I Have a City in a Different World

Chapter 163 The End of the Kobold Legion!

In Maroni's notebook, Tang Zhen saw his understanding and application of magic!

After becoming a magician, Maroni accumulated points for five years before redeeming the first magic in his life from the cornerstone trading platform, spending a full 10,000 points!

This is a magical technique that can control the dagger instantly. It can control a dagger to fly and kill the enemy within a range of five meters, which is why it always carries the dagger with it. hunting article

Relying on this magic, Maroney gradually became famous, and he has more and more points!

Later, it exchanged several magical techniques, including the shock wave used to stop Tang Zhen's assassination. If time permits, it would have released a series of magical techniques at that time.

It's a pity that Tang Zhen's application power is too overbearing, killing him with just one blow!

Looking at Maroney's understanding and application of divine arts, Tang Zhenyue felt that these divine arts were the deleted and weakened versions of mobile phone applications. For example, the ability that Maroney exchanged for manipulating daggers can be downloaded in the app store.

[Level control magnetic field (primary), can control all metal objects, can be upgraded, the higher the level, the greater the control range and power, the download amount is 1oooo gold coins. 】

There are several other divine arts mastered by Maroni, and there are similar app downloads in the app store!

The connection is intriguing.

Tang Zhen kept seeing the dawn, and then put away Maroney's notebook, facing the light of the dawn, and looked at the kobold camp.

The kobold camp that was neat and sturdy yesterday can be described as devastated at this time.

There were embers of burning residue everywhere, the smoke of gunpowder had not dissipated, and the corpses were everywhere. The bodies of the kobolds who died in the attack last night were being cleaned out one by one and piled up on the gravel plain outside the camp.

The corpses piled up like mountains, and the blood flowed into rivers!

Tang Zhen estimated that at least 4,000 kobolds were killed in the night raid last night, and countless army tents and grasses were burned. Now the kobold army is about to face the crisis of running out of water and food.

Either think of countermeasures and fight to the death, or withdraw troops, other than that, there is no choice!

Seeing the violent kobold Prince Seventeen, Tang Zhen couldn't help laughing. He took out a heavy sniper rifle from the storage space, locked the Seventeen Prince, and gently pulled the trigger.

'boom! ’

The bullet cut through the mist in the morning and hit the seventeen prince's body whistling.

The scene where the body was beaten to pieces did not appear. A cyan protective shield appeared on the surface of the seventeenth prince's body, which resisted the bullet's attack, but this blow scared him to the core, and he quickly took the cover of the guards. Hiding in a bunker.

Tang Zhen is very aware of the defensive power of the protective cover, and also knows that he can't kill the seventeenth prince who had been prepared after the assassination. His shot was just to block the seventeenth prince!

In a good mood, Tang Zhen was about to go back to eat a meal, but when he noticed the smoke rising slightly in the distance, his brows could not help but wrinkle.

Quickly switching to the map view, Tang Zhen looked at the scene that appeared in front of him, but his face had an expression of crying and laughing, and at the same time shook his head again and again: "The movement last night was too big, and it even attracted a group of people to join in the fun. Kobolds are going to be in bad luck!"

The sentinels of the kobolds who were released also spotted the group of guys who suddenly appeared. After seeing what they were, these kobold sentinels immediately changed their expressions, and without hesitation, they drove the giant dog to sit down and turned and ran back to the camp. Call the police!

It's just that the kobold sentinel was pressed by a rotting giant claw before he ran a few steps. The huge force directly crushed the kobold sentinel, and then the corpse was swallowed by a huge head with a cheek bone exposed. .

The rotten giant beast that swallowed the kobold sentry roared in the sky, and continued to run towards the Holy Dragon City, and behind it, there were all kinds of corpses slowly walking over the sky and covering the earth!

The stench is suffocating, and the eyes are full of hideous eyes, like hell evil spirits are coming out!

Nearly a hundred corpse centurions are distributed among these corpses. They obviously have simple intelligence and can command the scattered corpses. It seems that their whistling has some kind of magic power, which can make the murderous and bloodthirsty corpses follow them. command forward.

The ones you pushed me to the front are mostly zombies that have been infected by wanderers, as well as various monsters that have been transformed into infected corpses. They are like cannon fodder, and it is not a pity to consume much.

Following these corpses, there are all kinds of corpse creatures from the corpse world, all of them are grotesque, some tall and ferocious, some petite and weird, compared to those infected monsters, they are undoubtedly much smarter. .

Further back, there is the army of the Spirit Brain Corpse King fighting the world, swords, shields, ghosts, corpse archers, spearmen, and heavily armored cavalry.

To Tang Zhen's surprise, the Spirit Brain Corpse King did not appear in this corpse army, and he didn't know where he was hiding and brewing conspiracies?

The corpse army was huge, and it attracted the attention of the kobolds from a long distance. They quickly organized a defensive formation and looked at the direction of the corpse army with serious expressions.

The seventeenth prince looked at the corpse monster army that was getting closer and closer, his face became more and more gloomy. First, he was attacked and bombed the camp in the middle of the night.

The Seventeenth Prince wanted to retreat, but found that he had no way to retreat, because there were enemies on the front, back, left, and right, where could he retreat?

A trace of sadness flashed in its heart, and he was afraid that he would die here today and bury his bones in the Holy Dragon City!

Anyway, let's fight the bloody battle to the end, and use death to achieve the reputation of the kobold royal family!

After the Seventeenth Prince thought of this, he slowly pulled out his sword and walked to the front of the front line with a tragic look on his face!

On the wall of the Holy Dragon City, Tang Zhen looked at the two armies that were about to confront each other, but there was not much joy on his face. From the current situation, the kobold would definitely lose.

The jackal has not been driven, and the hungry tiger is here again!

In Tang Zhen's opinion, dead kobolds are not as good as living kobolds, because after a living kobold is killed by himself, it means complete death, but a kobold killed by the corpse will turn into a corpse. Become the accomplice of Hu Zuoyao.

It's a pity that this kind of thing can't be controlled by him, and he has no choice!

The day that I was worried about finally came. The corpse has come to the Holy Dragon City. They will not let any living thing go. The two sides are doomed from the beginning that there will be no possibility of reconciliation.

Below the city wall, the Corpse Corps and the Kobold Corps finally collided, the white gravel plain was completely covered, and the thunderous scream resounded through the sky!

The kobolds are very brave in battle. They wield short spears and machetes, and use their hands and feet to fight with those zombies and corpse monsters, and their weapons keep attacking the enemy's vital points.

They are excellent fighters, but unfortunately the enemy they face is a monster that has no pain and only knows how to kill!

Ordinary attacks are useless for corpses, even if their limbs are broken with blood holes, they still stubbornly crawl towards the enemy, trying to tear it apart and devour it.

After the two huge waves collided, the kobolds were quickly swallowed up, and the corpse army headed straight in, and gradually spread, and unknowingly divided the kobold army, and then gradually surrounded and engulfed...

Tens of thousands of kobolds fought desperately, but in the end they could not escape defeat!

The dead kobolds rose from the pool of blood, dragged their mutilated limbs, joined the army of ghouls, and began to attack their own kind.

The battle lasted for nearly an hour. When the last surviving kobolds leaned against the city wall of the Holy Dragon City and waved their weapons to resist more and more corpses, it meant that the kobold army had completely failed!

This is the horror of the corpse clan, once the scale is formed, it is as unstoppable as an avalanche! (To be continued.)

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