I Build an Aircraft Carrier in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 616 Dorgon begging for mercy

Xu Fu was assigned to the Finance Department as a small chief. Although his official position was low, everyone knew that he was personally appointed by the emperor himself, and his responsibility was very important.

Subsequently, the Jinling Steam Locomotive Company was seized due to insufficient qualifications, and it was revealed that it illegally issued shares, and the shares were not counted.

Anyone who is deceived can go to the government to get compensation with the stock ticket.

Of course, the compensation must not be the original price, and each piece can only be compensated for one hundred and fifty yuan.

In addition, the remaining fifty yuan was spent by Xu Fu and Wei Hong, and part of it was used by the government to deal with this matter.

For those who buy in the first batch, this compensation is perfectly acceptable.

Although they suffered losses, the government did not let them bear all the consequences. It was considered a conscientious government.

For some people who buy second-hand or third-hand, this rule will make them vomit blood.

Because, when they bought it, the price of the stock had risen to two hundred fifty, two hundred eight, or even three hundred shares.

This thing, as long as someone is willing to believe it, it is not surprising how ridiculous it is.

Those who took the last bid, now take the stock to the government to receive compensation, which is equivalent to a loss of 150 yuan per share.

They have no chance to see 50% of the profits, but 75% of the losses are in front of them.

If many people buy this, they will have the heart to die.

Some people accept their fate and lose money to exchange them, and some people start looking for Xu Fu and Wei Hong all over the world, wanting to cut them into eight pieces.

Others went to their superiors and demanded to bear the losses together, and they even brought trouble to the government for this.

In short, a lot of broken things.

And just when these broken things happened, the government also officially announced the establishment of a stock exchange and announced various regulations and regulations for stock trading.

The above regulations are very, very many, and very detailed, and it seems to be a very mature rules and regulations.

Not to mention ordinary people, just some professional businessmen, all feel a headache when they see it.

However, they also distilled some key points from it.

For example, it must be a well-known company and a large company with good economic benefits can issue stock.

Ordinary companies that do not even have a home entity, or companies that do not make money, are not allowed to issue stocks.

Otherwise, some companies that are ready to go bankrupt, or shell companies will use stock issuance to cheat money.

In a society where information is slow, such scams are more likely to succeed.

Any company that wants to issue shares needs to go through strict audits.

At the same time, after the issuance of shares, the financial needs to be made public.

And so on and so forth.

And all of this is just to prevent shareholders from being deceived.

Some people who understand the intentions of the imperial court will naturally nod and applaud.

The stock exchange has just been established, and many things are not understood by everyone, so the popularity is actually limited, and only a small number of people in the industry are still concerned about it.

Others are paying attention to other major events of Dahua.

In today's Dahua, major events are happening all the time.

In mid-March, the envoy of the Qing Dynasty came to Nanjing, and proposed to revoke the national title and become a vassal of Dahua.

After persuasion and deliberation by his subordinates, Dorgon decided to abandon the last trace of dignity and become a minister to Wu Changqing.

It won't work if you don't do this. Seeing that the weather is getting warmer and warmer, it is more and more likely that Dahua will march outside the customs. Dorgon and others panic.

They were simply not prepared to deal with it, nor were they capable of resisting Dahua's attack.

The vitality that was injured on the Korean battlefield has not yet recovered.

Even in a few years, even more than ten years, it is unlikely to recover.

Children need time from birth to growth.

In this case, continuing to contend with Dahua is equivalent to courting death.

No matter how much he hated Wu Changqing in his heart, Dorgon had to face the cruel reality.

If he doesn't ask Wu Changqing for mercy again, his subordinates will join forces to kill him.

After all, no one wants to follow a neurotic.

It is extremely shameful to revoke the national title and stop proclaiming the emperor, which means that they are no longer a country, but a local power.

This is a show of weakness, in order to tell Dahua that he has no intention of competing with Dahua for the world again.

At the same time, he also requested to become a vassal of Dahua, claiming to be a minister and paying tribute.

This is a complete confession, as long as Dahua accepts it, they will be safe.

After all, Dahua cannot shamelessly attack his own vassal state.

Losing all his dignity, Dorgon is just begging for a chance to try his hardest.

They need to be dormant, they need to slowly repopulate, and they need to wait for an opportunity.

The messenger came to Nanjing and asked to see Wu Changqing through the Ministry of Rites.

This kind of thing, Wu Changqing let the cabinet discuss first.

In fact, this is just a deliberate process to make the regime look more formal.

In Wu Changqing's heart, he had already rejected Da Qing's request for peace.

Dahua does not need any vassals, only complete surrender.

In other words, the current Qing Dynasty is no longer worthy of being a vassal state of Dahua, and it is also said in the past that it is the United Kingdom, Spain and France.

With the strength of the Qing Dynasty, they are no longer qualified.

Although he rejected it in his heart, Wu Changqing still gave it to the cabinet to discuss it symbolically.

The cabinet will discuss first, and the emperor will make the final decision. This is the process.

The problem was thrown to the cabinet, and then several cabinet ministers also got together to discuss the solution to the matter.

However, judging from the number of people participating in the discussion, it can be clearly felt that the cabinet does not care about this matter at all.

Ruan Dacheng and Hong Chengchou did not attend and went to do other things. What they leave behind is that other people make decisions and they have no opinion.

From this, it can be seen that it is war or peace, and some big bosses in the cabinet don't care at all.

In other words, they actually know the result without negotiating.

As a result, it is definitely not agreed.

Those who can enter the cabinet must understand some of Wu Changqing's ideas and concepts.

Wu Changqing doesn't like vassal states, and it's no secret that he likes to rule a place completely.

Moreover, Daqing and Dahua still have hatred, so it is even more impossible to accept reconciliation.

So it's not really something to discuss.

Soon, the cabinet quickly reached a consensus.

The plan they gave was to ask Dorgon to surrender immediately and unconditionally, and then come to Nanjing to confess his guilt in person, and outside the customs, he had to accept all the arrangements of Dahua.

Of course, they didn't expect Dorgon to agree to this kind of condition. They just pretended to tell other countries that I, Dahua, would still consider your opinions.

As for whether or not to answer after considering it, I can't say for sure.

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