1492, July 21, early.

The 101st Higher Education Selection Examination of the Kingdom of Baia was held nationwide. There are 12 states under Baia, and there are more than 86 cities and towns with a population of 50,000 or more.

But this time, there are only more than 50,000 applicants for formal registration.

Every year, the whole country can receive basic education, formal primary education, and can meet the education expenses of about three years. There are very few students who drop out of school without being forced to make a living. What is more important is how many families can guarantee that their children can still pay after being admitted. high tuition fees.

Most students drop out of school during their basic education and are forced by their families to work. Women in this era are even more miserable. They are involuntary from birth, and they will be arranged to marry at a very young age.

In fact, most ordinary people in this era are like marionettes, being controlled by others to live a miserable life.

In the sum total of several primary education colleges in the city of Leeds alone, there are only more than 500 students who meet the above conditions and can participate in this big exam.

Most of them have good family conditions, and a very small number are descendants of rich businessmen or down-and-out nobles who are at least middle-class and above, and have enough educational resources and expenses to meet this exam.

"May God, Goddess of Wisdom, and God of Order bless your sincere believers together."

After getting enough sleep, Tu Fu followed Sophie out of the house, and blatantly prayed to the gods to bring him some good luck.

Perfectly inherited Uncle Ethan's temporary cramming, making Sophie roll her eyes at him again.

Soon after I came out, I saw officers from the Police Department scattered in various neighborhoods and streets, especially gathering around several test centers to maintain the law and order of the test.

The citizens of Leeds looked at the students who had the opportunity to take the exam, and their eyes were full of what they used to be. Those eyes contained complex emotions, including contempt, envy, remorse, and flashes of strong unwillingness.

Every year around this time, some people would complain about the injustice of the education system in the kingdom, and the wages of ordinary migrant workers could hardly meet the high requirements of going to college.

And children who were born in the nobility or the emerging business class were paved for a lifetime from birth.

Receive a good education from an early age, and then enter a good school to be able to have a decent job in the future.

These elites will enter the parliament and hold the right to speak in this country. Generation after generation, as long as they follow the steps, they can have a perfect life.

Perhaps, people have never hated poverty and suffering,

They just loathe the injustice.

Since the early morning of this morning, the citizens have been casting complicated gazes at these young students along the way, and the scorching eyes are a little hot.

"Why don't I go home after the exam and cook a hot pot to celebrate, this time with Jiugongge hot pot."

Tu Fu felt Sophie's rapid breathing, and gently held her trembling wrist.

His palms are warm and strong, completely different from the performance of the restrained child who hid in a corner in the past. This kind of growth makes him feel safe like a mature man.


It was rare for the proud Miss Winston not to shake off his arm, feeling an inexplicable emotional surge in her heart.

Until he uttered an inaudible murmur, he stopped paying attention to the eyes of others and raised his head to enter the test center together.

Leeds Comprehensive College, which has always been lively, only had senior students left today. Every candidate who came here was full of breath, which made the atmosphere tense.

The invigilators today are all practitioners dispatched directly from the Ministry of Education to prevent anyone from colluding with the school's teachers to cheat.

There have been many things like this. In the worst years, all the noble children were even put in one classroom, and the invigilators openly exchanged answers.

Fortunately, under the reform of the iron-blooded prime minister in the kingdom, he personally used harsh laws to deal with those noble members who violated the rules.

In the current high-level selection examination, the test papers are shipped from the printing factory on the same day, and the identity of the supervisor is strictly checked, so that this kind of injustice has been reduced a lot.

After the invigilator is in place.

Seven test papers with test questions printed on them were also sent out soon.

Different from the college entrance examination that Tu Fu experienced, the seven exams in Baia Kingdom will be completed in one test day.

Advanced selection not only has strict requirements on candidates' intelligence and physical strength, but also includes seven examination papers including grammar, arithmetic, geometry, history, geography, general education, and ancient Assyrian. The first six are mainly written examinations.

The study of the last ancient Chinese is divided into written test and oral test.

"The person who came up with this one-time test method should really be hanged on the street lamp."

Tu Fu sighed amusedly, the street lights were almost full of people.

He always wonders why there are so many unreasonable policies. Have the proposers never tried it themselves?

However, judging from these test subjects, they are still very balanced, with both arts and sciences, and the depth of the subjects involved is not high, but the advantage is that they are very comprehensive, and they can test everything.

The subject of grammar, from ancient literature to modern poetry, directly copies the beautiful poems in memory according to the requirements of the topic, and overcomes the problems unimpeded.

And arithmetic is limited to mathematics that was difficult in junior high school in the past, basic calculations and equation calculations, naturally there is nothing that can stump Tu Fu.

Even without the potion and the super eye that is comparable to a plug-in, Tu Fu feels that he can easily solve these problems by relying on the memory and thinking of his previous life, but it will take more time.

Having trained him countless times, he picked up a pen and quickly filled in the answers on the test paper.

The time passed by every minute and every second. For a candidate like Tu Fu with a smooth mind, the time was unusually fast.

Every time I finished writing a test paper and looked up again, the clock quietly passed for more than half an hour. The denseness of the test papers put a lot of pressure on the candidates.

However, Tu Fu, who has been transformed by potions twice, has always maintained a lot of energy, and his observation, logic, and memory have all been greatly improved.

When doing the questions, it was almost pushed down all the way, and I didn't encounter too many problems.

Those questions on the test paper that are really difficult to solve and require a lot of time and basics are simply given up. Anyway, some questions were not set up for ordinary students from the beginning.

Tu Fu also didn't think that with a few months of hard work, he could surpass other students' ten-year cold window.

But to Tu Fu's surprise, there was an extra-curricular general knowledge question among the general education exam questions.

"Please briefly describe the actual principle of the 'double slit experiment'?"

When he saw this question, Tu Fu wiped the sweat from his forehead in shame.

Every year in the advanced selection, there will be several inexplicable extracurricular questions like this, which make countless candidates hate their teeth. This famous problem in the physics world a month ago has also been copied into it.

"Fortunately, no world famous works were copied at that time."

Tu Fu secretly rejoiced that if he had copied a few famous works and analyzed them as grammar reading questions, the ideas provided by the original author might not have been correct.

This optical knowledge point may not have been mentioned by other teachers, but Mr. Coleman has repeatedly emphasized this new knowledge point many times, which made the students of Leeds Comprehensive College take advantage of it.

"You have to charge them some money after the exam is over."

After becoming a bounty hunter, Tu Fumo thought.

According to the results obtained from the previous experiment process, he filled in the answers with ease.

Sometimes Tu Fu feels that he is like an inconspicuous little butterfly.

Because of my unintentional arrival, I waved my wings lightly a few times, and brought many things that should not have appeared in the first place.

Finally, Tu Fu conquered the general education paper of the seventh exam, and now there is only the last big question left.

This is an open question and answer, and Tu Fu's gaze gradually became darker, because this question occupies a full third of the subject's score

A question about the country's materials, and the materials given are a series of changes in the Baia Kingdom in recent years since decades. After the reforms, it has carried out many armed purchases and payments to the state, and finally became one of the powerful countries in the North Continent. However, with the rapid expansion of the industrial process, there are still some hidden dangers in the society.

"Candidates are asked to bring up at least one social issue that urgently needs to be reformed in the kingdom, and it should be justified."

This is not a difficult question, as long as you have enough understanding of the international situation, you can answer it. It is very suitable for the old man on the side of the road to pat his crutch to express his opinion.

Questions like this are also very suitable for keyboard politicians like Tu Fu.

He picked up a pen and began to briefly describe the problems that he, a little man, could see.

In order to carry out the process of capitalist industrialization and become a highly developed modern country, the Baia Kingdom has completed the path of advanced industrial revolution countries such as Lantis and Ryan in just a few decades.

The key lies in the militaristic development of the military industry in the past few decades, which has concentrated social wealth in the hands of a few people and widened the gap between the rich and the poor.

Let the contradiction between the two classes stand out, and the risks, education, medical care, and maintenance of workers in production activities cannot be guaranteed. In this way, the ills of industrialism have threatened the foundation of this country.

Not so long ago, the fight club and the free life church were still vivid, but the safeguard laws issued by the Leeds government were still not perfect.

With his eyes focused, Tu Fu earnestly analyzed this question from two aspects, and put forward a point of view that was not surprising in the world he lived in in the past, but it is very novel in this era.

State intervention in social security.

Break through the traditional mode of charitable organizations being responsible for the purpose of helping the poor.

The specific method is to start from two aspects of labor legislation and social insurance legislation through social legislation.

The former needs to ensure the most basic six-day working day and the minimum wage requirement.

The age, education level, and working hours of employers are clearly stipulated. Young workers under the age are prohibited from exceeding the prescribed time. The employment of child labor is prohibited and women's labor rights are guaranteed. A factory inspector system is implemented.

Another important measure is that the social insurance law stipulates that all workers engaged in industrial economic activities implement compulsory disease social insurance.

Set up an independent management organization. In the event of injury or death, part of the expenses will be borne by the employer.

As well as receiving subsidies after accumulating full working age and retirement, in order to protect the self-care plan for the aging of the nation.

Such basic social reforms are actually similar to the embryonic form of the later "welfare state". Appropriate welfare can guarantee the majority of people, but it will not make the citizens too passive and lazy.

It is most suitable for emerging tycoons like the current Baia Kingdom, where everyone creates value like chicken blood, and the gross national product is hitting new highs every year.

This was written seriously until the end, even Tu Fu himself laughed.

If this series of policies can really be implemented, what name should they be named.

welfare state?

No, it should be called "Utopia".

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