I Build an Aircraft Carrier in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 446: The Disadvantage of Making Money Too Easy

The imperial examinations came to an end two months later.

Wu Changqing's work focus, once again returned to economic issues.

He summoned people from the Ministry of Commerce to discuss the issue of overseas trade together.

Although Dahua has repeatedly encouraged overseas trade, the results have not been satisfactory.

Those businessmen are keen to do business with Westerners in Songjiang, but they are reluctant to go to sea and sell their goods directly to Western Europe, and they are also reluctant to go to the origin of overseas raw materials to buy goods at cheaper prices.

If you don't go to sea to participate in it, is that also called ocean trade? At best, it can only be called trade with overseas merchants.

If you do not go to sea, a large part of the profits will inevitably be earned by foreign businessmen.

"Well, I think those businessmen are too comfortable, so they don't want to take risks. They may think that since they can make money comfortably in Songjiang, why go overseas?"

Hong Chengchou said helplessly.

This is human nature, and it is difficult for the government to forcefully change it.

Wu Changqing knew that Hong Chengchou's analysis was good. In fact, most of the Western businessmen who came to China were people who were almost unable to get along in Western Europe, so they chose to go overseas to take risks.

The real rich, nobles, all stay in Western Europe to enjoy themselves.

On Dahua's side, businessmen with capital and the ability to go to sea are reluctant to take risks.

Those who are willing to go do not have the capital, nor the ability.

Another reason is that the current domestic trade market is quite prosperous and there are many opportunities to make money, so there is no need to go overseas.

This has led to the fact that although Dahua has been encouraging overseas trade, few merchants go to sea, and most of them are waiting for foreigners to deliver the goods to their door.

"We have to find a way to change this status quo, maybe it seems that this is just a loss of profit, but in the long run, it is not conducive to our future global hegemony.

Today, the overseas exploration of the West has been carried out for nearly two hundred years, and a large number of seafaring talents have been cultivated. Its technology and experience are quite rich. If we do not catch up now, we will inevitably lag behind those barbarians in the overseas competition in the future. "

Wu Changqing said.

His goal is the whole world, so it's almost time to make some layout preparations.

At least a group of experienced crew members and sailors must be trained first, otherwise how can they go overseas to compete for hegemony in the future?

In fighting, it is not just about having advanced weapons, it also depends on the person who uses the weapons.

It would be ridiculous to drive a super-advanced fleet, but enter the storm zone because of unfamiliar sea conditions and routes.

Whether from a military perspective or from an economic perspective, Dahua must have complete control over maritime trade.

"Perhaps, we can provide more tax-free policies for overseas businessmen, and provide tax exemption for businessmen who go to sea in person, so as to induce them to go overseas. As long as the profits are high enough, there will be more businessmen willing to take risks."

The Minister of Commerce, Xiao An, made a suggestion.

At first glance, this advice seems okay, and a 100% profit is enough to drive people crazy.

As long as Dahua provides tax cuts, businessmen who go overseas in person will earn at least three or four times the profits.

But in reality, there are loopholes in this policy.

Hong Chengchou thought for a moment and shook his head.

"I'm afraid this won't work. If they are treated differently, they will give those people a chance to exploit. They can build a business base on an island, and then buy goods from foreigners at a higher price than Songjiang, and then ship them falsely claiming to be themselves. Those bought from overseas will enjoy tax reductions. At that time, it will not be able to encourage going overseas, and it will slow down the development of Songjiang.”

There are policies and measures to counter.

After the promulgation of such a decree, only local and foreign merchants benefited, and it was the imperial court that suffered losses.

Capital is blind, and the formulation of many policies needs to take into account human nature.

Few of those businessmen are truly patriotic in their hearts, and in their eyes only maximize their interests.

Even now, those businessmen are constantly praising Dahua on the surface, even to please. But its real purpose is to get benefits like technology from the imperial court.

"Maybe it can be jointly organized by the government and businessmen, and a special agency can be established, and officials can also participate in it to supervise."

Another official said.

This is not an idea that he came up with, but the model of steel mills and textile mills.

The current Jiangnan Iron and Steel Plant is an example of the joint supervision of government and businessmen. Most of the capital in it is owned by businessmen, but the government has absolute jurisdiction.

Those businessmen are only responsible for specific production and operation.

When it comes to major decisions, the government can speak its mind.

With the supervision of the government, its business behavior can be controlled, and it is not easy to cause trouble.

Of course, the official supervision of the commercial office also has its drawbacks.

Commercial trade is very flexible and requires freedom. When there is government interference, it is easy for people who do things to be unable to let go.

Like some conspiracies in business, deception is inconvenient to use, resulting in a lack of competitiveness.

After all, in business, five points depend on products, and five points depend on marketing (deception).

With good marketing, a stone can be sold for the price of a diamond, and a sweet drink can be sold for the price of a health supplement.

Going overseas to do business with foreigners naturally requires the use of all kinds of cunning tricks and tricks.

If it's an individual businessman, it doesn't matter that they do it, that

represent them personally.

However, if the Dahua court goes to do business with foreign countries and also uses deception and other means, it will have a greater impact on Dahua's reputation.

Moreover, the government pays attention to doing things according to the rules, and there are many rules, which are time-consuming and inefficient, far less flexible than individual businessmen.

Another point is human nature. Individuals make money and are responsible for their own profits and losses. Naturally, they will spend 100% of their minds on business.

The officials in the government office also have performance appraisals, but even if they fail the appraisals, they are simply unable to get promoted, and they don't need to lose their money.

Therefore, when they are doing things, they are definitely not as diligent as the self-employed.

"The cooperation between government and business is not very good. Overseas is far away. To some extent, it is a bit like an extra-legal place, and it is easy to breed problems."

What Hong Chengchou said was rather obscure, but everyone understood the meaning.

Going out to sea, collusion between officials and businessmen will be another problem.

To put it bluntly, as long as the tax care of the people in the sea is given, it will inevitably lead to loopholes.

Businessmen who seek profit will inevitably take advantage of this loophole.

It's just a trivial matter to be taken advantage of by them. The most troublesome thing is that they can easily defeat those honest businessmen by taking advantage of the tax-free price advantage. This evil result is even more troublesome.

Therefore, in the absence of better means to supervise, Xiao An's method is absolutely unworkable.

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