I Build an Aircraft Carrier in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 721: Buying and Selling Territories

Dahua's population policy has had some impact on neighboring countries.

Among them, Fusang is the most affected, because they are close to each other and have the most frequent trade.

Because Dahua encourages fertility, it subsidizes food imports.

Therefore, many Dahua merchants came to Fusang to buy food.

This made the food prices in Fusang go up a lot.

However, rising food prices may not be a good thing for ordinary people.

When the people of Fusang sold their grain to the local big grain merchants, the price was the same as before. The price of grain has risen, and only those big businessmen who control the right to trade with Dahua are making money.

And those big businessmen are often the big names of Fusang, as well as nobles.

In order to maintain their luxurious life and always have luxury goods such as perfume and soap, they can only continue to make money by exporting grain in exchange for Dahua's industrial products and arms.

But the problem is that there is also a shortage of food in Fusang, and their purchase price for the common people is not high, so the common people will definitely not be willing to sell it.

As a result, the nobles of Fusang could only raise the price of salt and some other necessities of life.

In this way, the people of Fusang can be forced to rely on selling food to obtain some necessities such as salt.

The life of the people of Fusang became more and more difficult, and the desire to have children was greatly reduced.

I can't afford to give birth, I can't raise it, I can't live happily.

The people of Fusang don't know the root cause that makes their lives more difficult, but they can intuitively feel that life is getting harder and harder.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance.

Where there is no resistance, it means that the oppression is not enough.

In the past, Fusang was also exploited in various ways to the people, but there was no such thing as a peasant uprising. After all, everyone just had a hard time, but they still managed to survive.

But now, in some parts of Fusang, it is really impossible to live.

In the peninsula area to the west of Fuso, South Kyushu, the Ibusuki where the Dahua garrison was stationed, a peasant uprising occurred recently.

In order to resist the daimyo's tax increase, some villagers spontaneously launched a riot, killing several tax collection teams of Shimadzu Mitsuhisa, and openly rebelled.

This kind of thing, I am afraid that someone will take the lead.

Once someone takes the lead, the whole place is like a powder keg, instantly ignited and falling into a state of out of control.

They have long wanted to do this.

A large number of people rose up and formed a rebel army, which separated the southern Kyushu area and competed with the Satsuma domain.

This situation worried Shimadzu Mitsuhisa to death. He had just gained some upper hand in the battle with the Kumamoto domain, and he was about to hit Kumamoto and become the overlord of Kyushu Island.

As a result, something like this suddenly appeared behind him, which made him nervous.

The rear caught fire and had to be managed.

However, he now has no spare troops in the rear.

Otherwise, those people would not dare to riot.

It was because the first riot was not suppressed in time that other places dared to follow the riot with confidence.

Today, Shimadzu Mitsuhisa wants to quell the rebellion again, but it is not so easy.

Those people have already become large, and the troops sent there are too few, I am afraid they will not be able to beat them.

If there are too many dispatches, the front line may lose the opportunity to destroy the Kumamoto domain.

Shimadzu Mitsuhisa paced back and forth, very irritable.

"My lord, perhaps, we can borrow the power of Dahua."

His advisor Ichiro Miyazaki suggested.

"Oh, go into details."

Now Shimadzu Mitsuhisa hates hearing the word Dahua, and when he hears these two words, he gets irritable and nauseated.

But as of now, as long as the people below have a way to solve the rebellion, he can't care so much anymore.

Miyazaki Ichiro's solution is very simple, that is, sell Southern Kyushu to Dahua.

In this way, you can not only get a sum of money for the military, but also throw the hot potato of rebellion to Dahua, so that Dahua will have a headache.

If Dahua is suppressed by force, they can make a big publicity among the people, increase the people's hatred of Dahua, and increase their cohesion.

If Dahua took care of his face and did not dare to suppress bloodily, he would not be able to completely rule the southern Kyushu area, which would be a waste of money.

If this method was left to future generations, it would definitely be shot by Shimadzu Mitsuhisa as soon as it was proposed.

To sell a country is to sell sovereignty.

But in today's era of weak sense of sovereignty, selling land is not a big deal.

As long as Dahua is willing to pay for an astronomical figure, Shimadzu Mitsuhisa can sell Kagoshima.

Therefore, selling territory is not a problem for Shimadzu Mitsuhisa.

Shimadzu pondered for a while, and felt that this idea was indeed feasible.

Although, this will lose a large area of ​​territory. But if you don't sell it, and if you are unable to quell the rebellion, this land is essentially out of the control of Satsuma Domain.

Naturally it shouldn't sell in the long run.

However, considering the current difficult situation, it is the most cost-effective choice to sell this burden and exchange some arms to destroy the Kumamoto Domain and occupy all the territory of the Kumamoto Domain.

"You go to communicate with Dahua and try to sell it at a good price. It's a big place, and it's less than five million taels, so there's no need to negotiate."

Shimadzu Mitsuhisa gave Miyazaki Ichiro a bottom line for negotiation, five million taels of silver.

This place is not small, bigger than the whole

Nanjing City should be bigger.

It is the entire Nanjing area, including the suburban villages, not just the city of Nanjing.

When Miyazaki Ichiro found Qian Sule and talked about it, Qian Sule was stunned for a while.

After all, as a big Chinese, he couldn't understand selling territory.

If it is Dahua, no matter how much money others pay, they will not sell the territory, because it is unnecessary and shameful at the same time.

However, seeing that Miyazaki Ichiro took the initiative to come to the door, he also knew how hard the Satsuma Domain was now.

In order to live, it has even reached the point of selling territory, which is really miserable.

"For this kind of thing, I need to ask for instructions from above, and I can't be the master."

Qian Sule first talked about his difficulties, so that he could lower the price in the subsequent negotiations.

Whether to buy or not, this Qian Sule can't make a judgment for a while, but it is absolutely not wrong to lower the price first.

"Mr. Qian is joking, you are the governor of Dahua in Fusang. This trivial matter is not a matter of your own words."

Miyazaki Ichiro said.

He knows that because of the inconvenience of communication, Qian Sule has great autonomy in Fusang, and many things can be decided first and reported later.

"Mr. Miyazaki has exalted. If you want five million, you must be approved by the court. I'm afraid I can't be the master."

Qian Sule said with a smile, the more anxious the other party was, the happier he was.

On the one hand, he pretended not to be interested, on the other hand, he kept thinking about whether this place was worth the money to buy.

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