I have a magical world

Chapter 325 Nord and Virginia [Please subscribe]

After the departure of Attucks City Manager Roel Valentine.

Marquis Andrea frowned and sat in his original position for a long time without getting up.

In fact, the invasion of monsters is not a strange thing for the native people of Naloa.

It can even be described as a common meal.

Before the demonic disaster broke out, the tension on all fronts was like a sharp sword hanging above their heads, always reminding the knowledgeable people among the aborigines to stay vigilant against the threat of demons.

Other than that, life everywhere is pretty peaceful.

There is already a complete process for how to deal with monsters.

So much so that there is still enough energy left to "capture" the surrounding caves.

Just like farming.

A certain number of crypts are deliberately reserved in each place.

It is used to spawn monsters for adventurers and mercenaries, and at the same time produce a relatively fixed amount of various monster materials.

However, this demonic disaster has a different meaning.

After subsequent derivation of the moon phases, the high priests came up with new prophetic keywords.

That was "Day of Destruction."

This means that a catastrophe is about to come.

The Day of Destruction indicates that the intensity of this demonic disaster will exceed any previous one.

As an absolute secret, only the people in charge of the giant city know about this matter, and it is forbidden to spread it outside.

When the demonic disaster breaks out on the Day of Destruction, no matter where in the Naroa continent, no one will be able to stay away.

In any case, Ataxlog will be the areas that bear the brunt of this round of demonic disasters.

The continent of Naroa is vast, and the dynamics of each kingdom and region are different.

But no matter what, Attucks has been on that fatal "lucky" list.

The pressure in the future can be imagined.

As for the matter about the Day of Destruction, Marquis Andrea cannot reveal anything yet.

This was also the reason why he had a tense face from the beginning of the meeting until now.

Only he knows that this crisis is absolutely fatal.

There was still a way to survive the demonic disasters in the past, but not this time.

After sitting in silence for a long time, he sighed in his heart, but his tense expression remained the same on the surface.

In any case, anyone can be discouraged, anyone can be fearful, anyone can be lazy, but he cannot.

Because Attucks is everything to Marquis Andrea.

And he is also the backbone of this city.

Whether it is a giant city or a Logue, this will not change.

Marquis Andrea himself is the backbone of Attucks!

He couldn't bend down.

Like a spear, straight, straight, straight!

Central part of Naloa continent.

Kingdom of Nord.

In the meeting hall of the majestic Sasenlun Imperial City.

This meeting has been held for a full six hours.

King Gronar Lodbrok always sits on the dark gold throne.

Behind him is the double ax emblem representing the Kingdom of Nord.

The huge emblem glowed under the light of the crystal chandelier, which was a symbol of supreme royal power.

At this time, King Grona's forehead was covered with wrinkles, and his face looked gloomy.

He looked at the quarreling kingdom ministers below and felt a huge headache.

After the joint meeting of the five kings, he immediately rushed back to the Sasenlun Imperial City.

As expected, the news he brought back caused an uproar among the ministers, and there were also heated discussions.

That's normal, he's a king, but he's not a dictator.

These ministers here are not alone. Behind them are famous families from all over the kingdom.

Although in many cases, kings and dictators are often equated.

But this equation does not hold true in the Nord Kingdom.

This is true even if the Lodbrok royal family has the most high-level experts and background.

Because Nord is a tightly knit group.

Playing dictatorial tactics will not do any good to the Lodbrok royal family.

Properly granting rights and wooing the power of major families is the right way.

The ministers currently having fierce debates are mainly divided into two groups.

They are conservatives and militants

What was being discussed was King Duroa's proposal to establish a joint expeditionary force of the five kingdoms.

Form a joint crusade and assemble elite and mobile troops from all major kingdoms.

Attack the monsters invading all fronts with absolute superiority.

Destroy the void passage to gain local advantage.

This proposal carries both risks and rewards.

After all, if the prediction of the "Day of Destruction" is true, then the intensity of this demonic disaster will reach an unprecedented level.

Conservatives believe that the current defense structure within the Nord Kingdom is not yet completely stable.

It is not advisable to take the risk of recruiting elites to join some kingdom alliance.

Instead, we should aim at internal defense to avoid falling into a collapse situation.

Today's five kingdoms seem to be in the same spirit.

But there are many places where there is disharmony in private.

If a coalition is really formed, the five kings' fronts will be eligible for support.

It's a matter of wrangling over which front to support first.

In every kingdom, there are almost some powerful princes and neutral families who are closely united.

It's okay to let them strengthen their internal defense.

But if these guys were to mobilize elites, it would be even more uncomfortable than killing them.

This kind of small group, as long as the number of the group exceeds seven giant cities, is basically capable of mobilizing tens of millions of soldiers in an emergency.

And if those powerful princes intervene.

Just relying on the partial mobilization of Nord troops and power by King Grona, I am afraid that they will only follow the plan.

Therefore, the conservative ministers believed that consolidating the kingdom's internal defense should be the first priority.

Of course, the consolidation of war defense on the Naroa continent requires the support of massive troops and resources.

Therefore, it is good to be able to complete the kingdom's internal defense layout before the "Day of Destruction" arrives.

The main war faction believes that the invasion of the demonic disaster is comprehensive.

If the five kingdoms can unite with one another, they will be able to support each other and have stronger resistance.

Moreover, the former kings of all major kingdoms had concluded alliances.

After all, we are all human beings, in this continent where all races coexist.

Members of the same race will play and make trouble, but they still have to wear a pair of pants when going outside.

If we choose to violate the covenant easily now, it would be disrespectful to the previous kings.

It is also equivalent to giving up the opportunity for cooperation between kingdoms.

When the main war faction moved out of the former king, the topic instantly turned into issues of covenant and morality.

Even Groener Lodbrok, who has always been tough on foreign affairs, did not dare to directly refute this reason, otherwise he would fall behind.

The five major human kingdoms in the Naroa continent all have plots and customs of worshiping their ancestors.

In any human kingdom, all the princes and ministers go back and forth, and no one dares to stand up and disobey the late king.

Whoever dares to disobey the former king is not orthodox and has no morality.

The nature is so serious.

The militant faction and the conservative faction were quarreling fiercely.

After the main war faction proposed the theory of the late king.

Conservatives also moved out of the late king.

Looking back, the ancestors of the Kingdom of Nord once left a declaration to "protect the territory and defend the kingdom."

The conservatives used this as a reason to severely refute the war faction.

Use magic to defeat magic, and use morality to suppress morality.

Now it becomes a situation where whoever can interpret the late king's message more deeply will be justified.

There is a lot of noise down there right now.

There were endless instances of slapping the table, throwing cups, and throwing shoes.

Just roll up your sleeves and get started.

No wonder King Gronar himself felt a headache after seeing this.

This quarrel has been going on for three or four hours.

And according to past practice, the quarrel will continue.

In Groner's memory, one meeting even lasted for more than a dozen Naraya days before it ended.

For such a situation, generally speaking, King Grona can only choose to treat it coldly.

When they were all done arguing, he stood up and made the final decision.

In this way, there is no need to waste words and no mistakes will be made.

Let those from both factions pretend to be blackface.

All he needed was a few comments that seemed fair.

Being a king is difficult.

It's even harder to be a normal king.

Being a good king is extremely difficult.

Just as the people in the conference hall were quarreling over this.

A figure suddenly appeared next to him.

This figure appears and disappears.

The upper body is covered with a black coat with the emblem of an eagle head and a wolf body.

These are the elite scouts under King Gronar.

Have the right to report directly to him.

You can report the situation directly to him without going through the cumbersome interview process.

It is considered a privileged unit in the imperial city.

This figure quietly came to Groner's side, and immediately leaned over to report softly.

"Your Majesty the King."

"The envoy of the Steli family from the northern frozen land wants to meet you in person."

"The messenger brought a letter."

"Hand-written by Finn Stray."

King Gronar sat up slightly when he heard the name Finn Stray.

Finn Stray is the finance minister of the Kingdom of Vaegia.

His father is a former finance minister.

His grandfather was the former Chancellor of the Exchequer.

In other words, the Staley family's buttocks are almost welded to the position of finance minister.

But this is also normal.

Because the Steli family controls most of the commercial and fiscal channels in the Kingdom of Virginia.

Just talking about family wealth, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is as rich as the country.

But just a few Narayas days ago. .

Finn Stray officially breaks away from the Vaegian royal family.

The two sides have not officially started a war yet.

There is only a small amount of friction at the edges of their respective spheres of influence.

Despite the current external enemy of the Demonic Disaster, the internal disputes and frictions within the kingdom still exist.

The King of Vaegia, Tuckers Gray, is actually a very conservative man.

However, the Gray royal family is not as wealthy as Steli in terms of wealth.

It just holds more troops and land.

But the trouble is that the territory of the Gray royal family is close to the barbarians in the north.

It can be regarded as the northern gateway of the human kingdom.

In comparison, although the Steli family's territory is much smaller, it is located further to the south.

This is an advantage that cannot be ignored.

The Kingdom of Nord is located in the middle, just bordering the other four kingdoms.

This is the necessary goal for the major kingdoms to win over and compete with each other.

In Virginia, the ratio of the spheres of influence of the Gray royal family and the Stry family is about 6:1.

Therefore, the current situation in the Kingdom of Vaegia is actually much more complicated than within the Kingdom of Nord.

If you count the legendary "Day of Destruction".

Today's Kingdom of Virginia is definitely an extremely hot potato.

The devastating demonic disaster has not officially broken out yet,

But all kinds of troubles have emerged.

So for Finn Stray, he suddenly sent an envoy to travel to deliver a letter.

Grona Lodbrok instinctively noticed something unusual.

His intuition told him that this matter was not simple.

Finn Stray, the former finance minister of the Kingdom of Virginia, is definitely a mercenary guy.

He may have been a great businessman and financial manager.

But he will definitely not be a qualified ruler.

Now the Steli family has broken away from the royal family.

A war may break out between the two sides at any time.

There is a big gap in strength between the two sides.

The number of soldiers that can be mobilized also varies widely.

Although the Steli family is very wealthy, it is difficult to completely eliminate the gap in hard power between the two parties.

Therefore, the fundamental purpose of this letter is self-evident.

Groner's thoughts swirled in his mind several times.

You can basically guess Finn Stray’s motives.


Thinking of this, he immediately coughed a few times.

The conference hall that was still quarreling gradually became quiet.

All the ministers thought it was His Majesty the King who had something to say.

Unexpectedly, Groner suddenly stood up and nodded slightly apologetically.

"Please continue the discussion."

"I'll be back later and I'm all ears."

After saying that, he left his position and walked straight out of the conference hall.

He respected these ministers and tried his best to establish a wise image.

However, normal behavior will not be subject to so much control.

Such long and annoying meetings.

He can leave the game temporarily.

And maybe after he comes back, there will be new issues.

Kingdom Grona wore a white satin robe, revealing the outline of his rather strong chest muscles.

Even though he is over fifty, he does not look old.

On the contrary, he is as strong as a majestic lion.

Seeing His Majesty the King leaving the conference hall, the waiters waiting outside quickly followed.

He quickly put on a cloak embroidered with an ax and hammer on him.

The reception room is not far from the conference hall and can be reached on foot.

Soon, King Gronar saw an envoy sent by Finn Stray.

That's a guy with the word "smart" written all over his face.

Money is always shining in his eyes.

The messenger was fat and wore quite exquisite and luxurious clothes.

He should have arrived here within a week through the space teleportation array.

Because he is obviously not used to the relatively warm and humid climate environment in Nord.

He would often twist his neck unconsciously after looking around.

This is the characteristic of a thick scarf that has just been taken off.

Groner saw everything in front of him.

When the envoy saw the arrival of the Grona Kingdom, he quickly stood up and held his chest in front of him to salute.


"The great King of Nord, the successor of the Double Axe, the hero of the central continent..."

There is no such thing as a mediocre person who can be sent as an envoy.

Although this guy looks fat and big-eared, he is actually very eloquent.

He recounted King Grona's long list of titles word for word.

"Guests from afar."

"No need to be polite."

"Please take a seat."

Groner smiled kindly.

The two parties were seated separately as the guest of honor.

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