Although he despised Yu Shinobu in his heart, Kato Mai was patient and said some hypocritical words with Yu Shinobu.

And in these words, there is a bargain.

Finally, the two sides agreed on a price.

Those under the age of 14 are all 32. After all, these are still years away.

Those between the ages of fourteen and thirty are always forty-two, which is the best age group.

Those over the age of 30 will be charged 35 taels.

Then some people with extremely outstanding looks are counted separately.

The total price negotiated in the end was about 500,000 taels.

For 500,000 taels, Nishikawa Wangji can buy another 100,000 grenades, or 10,000 flintlock guns, which greatly increases his strength.

With the new equipment, Nishikawa Wangji immediately changed his decadence on the battlefield.

Although they haven't had time to train on the new weapons, they are fighting defensively at this time and have a defensive advantage.

Guarding at the city wall or other high places, holding a flintlock gun does not require training such as formation, as long as you can shoot.

Anyway, if the bullet is fired, there is a chance to hit the enemy.

The use of grenades is even simpler. As long as you don't deliberately delay the time, there is no difficulty in using it.

These two weapons, to be proficient, require a lot of training.

However, if it only requires preliminary mastery, it is actually very easy, much faster and simpler than training a qualified swordsman or spearman.

With these new weapons, when they were defending, they immediately caused a lot of damage to Shimadzu Mitsuhisa's troops.

Knowing the news, Shimadzu Mitsujiu from the rear rushed to Qian Sule angrily and asked Qian Sule for an explanation.

"Sir Qian, what do you mean, why are you selling weapons and equipment to Kumamoto Domain, don't you know that I'm fighting with them now?"

Shimadzu Mitsuhisa said angrily, he felt like he was being tricked.

"I don't know about this either. Our Dahua administrative system is very complicated. I don't know anything about selling weapons to the Kumamoto Domain."

Qian Sule's face was not red, and he said without a heartbeat.

Shimadzu Mitsuhisa didn't know whether to believe it or not, but that's not the point.

He continued: "I demand that you fulfill your contract and immediately stop your aid to the Kumamoto domain."

"Is there a clause in the contract that you can't sell weapons to other domains? I don't remember one. Of course, Shimadzu-kun, don't be angry, I'll ask you about this first.

If it is someone from my faction who is responsible for selling armaments to the Kumamoto Domain, I can use my face and relationships to stop it. However, if it wasn't for my faction, it would be difficult. "

Qian Sule continued to talk nonsense, but his nonsense was very convincing.

Most of the forces have factions in the army.

If it is between different factions, there is definitely no way to stop it.

"Master Qian, you must help stop this matter, otherwise your assistance to me will be meaningless."

Shimadzu Mitsuhisa's tone weakened, and he also knew that no matter how angry he was, it was useless, and he still had to rely on Qian Sule in the end.

Even if Qian Sule didn't help, he was actually helpless.

"How can it be meaningless, at least the aid will help you not suffer in terms of weapons. If you don't have my aid, you can be bullied now.

Of course, as a friend, I will do my best to help you. Even if I can't stop my adversary from selling them troops, I can increase my aid to you. "

This is utterly shameless.

Qian Sule is both a big stick and a sweet jujube, making Shimadzu Mitsuji unable to stop, wanting to cry without tears, so he can only sigh silently.

The battle between the Satsuma domain and the Kumamoto domain attracted the attention of other daimyo in Fuso.

When the other daimyo saw that the two of them had actually used a more terrifying weapon, their hearts suddenly froze.

Man, it's not going well.

Although it's just the two of them fighting hotly now, it doesn't affect me.

But if they suddenly attacked themselves, wouldn't they suffer a big loss?

Seeing the crisis, other big names also moved to change their equipment and improve their military power.

In particular, the Fukuoka Domain, whose site was next to the Kumamoto Domain, was afraid that the people of the Kumamoto Domain would suddenly attack him to occupy his own territory and plunder his wealth.

Thinking of this possibility, Kuroda is also trying to contact the big Chinese to buy weapons and equipment.

However, Dahua ignored Kuroda.

The time has not come.

If the weapons and equipment are sold to the Kuroda clan now, so that they have a strong enough deterrent, how can they tempt Nishikawa Wangji to attack the Kuroda clan?

If they don't fight, how can they both be enmity.

If they don't have enmity, how can they start chaotic wars and consume national strength?

Therefore, there is clearly a business coming to the door, but Dahua would rather not have it than greedy for this money.

They were waiting until the moment when Nishikawa Wangji became mad.

As long as Nishikawa Wangyoshi and Satsuma continue to fight, they will consume a lot of wealth and become extremely short of money.

At that time, the economy in the fiefdom cannot be saved by normal means. The only way is to launch a war against the Fukuoka Domain and annex the Fukuoka Domain.

The military strength of the Fukuoka Domain without Dahua weapons

Weak, and because there is no war in the jurisdiction, it will be relatively wealthy.

A wealthy and self-defense daimyo, Nishikawa Wangji can't be unmoved.

On the use of power and conspiracy, Dahua is second to none in this regard.

Of course, Fusang people are actually not bad.

They are mainly weak, and many strategies are useless.

In Fusang, there are also many people who understand.

For example, Ichiro Xiongchuan, he can see Dahua's vicious intentions.

Then, he began to run between the various domains, stating his interests to other daimyo, hoping to bring all the daimyo together to form a closer government.

Only a more powerful government that unites all forces can make Dahua fearful in the game with Dahua.

His kind of thinking is naturally very good. If he does it, then he is the contemporary Su Qin.

For Fuso, definitely a superhero.

Facing a unified Fusang, Dahua will have a headache, and the price needed to completely conquer the other side is unimaginably large.

Ichiro Xiongchuan's wisdom is naturally enough.

However, the wisdom of a single person is actually very powerless in the face of the selfish desires of countless people.

Many daimyo are very tempted by Xiong Chuan Ichiro's idea, but one of the most core problems is that there is no way to solve it.

In the new government, who will be in power, and what status can other daimyo have in this government?

This is a very complex and unsolved problem.

If you want to strengthen the centralization, you must weaken the power of the daimyo.

However, those big names are worried that once their power is weakened, they will not be able to maintain their power in the future and will be completely annexed by the shogunate or others

Individual interests and collective interests clashed violently at this time.

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