I Have a City in a Different World

Chapter 513 Armored Assault, Crush at a Touch!

On the grassland at this time, a murderous aura condensed but did not disperse, and even the air seemed to become cold. r?anw?e?n?`

A bloody battle destined to pile up mountains of corpses is about to unfold here!

About a kilometer away from the kobold camp, the Holy Dragon City Legion slowly stopped, and all kinds of chariots lined up in a long array.

It was like a steel city wall that suddenly appeared on the grassland!

At this time, the first kobold prince, who was on the opposite side, looked serious. He kept looking at the lineup of the Holy Dragon City, and the more he looked, the more frightened he became.

Before seeing the Legion of Holy Dragon City, the First Prince had a lot of guesses, imagining what the Legion of Holy Dragon City should look like.

But when he really saw the military appearance of the other party, he found that his imagination was really poor.

The weapons and equipment owned by the Holy Dragon City are not as simple as he imagined. Almost every kind of weaponry is something he has never seen before!

Cars, guns, tanks, wasteland vehicles, and those big silver metal birds...

In the face of these steel bodies, can the kobold warriors really defeat the holy dragon city with the spear in their hands?

Looking at the holy dragon city warriors who were wearing standard black armor and armed to the teeth, the heart of the kobold prince began to become uneasy.

The murderous aura from those Loucheng warriors made him feel terrified. Compared with the kobold warriors, the opposite Saint Dragon City warriors were more like killing machines!

Similar thoughts are also revolving in the hearts of countless kobold warriors, because compared with other towering cities, there are too many differences between the Holy Dragon City!

However, there was no time for them to think about it on the battlefield. After a short period of arranging and repairing the Holy Dragon City, all kinds of chariots roared again and rushed towards the kobold camp.

On the sides and rear of these chariots, there are the soldiers of the Holy Dragon City who follow closely, and they cooperate closely with each other.

Although the lenses on the helmets covered the eyes of these holy dragon city warriors, the killing intent in their eyes seemed to have been cast through the lenses and released.

"Attack, respond to the enemy!"

Following the order of the First Prince, the kobold warriors who were all over the mountains roared and ran towards the Holy Dragon City Legion.

The sound of running and roaring, like ten thousand horses galloping, made the earth vibrate.

The alien legion on the side also followed the charge, and countless sharp arrows were thrown out, shrouding the Holy Dragon City Legion like a dark cloud.

From a high altitude, two torrents carrying destructive power are about to collide.

However, when those heavy arrows that were enough to penetrate ordinary armor fell into the Holy Dragon City team, they did not have any killing effect at all. They were either bounced off by the metal armor or blocked by the hand shields of the Holy Dragon City soldiers.

Even if it fell on the body, it was still bounced off by the black armor, and it couldn't penetrate the slightest!

The archers in the Kobold Legion were shocked, and when they were about to launch the second round, the Holy Dragon City had already fired directly.

Countless bullets came overwhelmingly, and the kobold warriors who rushed in the front fell to the ground in an instant, and they were all torn apart by machine gun bullets!

However, this is only the beginning of the wave of death. With the continuous advancement of the Holy Dragon City chariot, one after another kobolds were knocked to the ground, as if the wind was blowing wheat waves, and they continued to extend to the rear.

The densely packed kobold corpses fell to the ground, and from time to time they would be directly run over by chariots.

The blood mist that represents death is constantly floating in the sky, because the speed of the holy dragon city is extremely fast, and the blood mist is all stained on the chariot and armor, making the holy dragon city warriors look like they are walking out of the sea of ​​blood Same!

In the Kobold Legion, a team of about 5,000 cavalry rushed forward, trying to rush into the ranks of the Holy Dragon City and destroy the advancing formation.

But under the muzzle of countless guns, doing so is tantamount to seeking death!


A tank opened fire suddenly, the shells fell on the kobold cavalry line,

Blast those cavalry into the sky.

The other tanks were not far behind, roaring one after another, smashing the kobolds who were trying to attack them.

On both sides of these chariots, the holy dragon city warriors wearing black armor and dark goggles on their helmets constantly raised their guns to aim, and shot the kobolds who escaped the machine gun fire one by one.

A large group of kobold monks holding giant shields, after paying countless sacrifices, finally rushed into the interior of the Holy Dragon City Legion.

However, before they could start the slaughter, the Saint Dragon City cultivator who had been following the chariot suddenly appeared and surrounded and killed them neatly.

In addition to the Loucheng warriors and cultivators of the Holy Dragon City, the ogre legion led by the big bear also guarded the edge of the legion, killing the kobolds.

Today's ogres are all wearing special titanium alloy armor, and a giant mace in their hands is enough to kill all enemies within ten meters.

Wherever this group of ogres passed, only a piece of shredded flesh remained, it was like hell!

Some gluttonous ogres would stick out their tongues from time to time and lick the mace covered with viscera, showing a satisfied expression.

Compared with those kobolds killed by bullets, these kobolds killed by ogres are undoubtedly more tragic.

The other direction of the Holy Dragon Legion, a group of tamed monsters, has now been killed with red eyes.

Under the command of the holy dragon city warriors, these monsters shuttled fast in the kobold camp, and countless kobolds died under their fangs and claws!

Since this time, more and more monsters have been tamed by the Holy Dragon City, among which there are as many as ten lord-level monsters.

In the eyes of these monsters, those kobolds wielding short spears are just pieces of fresh food, now waiting for them to hunt and kill.

Since they were tamed by the Holy Dragon City, these monsters have not seen bloodshed for a long time, and today they are finally unrestricted. Naturally, they are as happy as Sa Huan'er.

However, there are also monsters that are not controlled when they are fighting. Whenever this time, the Holy Dragon City warriors who control the monsters will impose punishments, so that these monsters will immediately become honest.

As for the mercenaries at the back of the team, they were responsible for cleaning up the battlefield and making up for those who didn't die.

It's just that these guys were dumbfounded at this time, obviously frightened by the powerful strength displayed by the Holy Dragon City, and they were even a little overwhelmed when they looked at the densely packed corpses lying on the grassland.

Although before the war, the mercenaries also believed that the Holy Dragon City could win, but the sight in front of them made them silent.

This is no longer an ordinary war, it is a one-sided slaughter!

No one will say that the Holy Dragon City is cruel, because this is the essence of war, either you die or I die.

If the Holy Dragon City does not have such a strong fighting power, those who will be slaughtered will become the residents of the Holy Dragon City.

These mercenaries are also experienced in battles. They know that they must not think wildly on the battlefield, otherwise they may lose their lives at any time, so this idea just flashed in my mind.

Whenever they see those kobolds that are not dead, these mercenaries will use the short spears of the kobolds to solve them. From time to time, they will encounter kobolds who are desperately resisting. They will either be killed by the mercenaries or will be responsible for supervising the battle. Holy Dragon City soldiers shot dead!

With the continuous advancement of the Holy Dragon City Legion, the Kobold Legion has been completely defeated.

Even the unwilling kobolds fought back desperately, but they all died on the way to the charge without exception!

The eldest prince, who had been clamoring to wash the holy dragon city with blood, was guarded by the kobold monks and fled the battlefield together with the kobold nobles.

The kobolds, who have now lost their leaders, are fleeing in the wilderness, and have long since collapsed.

The gunship that had not been dispatched before also rose into the sky at this moment and joined the ranks of chasing down the enemy!

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