I Have a City in a Different World

Chapter 149 Transportation and Kimchi Country!

It was late at night, and in a remote corner of the city, a faint light flickered.

Two strong men from the Ice Bear Alliance were sitting in the house. On the table in front of them, there were several bottles of spirits and some food for drinking.

The strong man was covered in tattoos and scars, with a pistol hanging from his waist and two automatic rifles beside the table.

Inside a walkie-talkie, there will be different voices from time to time, making people sure that there are many people hidden in the dark corner, and this humble courtyard is not as simple as it looks.

Tang Zhen quietly observed the layout of the yard. After a while, he walked to the room and gently opened the door.

The two people who were drunk did not notice that the door was opened immediately. When they found out, Tang Zhen who had turned on the [Quantum Invisibility Light Curtain] had already entered the house.

"Why did the door open by itself?"

A strong man muttered, but he took out his pistol, probed to the door to check it, and found that it was quiet outside, without any movement, it seemed that he was a little nervous.

The strong man turned around slowly, but found that his companion was sitting on the chair with his head lowered, as if he had fallen asleep. He was about to step forward to wake him up, but the strong man felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. Come, and then he passed out with a black eye.

Tang Zhen mentioned it with one hand, and he put the strong man weighing more than 200 kilograms on the chair. From the outside, he looked like he was drunk.

After finishing these two guys, Tang Zhen walked to the wall and reached out to open an iron door on the wall.

Going down the stairs, it is a very spacious basement. The space is huge, but it is full of piles. There are all kinds of weapons and ammunition. There are no weapons of Ivanov, but there are more than him. .

Now that you've found what you're looking for, let's start moving!

Receiving, teleporting to another world, releasing, and teleporting to the original world, Tang Zhen repeated this action mechanically, busy for half an hour, and then the entire warehouse was completely emptied, not even a single bullet was left. Down.

Satisfied clapping his hands, Tang Zhen walked out of the basement.

The two guys who were stunned by Tang Zhen have not woken up yet, and Tang Zhen has ignored them. When he finds that the weapons in the basement are gone, God knows if these unlucky bastards will go crazy?

If the other party does something unjust, and you take it for yourself, don't tell anyone, it's all up to you!

After leaving the arms dealer's secret warehouse, Tang Zhen came to an overpass. After standing for a while, he suddenly jumped off. At the same time, a truck galloped past under the bridge, and Tang Zhen landed in the back compartment. inside.

After choosing a comfortable position, Tang Zhen lay on the truck, looking at the fast retreating scene on both sides of the road, a strange thought suddenly popped up in Tang Zhen's mind, that is, what is the reference point for the round-trip teleportation? thing.

Is it immovable ground, or is it something you touch under your feet?

After thinking about it for a while, Tang Zhen thought that the former was the most likely. Otherwise, if he set the teleportation point on the plane, wouldn't he be able to travel for free at will?

If the plane exploded, wouldn't he be able to teleport?

Thinking about it this way, teleportation points can only be set up on immovable land. Moving objects like cars and airplanes should not be able to be teleported. Otherwise, the plane will fly away and still appear in the same place. Wouldn’t that mean it would fall from the sky? already?

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen tried to start the teleportation, and as expected, the teleportation didn't start!

This was the first time that the teleportation function had failed. Tang Zhen felt fortunate in his heart that he had discovered this limitation. Otherwise, Tang Zhen would cry without tears until he found out that the teleportation function could not be used at the critical moment.

However, such restrictions also made Tang Zhen more dangerous when he was active in the original world.

You can no longer act recklessly as you used to.

The truck drove fast along the road. Tang Zhen cleared his mind and looked at the stars in the sky, and his mood became calm.

Sleepless all night, when the next morning came, Tang Zhen found that he had come to an unfamiliar city. It was still under the jurisdiction of the Ice Bear Alliance, but it was a coastal city.

The truck stopped at a wharf. After Tang Zhen looked around, he jumped out of the truck and headed for a 10,000-ton freighter that was about to leave the port.

After unknowingly jumping on the freighter, Tang Zhen found a secluded corner and began to wait for the departure of the giant ship. He did not know where the giant ship would sail, but as long as he could leave the Ice Bear Alliance, it was enough, because Don't stay here for long.

Through the [Universal Electronic Toolkit] last night, Tang Zhen invaded the intelligence network of the Ice Bear Alliance and found information about himself and Ivanov.

Ivanov is really fine, but he doesn't know where to go now. As expected of an old fox, he does things neatly.

The Ice Bear Alliance has a lot of information about itself, but unfortunately it is only superficial.

It can be seen that the Ice Bear Alliance is very interested in the magic sword armor and protective cover, and is ready to find out the truth at all costs.

Therefore, the current Ice Bear Alliance is very dangerous, and you should avoid the edge for the time being.

But, I will come back again!

Vaguely, Tang Zhen felt that the hull moved slightly, turned his head and saw that the freighter was slowly sailing from the harbor to the sea, and groups of seagulls were circling above his head.

The next thing to do is to wait slowly!

Navigating the sea is a very boring thing. When Tang Zhen was bored, he read a book, stared in a daze, and then walked around for a while, which also passed some boring time.

[Quantum Invisibility Light Curtain] has not been closed, so the crew did not know that there was another invisible guy on this freighter wandering around. They walked by Tang Zhen several times, but they did not find any abnormal.

The sun rises and the moon sets, and three days have passed before you know it. At noon this day, Tang Zhen finally saw the stretch of coastline, which also means that the giant ship has finally arrived in Hong Kong!

Tang Zhen felt like a bird trapped in a cage. When he finally got to the moment of free flight, his mood became extremely happy. When the harbor entered Tang Zhen's map, he immediately began to check where he was.

There are modern buildings of different heights and shorts, and the words on those advertisements are so obvious that Tang Zhen immediately determined his position.

This is Kimchi Country, a small country on the edge of the Asian League. For various reasons, it has not joined the Asian League.

The giant ship slowly entered the harbor, Tang Zhen slowly moved towards the land, looked at the surrounding environment, then dodged into the middle of a pile of containers and teleported back to Shenglong City.

I haven't come back for three days. The situation in Shenglong City is normal. The residents are busy with the construction of Shenglong City every day, and the training of the soldiers has not been slack.

Another thing that makes Tang Zhen happy is that yesterday evening, another Holy Dragon City resident successfully communicated with the mother tree and mastered an ability that can speed up the recovery from injuries.

Tang Zhen was overjoyed when he heard the words. Originally, he thought that after using flesh and blood to cultivate the mother tree, the ability of the mother tree that was recorded in the tree spirit clan books would not appear, and he secretly regretted it. He didn't expect to give himself a big surprise at this time!

The power of this ability is that in the later stage, when it is within the range of the mother tree's power, any one's own personnel can accept the treatment of the mother tree's ability, which can target one person alone or cast spells on multiple people at the same time.

The power of the mother tree is actually a very pure energy. It must be transformed into various magical abilities through communicators of different physiques, but the mother tree cannot do it by itself.

This is another kind of relationship similar to parasitism. The communicator maintains the mother tree, and the mother tree transmits its power to the communicator. Everyone relies on each other, so as to ensure that each other will benefit!

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