After walking on the road for a few days, those soldiers began to miss the weight at the beginning.

Although the load on the back is heavy, but there is food on the shoulders, and the heart is not panic.

With the continuous reduction of food, the mountain road never ends, and the soldiers can't help but start worrying about the problem of running out of food.

So much so that when marching, the soldiers kept an eye on the roadside and kept an eye on the prey.

Along the way, tigers, wild boars, bison, black bears and other large animals are all bad.

From time to time, a few gunshots could be heard in the mountains, followed by cheers.

These game dishes are actually not very tasty, because of the lack of seasoning, they are basically roasted or steamed and eaten directly.

However, these meats have oil and water, and fight hunger.

Eating a pound of rice is far less energy than eating half a pound of meat.

After walking for a few days, I only occasionally encountered some small villages on the way.

The scale of that kind of village is too small, a village with dozens of households can only scrape two or three thousand catties of grain at most.

In these places, Hua Jun did not issue any IOUs, but exchanged gold and silver directly.

As for what these villagers should do with the inedible gold and silver, this Huajun doesn't care.

Li Lianfan felt that as long as they could communicate with the outside world, they should be able to buy food.

Along the way, I encountered several such small villages. Relying on these small villages, they only survived all the way, and they did not need to hunt for a living.

After crossing the mountains, the 24th Division arrived in Hualuo County.

Before the battle was fought, five people had already died.

Three died of illness and two fell to their death on the road.

In Huazheng County, the 24th Division finally encountered resistance.

It is not too far from Huaihua, so it is under the strong control of Daming, and the more loyal generals under He Tengjiao are responsible for defending the city.

"This battle needs to be fought quickly, lest the support troops of the Ming army come over."

Li Lianfan ordered.

He was not afraid of He Tengjiao's troops coming over. As long as he defended on the spot, he was confident that he could block several times the number of enemies.

However, the purpose of his trip was to conquer Kunming, not to destroy He Tengjiao.

Therefore, fighting He Tengjiao is meaningless, and will only be held back.

In order to avoid this from happening, Li Lianfan wanted to make a quick decision, take Huazheng County quickly, and then quickly complete the evacuation of supplies.

The city wall of Huazheng County is basically similar to the courtyard wall of some large families, and it is only two meters high.

The main purpose is not to defend the army, but to defend against bandits and bandits.

When the Chinese army attacked such a city, they didn't even need to make a ladder.

Directly rushed to the city, and then suppressed it with a rifle, the Ming army could not raise their heads.

Then, multiple grenades were bundled together to make a simple large bomb, which exploded the city gate.

Behind the city gate, the Ming army arranged a heavy defense.

But it was useless. In the face of a wave of grenade bombardment by the Chinese army, how densely they stood, the more miserable they died.

After a wave of charges, the Ming army quickly collapsed.

To this end, Huazheng County was broken.

The remnants of the Ming army scattered and fled, and the Hua army did not pursue it, so there was no time.

As for the soldiers who surrendered, Hua Jun didn't care, and didn't even leave anyone to guard them.

Quickening the time to scavenge all the food in the city, the Hua army immediately set off on the road.

Poor Huazheng County was robbed by Huajun, but it was not the worst.

The worst thing is that after the Hua army left, those who originally surrendered were no longer under control.

Afterwards, these soldiers also showed their true nature, and they severely harmed Hualuo County, and then they went out of the city and went up the mountain to become bandits.

They hate this kind of robbery more than the Hua army. The Hua army only needs food, and they will leave some of them as rations for the people.

And these chaotic soldiers who made up their minds to become bandits, food, gold and silver, and even women were all spared.

He Tengjiao was taken aback by the news of the Huajun's sudden appearance in Huajing County. If the Huajun went south from Huajing County and killed Huaihua, they could even block their escape route.

"You mean, they broke the county seat, just scraped the grain, and then headed west?"

He Tengjiao asked while thinking.

"My lord, the enemy wants to take a detour and go straight to Kunming."

Wan Dapeng said.

This intention of Hua Jun is too obvious. Anyone who knows a little about the map can see it at a glance.

In addition to taking Kunming directly, there is absolutely no need to march in this way.

"These guys are really impatient."

He Tengjiao sneered.

"Sir, do we need to go back to help?"

Another commander asked, but his questioning attracted cold-eyed ridicule from the others.

This question is really stupid, they themselves are now unable to protect themselves, and what are they talking about in return.

Moreover, since the fight against Dahua, there has been no other substantive support from Kunming except for the awards and encouragement in the title.

For Zhu Youlang, He Tengjiao and his subordinates no longer have any loyalty at all.

The reason why he is still fighting with Dahua is purely because there is no way to surrender, Dahua does not care about his surrender, and he is not willing to be just a nobody.


The safety of Kunming is none of our business. "

"But Kunming has fallen, and we have no way out. We will be completely surrounded by the Chinese army."

"Maybe, we can go north to Sichuan and join Zhang Xianzhong."


Everyone was arguing, and He Tengjiao sneered: "Don't worry for the time being, it's not so easy for Hua Jun to attack Huanglong, how can it be so easy to supply supplies in the mountains.

If they can't gather enough food, they might starve to death in the mountains, which is the most interesting thing. "

When everyone heard He Tengjiao's words, their eyes lit up.

This is definitely a possibility, although the possibility is relatively low, but at least we can look forward to it.

"Perhaps, we can also send an elite team to make trouble, arrive at the places they are passing by before them, and go to take away the food in those places, or burn them.

Give them a trick to harden the wall and clear the field. No matter how advanced their weapons and equipment are, it will be no use. They can't eat those iron rods and gunpowder to satisfy their hunger. "

Wan Dapeng laughed.

A team of dozens of people will definitely march faster than a large force.

As long as the Huajun's advance route is accurately predicted, it is entirely possible to achieve Wan Dapeng's vision.

"This is a great plan. If we starve them to death, that batch of equipment is ours. With this batch of equipment and the advantage of defense, maybe we can continue to compete with the Huajun."

The other generals agreed one after another, and they were still greedy for the equipment in the hands of Hua Jun.

In their opinion, as long as they have that kind of equipment, they don't need to be afraid of Hua Jun.

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