Two days later, Liu Wanghai brought Francisco and other major criminals back to Nanjing, while Guan Yunqi began to raid the surrounding areas and eliminate the independent armed forces in those places.

The Spaniards ruled this place in name, but in fact they have very weak control over the following, that is, they can just grab some mineral resources unscrupulously, and they can't even collect taxes.

Dahua will definitely not be satisfied with this. With Dahua's strength, there is no need for this, and a more solid rule can be established.

Even, according to Dahua's national policy, there will soon be a group of immigrants here.

And some indigenous people here will be forcibly moved to other places.

In short, Dahua wants to maintain the population advantage in the place under his rule, and then sinicize the place.

After Francisco was taken to Nanjing, he was sentenced to death by Dahua and would be beheaded three days later.

Carlos is still actively running, trying to save Francisco's life.

Of course, it's not that others are good-hearted, it's mainly to protect their face in Spain.

Their governor of Spain was actually tried by people from other countries, which is outrageous. The ambassadors of England and France to China were all snickering on the side.

After this joke spread to Europe, it was enough to make Spain the laughing stock of many countries.

Carlos' efforts, ultimately failed to change the outcome of Francisco.

It's just a small Spain, and if you offend it, you'll be offended.

While snickering, the ambassadors of other countries also sighed at the strength of Dahua.

Such a strong country needs to pay more attention in future exchanges and not offend.

Otherwise, the next person to lose face might be his own country.

Really can't afford to offend, can't offend.

After Francisco was executed, Carlos began to write letters to the country, informing the whole process of the incident and making some suggestions of his own.

Carlos's suggestion was to swallow his voice and leave the Philippines to Dahua, not to try to retaliate.

If there is a fight, Spain will definitely suffer.

He is not timid, mainly because after seeing the national strength of Dahua, he came to the conclusion that Spain is far from an opponent.

Carlos was amazed by the prosperity of Nanjing. He sighed more than once that it was a paradise on earth.

And Dahua's degree of industrialization made him feel even more desperate.

At the same time, Carlos also suggested that the king can further strengthen the relationship with Dahua, preferably by marrying a princess.

Marriage is a favorite among Western European royal families, commonly known as bed politics.

If you look at the royal histories of Western European countries, you can find that they are basically relatives, and they are the kind that are especially close.

For example, the Habsburg family, the royal family that rules Spain today, has at least a dozen kings among its family members.

Holy Rome, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Portugal ......

During a certain period of time in these countries, the kings were all members of the Habsburg family.

Another example is that between the king of France and the king of England, there were times when they were also a family.

It is also understandable why they like to surrender to each other in wars.

It's their own family who are fighting, and there is no reason to fight to the death.

In addition to Carlos making this kind of suggestion to the country, the ambassadors of other countries in China are also doing similar things to Carlos.

They are all facing a very cruel fact, that is, they have nothing equivalent in front of Dahua.

If they want to switch to the steam engine in Dahua's hands, as well as other high-tech, they can only count on marriage.

In their eyes, some of the top beauties in their own country are indeed as beautiful as gods.

Of course, it is true that some Yanmars are very beautiful.

In terms of aesthetics, the two places still have some things in common.

In the palace, Wu Changqing didn't know that someone was thinking about giving him a woman at this time, otherwise he would have to sigh with emotion again.

After he has power, he really doesn't need to think about and enjoy himself. Some people will go to great lengths to provide him with the best enjoyment.

This is true in every aspect, including food, clothing, housing, and entertainment.

On his lunch that day, lobster, whale meat, and sturgeon roe, which is the caviar of later generations, cost more than 20,000 yuan a pound.

"What kind of meat is this?"

Wu Changqing pointed to the whale meat. He had eaten caviar before, but this was the first time he had seen whale meat.

From the outside, he couldn't tell what kind of meat it was.

"Go back to your majesty, it is the whale meat sent by the uncle of the country. It is said that it is a whale in the sea. That kind of whale is more than ten meters long."

Feng Debao replied.

"Whale, are there many whaling people now?"

Wu Changqing asked.

The whaling industry actually existed a long time ago. However, because of the technical level, it was basically a legend. There was no technical inheritance and no stable industry was formed.

With the improvement of Dahua's ocean-going technology, the whaling industry will naturally develop.

After all, this whale is full of treasures, and its whale oil can be used for lighting and is also an important industrial raw material.

Such as making high-grade candles, soap, leather, etc., can also be used as lubricants, tempering baths, etc.

This natural lubricant is very popular in major factories.

And its bone meal can be used as feed, fish meat can be eaten, and even internal organs have some special functions.

No creature is as thorough as humans in the use of resources.

Just a pile of dung, they can all be used as fertilizer.

Historically, when ocean-going technology was improved, the whaling industry entered a thriving class, with nations competing to kill.

At its peak, 50,000 to 60,000 whales were hunted around the world a year.

In the end, the number of whales plummeted.

Large mammals such as whales have poor reproductive ability, and it is not easy for a young whale to grow up.

Therefore, its reproduction depends on the speed, which is far behind the speed of human hunting.

In the end, the result was that the whale was close to extinction and had to be listed as a protected species.

Wu Changqing took a bite and felt that the whale meat was not bad.

After all, Fusang sells meat for more than one hundred dollars a pound in later generations. It is absolutely delicious to eat it occasionally.

"Go back to your majesty, it used to be not many. However, since the first whale was killed and entered the market this year, many businessmen have found that whaling is very profitable.

In just over half a year, there have been several ocean-going whaling companies in Nanjing. It is said that there are more in Shanghai. It is not clear how many slaves there are. "

Feng Debao said.

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