I have a magical world

Chapter 358 Shocking Robbery【Please subscribe】

The entire storage cabinet suddenly disappeared in place.

Only the expansion screws used to fix the cabinet to the wall stand out.

Now is not a good time to count the loot.

Although it took them less than three minutes to empty the vault.

But the alarm has sounded, and the security room must have noticed the situation.

People from the nearby Metropolitan Police Department might also arrive.

If we delay for a few more minutes, maybe the Self-Defense Forces and the Special Assault Force will arrive.

The Special Assault Force (SAT) was first established at the end of 1977.

It was established with reference to Guo Jia's counter-terrorism force in the West.

Initially, special units were established under the Sixth Mobile Team of the Metropolitan Police Department and the Second Mobile Team of the Osaka Prefectural Police.

In the early days of its establishment, personnel were sent to Hank's country GSG-9 to study, and this continued for many years.

In addition, he also has close communication with the French Gendarmerie Special Service Team.

The Metropolitan Police Department, Osaka Prefecture, Hokkaido, Chiba Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture, Fukuoka Prefecture, Okinawa Prefecture, and Kagoshima Prefecture have all established special attack units under their security departments.

They have excellent equipment and complete combat teams.

Chen Xuan was not afraid, but there was no need to fight with them here.

Today's task is very tight, he still has to go to the treasury of six counties and districts.

Try to leave the Kyushu region tomorrow and go to other regions.

He had to race against time to grab the treasury, lest Japan regain its consciousness and hide and move the treasury.

Then he would have to spend more effort to convince some relevant people.

For Chen Xuan, coming to Japan to grab gold, the fewer situations that can easily lead to trouble, the better.

He pulled the two girls and left in a flash. He had no intention of fighting with the security guards outside or the police agents who came over.

Appeared directly on the rooftop of a building a few kilometers away.

He planned to rest here for a few minutes and confirm his itinerary.

In addition to Kagoshima, the six prefectures of Kyushu, Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, and Miyazaki, serve as the third avenue of Japan.

The entire Kyushu region is still quite large.

There are two choices before Chen Xuan. The first is to fly over with [Sky Spirit Wings].

At a speed of 350 kilometers per hour and having to carry two people, the magic energy consumption is undoubtedly huge.

The second is to grab a car. The average travel speed can only reach more than 100 kilometers per hour.

The third option is to take the JR Shinkansen train.

Calculating the time, it takes the shortest time.

Due to the procedures, unscrupulous people like Chen Xuan and Ophelia will definitely not be able to buy tickets.

But when waiting for the bus to arrive, using the flash to sneak into the car is completely problematic.

Additionally, an alternative is to grab a helicopter.

If you use a helicopter to commute, you can also complete the seven-county patrol for the rest of the day.

Of course, you have to pay attention to fuel supply and prevent being shot down.

As for the driver, it's easy, just convince him.

The idea of ​​grabbing a helicopter came about because the sound of a helicopter sounded in the distance.

Japan's reaction to the treasury depository being robbed was a bit faster than Chen Xuan expected.

But no matter how fast it is, it can't be as fast as his flashing and using the storage grid to quickly collect.

Shaking his head, he still rejected the plan to rob the helicopter.

The target is too big and can be easily shot down.

Moreover, the speed of helicopters is generally only three to four hundred kilometers per hour.

The upper limit of cruising altitude is generally around 6,000 meters.

The biggest limitation is the range. If there is an auxiliary fuel tank, it can only be more than two thousand kilometers at most.

If there is no auxiliary fuel tank, then the range of 600 to 800 kilometers is the limit.

In this case, he might as well find a place to [cross the border] back to Magatan City and ride a dragon eagle.

The Dragon Eagle can carry three people without any problem, and its speed and continuous flight range are just as good as those of a helicopter.

"Forget it, let's take the Shinkansen."

He has already shown extraordinary skills in the vault before.

It is conceivable that that surveillance route will become strictly confidential top-secret information.

If another dragon eagle monster appears, things will easily get out of control.

The treasury robbery was not witnessed by the general public.

Naturally, there is no risk of widespread transmission.

He can show off his extraordinary powers appropriately, but that doesn't mean he has to make things known to everyone.

When the time comes, it will attract the attention of intelligence agencies such as Xia Guo, Bald Eagle and Da Mao Family.

I'm afraid it will only cause extra trouble.

After making a decision in his mind, Chen Xuan took the two of them several times and appeared in a mountain forest in the suburbs. Then he changed his appearance again and went into battle lightly.

We stopped a taxi on the nearby road and headed towards Kagoshima Station.

Next stops are Miyazaki and Kumamoto.

The nearest Shinkansen train to Miyazaki will arrive in 37 minutes.

Chen Xuan didn't need to go through the ticket check-in process, he just needed to arrive on time and then flash into the bathroom.

The reason why I chose to take a taxi was that I had just enough time.

It only takes a taxi more than 20 minutes to get there.

Secondly, he could also close his eyes and take a rest in the car to regain some of the energy he had previously spent.

After the three people, who had completely changed their faces and costumes, got into the car, Chen Xuan closed his eyes.

Chigako Koyama's mood calmed down a little.

Unexpectedly, the heavily guarded vault seemed completely defenseless in front of its owner.

It's just that she didn't see the river of blood that she expected, which was somewhat unsatisfactory for her.

But the temporary power she gained still made her a little addicted.

Seven or eight minutes ago.

Just when Chen Xuan left.

Kawano Keyichiro and others who were on patrol received a warning signal from the main control room.

"Captain! There's a situation!"

"Three people entered the vault through unknown means!"

"The treasury is being plundered at this time!"


"He...they can make gold and cash disappear into thin air!"

I heard the exclamations from my colleagues on the intercom.

Kawano Keyichiro and others looked at each other.

Before they could answer, the warning lights everywhere turned on.

Accompanied by a rapid beep.

"Level 1 situation!"

"Big crisis!"

"The Metropolitan Police Department and the Special Assault Force have been notified!"

Hearing this, Kawano Kenichiro and others no longer doubted his presence, and hurriedly carried their guns and swiped their identity cards through the elevator to the third underground floor.

Less than five minutes later, the police car from the Metropolitan Police Department arrived outside the depository with its lights flashing and its siren honking.

After that came the jeeps and armored vehicles of the special assault force.

They came from a nearby Self-Defense Forces station.

Helicopters hovered in the sky, and the reconnaissance pod below had insight into the heat sources and movements within a few hundred meters of the depository.

Kawano Keyichiro and other team members who went down to the third underground vault immediately checked the door and walls.

At the same time, a self-test was performed using the program.

Found no damage anywhere.

You need to know that there are sensors all over it, as long as there is any damage to the walls and doors.

All programs can detect it!

"Asshole! What's going on!"

Kawano Keyichiro was sweating profusely.

For such dereliction of duty, he will not only lose his job, but also go to jail!

At the same time, the supervisor of the depository also received the news and rushed over with his deputy in a hurry.

Only if he and another deputy director are present at the same time can the vault be opened.

Hundreds of Metropolitan Police officers and special assault troops surrounded the depository.

It can be described as watertight.

The emergency team quickly took over the duties of Kawano Keyichiro and others.

No one is allowed to leave.

When the commander in charge of the incident saw the surveillance video, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Because in the picture, those three weird figures seemed to appear out of thin air.

It's like a ghost.

And the subsequent plundering was even more so.

I saw one of the weird figures reaching out to grab it, and both cash and gold disappeared.

Later, even the entire storage wall was moved away.

The losses were huge this time, and the depository's treasury was almost empty.

The amount is a crime in history, and no matter which point is exposed, it will be shocking!

So the temporary commander decisively ordered,

"Search all surveillance and sensor records."

"Report to the commander immediately!"

"No one is allowed to leave the blockade area for the time being!"

"Let the various police departments in the county assist in the investigation."

"Intercept the surveillance screen just now to facilitate the completion of technical analysis!"

After reporting the orders one by one, the temporary commander sat there with a dull expression.

"Is there really a superpower in this world?"

Regarding superpower research, various countries have similar projects.

But with little success.

The mysterious side lingers in everyone's mind.

It is not uncommon for some famous scientists, including some well-known scientists, to suddenly advocate those mysterious matters in their later years.

And research on mysterious powers has never stopped.

It’s just that in recent years, budgets and expenditures in this area have been reduced a lot.

Things in this area have always been top secret.

As the temporary commander on site, his position is actually not high.

Many things can only be decided by the superior!

About ten minutes later, the director and deputy director of the depository arrived.

They usually work in county banks and will only come to the depository during handover.

Using the duo's options, the vault was opened.

It was empty and without any damage.

There were no footprints left on the ground, and the other person seemed to be wearing flat shoes with no traces.

This type of shoe has nests on the outside and no real footprints can be seen at all.

There are no fingerprints either.

The gold and cash were completely thrown away, and the other party left nothing behind.

There were traces of violent lock picking on the ground over the storage cabinet.

But that's all.

"Damn it!"

"This is definitely a shocking case!"

"The chief of the Kyoto Public Security Bureau just called and asked us to seal off the scene and take confidentiality measures!"

"Everyone must sign a confidentiality agreement!"

This matter must not be exposed lightly.

Otherwise, it will only cause panic in society.

But no matter how quick their response was, many local media caught wind of it.

Many surrounding people also noticed the movement and gathered around the cordon out of curiosity.

The treasury depository is so close to a formidable enemy that it is not difficult for an interested person to guess what is really going on here.

Just when Kagoshima was in chaos, Chen Xuan had already gotten on the Shinkansen train bound for Miyazaki.

He took the two girls and sat carelessly on the currently unoccupied seats.

His expression was extremely relaxed.

The Kagoshima Metropolitan Police Department is not the only one who is troubled.

Masayuki Koyama, who was far away in his estate on the outskirts of Fukuoka Prefecture, stayed up almost all night.

The situation is getting worse and more complicated.

Originally, Matsumoto had already led people to find Chigako in Kagoshima.

But later he lost contact.

At around six o'clock in the morning, when his people arrived at the villa, they saw a scene like purgatory on earth.

Matsumoto and a dozen other team members were killed.

Most of them are open blows to the brain.

Their bodies were buried in the pool, and the blood stains in the living room alone were horrific.

This incident attracted the attention of the local police department.

But the investigation went nowhere.

The murderer didn't seem to leave any traces.

In addition, there were still remaining warheads at the scene, which meant that those team members fired at that time.

If you want to kill those dozen people under such circumstances, you need at least a complete gang. You can never kill them all alone.

However, the doors and windows inside and outside the villa are intact, and there are no signs of damage or intrusion.

This makes the whole case suspicious.

The most important thing is that Chigako lost her trace again.

Neither turned into a corpse, nor anyone found.

Koyama Masayuki sent more of his men there.

Even he himself will meet the president's youngest son in person later and rush to Kagoshima after apologizing. Even if his daughter disappears, he must abide by the rules of the road.

All other agreements can be rejected.

But it won't work this time. The other party is the president's son after all.

He is still the younger son whom he loves more.

While he was restless, a piece of news suddenly appeared on the TV.

"The latest news is that there is a suspected robbery case at the Kagoshima Prefecture Treasury Depository."

"At present, the Metropolitan Police Department and the special assault force have rushed to the scene."

"Please pay attention to follow-up reports for more details."

"According to witnesses at the scene, there were no gunshots or unusual movements."

"The police officers responsible for cordoning off the scene stated that this was a routine exercise."

"However, according to regulations, the exercise requires regional notification five days in advance. This is suspected of violating the regulations."

"Reporters will continue to follow up!"

When he heard about Kagoshima Prefecture, Koyama Masayuki couldn't help but be attracted to his attention.

"Treasury depository..."

"Asshole, how could there be any robbers trying to get there!"

"Even if you go to grab cash, it's much more reliable to be robbed of safekeeping!"

"Unless it's an army coming!"

Koyama Masayuki couldn't help but curse.

This messy news made him feel even more irritated.

In fact, he gets annoyed when he hears the word Kagoshima.

I can't wait to rush there immediately.

But he knew very well that the inexplicable disappearance of his daughter and the cruel killing methods of the people in the villa meant that some great person might be eyeing him.

Regarding this matter, whether he goes or not, it seems that it will not help.

But Masayuki Koyama still wanted to go to the scene to see the situation.

He is not only the boss of the Chunxia Group, but also a father.

After his wife died due to a gang fight.

Koyama Masayuki's discipline on Koyama Chigako became even stricter.

Just when he was worried, the cell phone next to him suddenly rang. (End of chapter)

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