrea solemnly ordered.

By the way, he told the whole story.

This made Radenko Jackson frown one after another.

He bowed apologetically.

"I'm sorry, sir, this is my dereliction of duty."

Marquis Andrea did not pursue most of them, and even comforted them with a few words.

After the two communicated about the situation on the front line.

There's new news for Radenko Jackson.

"Sir, speaking of Thorny Castle, I just came back from the front line."

"Twenty-seven battle forts in the southwest region have been attacked."

"The intensity and attacks of the monsters encountered in most battle forts are not fierce."

"The one with the most monsters encountered happens to be the Thorny Castle."

"But the Spear Fort won, and it was won without any loss to anyone."

"The Magtan City sergeant there is in high spirits."

"I saw many potholes and scorched soil on the outer battlefield."

"The soil is mixed with monster corpses and metal pieces."

"This post-war situation is very similar to the magic explosives created by Eastern alchemy."

"Based on what Sir Arnell reported previously."

"I guess Magtan City should have some kind of mysterious magic explosive weapon."

"This is consistent with previous speculation."

"If we can get it into the hands of the Log garrison, many problems will be solved."

Radenko Jackson's words made the Marquis narrow his eyes.

"this matter…"

"Forget it, I'll go there myself later."

Marquis Andrea made a decision immediately.

He planned to go there himself.

In terms of a simple showdown, as long as enough benefits are provided.

He believed that there was definitely a possibility of discussion.

At least the other party is also actively fighting against the monster.

As long as there is a common goal, there is the possibility of cooperation.

Marquis Andrea's reaction was what Radenko Jackson expected.

This strategy has been set before.

In many things, coaxing is better than repressing.

This is especially true when everyone has the same goal.

After Radenko Jackson left, Marquis Andrea looked thoughtful.

He immediately shook his head and lay down on the table to take a nap again.

It's not urgent to say that this matter is urgent.

The Prism Battle Castle is right there and won't get away.

Marquis Andrea's mentality is still good, at least he won't babble.

Rest first and wait until you have a good rest before talking about anything else.

He was indeed a little tired.

Blue Star, Tianhai City.

After making money, the S90 was given to Lin Qiang.

He himself changed to an S450, and the company's scale has been gradually expanding recently.

Chen Xuan's appetite and courage are growing.

In a few months, he will be ready to buy the villa directly.

This series of changes made Lin Qiang and his old classmate Li Zhendong seem like they were dreaming.

There is a very unreal feeling.

Especially Li Zhendong, who watched him soar to the sky with his own eyes.

I can't figure it out, but I can't find anything wrong with it.

I can only sigh that I made the right bet and got a golden thigh.

Lin Qiang was even more ecstatic.

The diamond Wang Laowu was looking for so hard turned out to be beside him.

Unknowingly, I got a potential stock.

Chen Xuan was very kind to her, but he never talked about marriage.

She was somewhat prepared in her heart, but she still couldn't hide her disappointment.

Fortunately, the loss lasted for a short time, and Lin Qiang accepted it.

Chen Xuan's surging motivation made her unable to let go.

Marriage or not is just a cloud.

What's more, she has met Ahn'Qiraj and knows that Chen Xuan has another woman.

Now she is not qualified to initiate any Shura field.

The key to a woman's success is to have B numbers, and being unreasonable also depends on the situation.

At this time, Lin Qiang and Chen Xuan were sitting in the Ultraviolet Restaurant.

This is located on the 6th floor of No. 18 on the Bund.

It is one of the most expensive Western restaurants in Tianhai.

Chen Xuan changed his clothes and ate the exquisite meal leisurely.

Only when he was at Blue Star could he truly relax.

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