I Build an Aircraft Carrier in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 683 Entering the Treasure Island

In the face of disputes between the navy and the army, Wu Changqing was actually quite entangled.

He recalled the relationship between the navy and the army of Fusang in later generations. The navy spent a lot of money to buy drawing technology from Germany, and then the army went to buy another copy.

In the face of such a huge pie, the Germans still couldn't help but complain, aren't you the army of the same country? Can't this kind of thing be shared?

The result is really not.

Wu Changqing did not want the relationship between Dahua's navy and army to become like that of Fusang in later generations.

Of course, he is also happy to see the discord between land and sea.

Discord between land and sea can check and balance each other and reduce the risk of rebellion.

If both the navy and the army wear the same trousers, that's the real danger.

Finally, Wu Changqing gave an opinion, allowing the army to form a surface special team, but the number should not exceed 5,000 people, and the number of ships should not exceed 30.

Likewise, the Navy is allowed to form a Marine Corps, but the number cannot exceed 10,000.

At the same time, it is stipulated that both parties must share technology.

Not to mention, the navy spends hundreds of thousands of dollars to research large-caliber artillery technology, and the army also spends hundreds of thousands of dollars, resulting in a waste of resources.

The research results of either party must be provided free of charge to the other party.

This rule can make the Army a bargain.

After all, the army is poor and has less money to invest in weapons research and development, while the navy has more money.

With results, the Army can prostitute for nothing.

Wu Changqing made a message, and the navy and army settled down for the time being.

The power of the founding emperor was far greater than that of the emperors in the middle and end of the dynasty. The people below were more afraid of the emperor, especially those generals, for fear that Wu Changqing would find an excuse to release the military power with a glass of wine.

Therefore, any guidance given by Wu Changqing will be implemented honestly by the following people.

The military is more cautious when it comes to such matters of right and wrong.

In other small matters, the military will be more reckless.

For example, when the Dahua Navy set off from Fuzhou, a military and police force broke into Zheng Zhilong's home and took him away for investigation.

People in the military suspected that he had tipped off the big pirate Zheng Zhibao, and even had 'criminal evidence'.

Zheng Zhilong actually had a chance to change his fate, but unfortunately he was careless. He thought he would be safe if he surrendered, and he did not try to curry favor with the people above, nor did he try to integrate into the circle of Dahua military or civilian officials.

I just want to keep the wealth that I have accumulated before and live a normal life.

But how can the reality be so beautiful? He is a powerless person, sitting on so much wealth, isn't it like a child swaggering through the market with gold nuggets.

It's only because Dahua is not in a hurry to hit the treasure island that he can live until now.

Now that Wu Changqing decided to recover the treasure island, the military personnel immediately started to clean him up, and the civilian officials also supported him.

They do this, of course, is illegal, it is deception.

But this kind of thing, Wu Changqing may not even have the chance to know.

His intelligence bureau generally only focuses on the major events that will affect his rule, and it is impossible to cover everything and explore everything in the world.

Of course, even if Wu Changqing knew about it, he wouldn't care too much.

A civilian was shot and ransacked for tipping off a pirate. Such trivial incidents are staged several times a year in Dahua.

Zheng Zhilong was sitting at home, and disaster came from heaven.

Of course, he wasn't innocent either. The money in his family was all the fat of the people, and it was stained with the blood of others.

Zheng Zhilong's home was raided, and a total of nearly three million yuan worth of wealth was found.

This money can improve the food for the army, improve the living conditions of Fuzhou officials, and turn over a large part to the national treasury. In short, everyone is happy, except for the Zheng family.

The fleet landed at Hsinchu, and then the army split into two.

All the way to the north, all the way to the south.

In terms of military strength, the Dahua Army is absolutely invincible, but they chose to convince people with morality when they attacked the treasure island.

Before each attack, they sent someone to explain the current situation to the local ruler and advised the other side to surrender.

Those who are willing to surrender, Dahua is also lazy to go to war.

As for unwillingness, then Dahua is also welcome.

In Hsinchu, they were not resisted, and the local steward decisively chose to surrender.

Because it is close to the mainland, I have a better understanding of the situation in the mainland and know that resistance is futile.

A few civilians were left, as well as several hundred troops, and the rest continued to go south by boat.

Landed in Taichung and Tainan respectively.

Taichung also encountered no resistance. The other party saw the huge formation of the Hua Army and simply chose to surrender.

Anyway, Hua Jun also promised them that after the treasure island was included in Dahua, they would still be used to manage the treasure island.

In the eyes of Dahua officials, Baodao is now a barren land, and not many people are willing to come here to be officials.

Appointing the original manager is the easiest solution.

If Treasure Island is a prosperous area like Jiangnan, these original rulers will basically end up with Zheng Zhilong.

If you don't get rid of these people, where will there be any free space?

But now, because of the poor locality, these people have saved their lives, and even kept a certain position and power.


The conditions were undoubtedly very favorable for the local rulers, so those people naturally had no desire to resist, and surrendered very readily.

However, in Tainan, the progress of the Hua Army was not so smooth.

The ruler here is the Can Ming regime that has a mortal hatred with Dahua. Zhu Yuao knew that his surrender was also death, so he could only resist to the end.

Moreover, their strength is much stronger than the forces in other places on Treasure Island, and they have a certain amount of confidence to resist.

With the help of the firearms they had obtained before, as well as the tall city walls, they were confident they could compete.

"This city built by the Dutch is quite distinctive."

Qiu Yuru, the commander-in-chief of this siege, said.

Tainan City was originally a castle built by the Dutch. Unlike Dahua, who likes to be square, the castle walls they built are all arched.

"This city wall is not easy to attack, or we should borrow some cannons from the navy and knock down this city wall."

The subordinates persuaded that they did not bring cannons this time.

"It's not that easy to borrow from the grandsons of the navy, without a yin and yang taunt, and half of the spoils are awarded to them."

Qiu Yuru cursed.

"Yes, we must never let the navy look down on us. Isn't it because we don't have artillery? Could it be that without the artillery, our army would not be able to attack the city?"

Several other generals agreed, and they were willing to work harder than to seek help from the navy.

Afterwards, Qiu Yu ordered the people below to overcome the difficulties and find a way to dig a tunnel and blow up the city wall.

In short, he will not go to the Navy for help because of this trivial matter.

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