I Have a City in a Different World

Chapter 141 Special Action Team and Entering the 2nd Underground Floor!

Looking at the man with glasses who was in deep thought, everyone stopped paying attention to him.

They all know the character of the man with glasses. Once he enters this state of talking to himself, don't interrupt his thoughts easily, otherwise he will go into a hysterical state.

Seeing that everyone stopped talking, the short-haired woman said again: "According to the information sent by the intelligence department, the young man who was attacked has been investigated and his identity has been determined!

This person's name is Levjet, a member of a small local gang called 'Fire Fist'. Some time ago, all members of the gang were shot to death, but the intelligence showed that this Levjet was attacked in Fire Fist. It has disappeared before.

Before Levjet disappeared, he had participated in a gang operation, trying to kill an opponent of Fire Fist, an arms dealer named Ivanov, but the final result was that all the members involved in the operation disappeared. , the arms dealer named Ivanov has since disappeared!

Later, the local police found two scrapped cars in the suburbs, with bullet marks on their bodies, and several charred bodies that were beyond recognition.

Things have come to an end here, and it is supposed to come to an end. Levjet and Ivanov seem to be dead, but then another thing happened, which turned this matter.

A few days later, in a villa in the suburbs, there was a fierce shootout. The attacking party was a member of the Fire Fist, and the villa they surrounded was verified to be one of Ivanov's old nests.

The battle lasted for about twenty minutes, and all the members of the Fire Fist were shot and killed. During this period, two groups of people left the villa successively. The intelligence department retrieved surveillance video from various nearby intersections and determined that the people who left were three men and one woman. The two who left first were Pargao and Levjet.

The second one left was a man and a woman, the woman was Pargao's sister Natasha, and the man was an Asian League man. After investigation, we found that the man was called Tang Zhen, an illegal resident. Some time ago, I participated in a tour group, and suddenly disappeared that night after entering the league.

There is very little information about the man. I only know that he is an orphan who was adopted and brought up. He has an unrelated sister. He is usually low-key. repay.

The intelligence department later found that on the day Ivanov was attacked, the Asian League man had driven a car belonging to Ivanov's men and appeared nearby, and finally judged that he had entered Ivanov's villa.

After the villa battle, the Asian League man appeared several times locally, but soon disappeared mysteriously, and Levjet, who was originally a member of the Fire Fist, did not know what means to use, but he successfully received Iraqi Vanov's forces, and then under the command of Pargao, eliminated all the members of the Fire Fist!

Afterwards, Levjet kept in contact with local powerful figures. He did not know what means he used. He has successfully won the full support of several local powerful figures, and now he has become the leader of the local underground forces.

This time, the street shootout was an action planned by a local veteran leader. He wanted to kill the rising Levjet, but he missed due to various accidents. I believe that Levjet will take revenge soon! "

The short-haired woman said this, glanced at everyone, and said, "This is all the information currently held by the Intelligence Department. What do you all think?"

A tall young woman next to the short-haired woman spoke first: "I have a few questions,

The first is how Levjet took over Ivanov's power. After all, the two sides are in a state of hostility. It stands to reason that it is impossible for him to do this at all?

The second is the Asian League man. I think his appearance is by no means accidental, and his whereabouts are mysterious. It is very likely that he played an important role in these incidents. Therefore, the Intelligence Department should strengthen its investigation into him.

In the end, is Ivanov dead or not, is he involved in these things? "

After the woman finished speaking, everyone nodded, and then someone suggested that they should go to Ivanov's villa immediately, because after the shootout at the villa, Levjet has been living in the villa, and powerful people often come and go. here!

Ten minutes later, three commercial vehicles left the police station and quickly headed to Ivanov's villa, followed by dozens of special police officers from the Ice Bear Alliance.

It's just that when the heavily armed police officers arrived at the villa, they found that the place was already empty!

However, members of the special operations team accidentally discovered a hidden basement. After trying their best to open it, they found that the entire basement had been severely damaged, but it could still be seen that there were a lot of cutting marks on the ground and walls. It seems that some utensils were moved out as a whole.

The members of the special operations team who returned empty-handed were unwilling, and immediately began to hunt down the four Tang Zhen, but soon they found out that these four people were like evaporated in the world, and no trace could be found in any case. There was a stalemate for a while.

Tang Zhen didn't know what happened in the original world, because at this time he was leading his subordinates and slowly opened the door to the second underground floor of the refuge.

This is an extremely thick metal gate, which tightly closed the entrance to the second underground floor. Tang Zhen studied it for a long time before successfully opening the metal gate.

The roar of interlaced gears sounded in their ears, and everyone raised their weapons, with a look of alertness on their faces, Tang Zhen stood at the forefront, holding a machine gun with one hand, without blinking. Look at the door slowly opening.


The door was fully opened, but there was no large group of monsters as expected. Behind the metal door was quiet, there was no movement, no light, and the silence was a bit scary.

Tang Zhen activated the [Almighty Data-Based Battle Interface] and watched it for a while. After confirming that there was no danger, he stepped into the passage first, followed by the others, one after another.

There were constant echoes of footsteps in the quiet passage, and dozens of strong flashlights illuminated the passage. Tang Zhen searched around, but did not find the switch used by the Flash Gold Clan to control the lighting.

After walking through the last stairs, Tang Zhen has officially stepped into the area on the second underground floor.

Because there is no light source to illuminate, Tang Zhen is not only dark in front of his eyes, but also on the map. Infrared detection, acoustic radar and other functions are all activated, but he still cannot fully display the situation on this layer. , without any moving objects, as if it were a dead zone.

Faced with this strange situation, Tang Zhen involuntarily raised his vigilance and signaled everyone behind him to be careful. He took a few steps forward alone.

"Crack it!"

Tang Zhen put one foot on a metal floor on the ground, but he didn't want the floor to suddenly make a crisp sound. Then he was shocked to find that the metal floor on the ground actually lit up one after another, but it was not. All the floors are bright, but like a chess board, extending far away.

Tang Zhen used the light to observe the image displayed on the map. It turned out that the second underground floor was a huge space with no support at all!

The brightness of the floor lights is not high, and it looks like the Holy Dragon City Valley under the moonlight, but it is enough for Tang Zhen to see the scenery on the second underground floor. something on the wall.

After just one glance, Tang Zhen's face was shocked, he turned around and shouted: "Quickly retreat, immediately retreat to the first floor!"

As soon as Tang Zhen's voice fell, he saw countless pairs of red eyes suddenly appear on the four walls, and at the same time, the door of the passage began to slowly close!

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