When he got home, Qian Qianyi saw Liu Rushi who was thinking about it day and night.

However, the relationship between the two is not as good as it used to be.

At the beginning, Liu Rushi admired Qian Qianyi's talent and did not hesitate to marry this man thirty-six years older than him as a concubine.

However, Qian Qianyi disappointed Liu Rushi because of the issue of committing suicide in the lake. That sentence, 'The water is too cold', may have taken Liu Rushi's attention seriously.

"I came back this time because I saw the hope of Daming's revival and wanted to make a small contribution. In the past, Daming had too many drawbacks. Now that I see Wu Guogong's various policy reforms, I am full of confidence in Daming."

Qian Qianyi explained one sentence, hoping to get Liu Rushi's understanding.

"Speaking of this Wu Guogong, he is really not a mortal. Not only is he resourceful in the military, but he is also highly accomplished in strange literature and miscellaneous literature. Now, I can't do without these perfumes and soaps. The man who invented these products for the benefit of women Grandpa Guo, at this time is the dream lover of countless beauties in Qinhuai River."

Marrying the husband and staying with the husband, even if there is a gap between the two, they still have to live on.

Marrying Qian Qianyi, Liu Rushi has already endured a lot of pressure from public opinion, and she has no chance of remarrying.

"Indeed, these novelties opened my eyes, and I never dared to underestimate Qiwen Zaxue. The firearms he invented made the Qing army retreat, and the perfumes and soaps he invented made a lot of money in the north. I never imagined that , these things can actually change the pattern of the world.”

Qian Qianyi said with emotion that, as a traditional literati, he used to study the Four Books and Five Classics.

But now, Wu Changqing's success has made him dare not have such thoughts again.

After reuniting with his family and reminiscing about the old days, Qian Qianyi quickly went to work.

He wanted to be an official, but he wouldn't be so foolish as to go to the door to ask for a meeting, the chance of success would be too low.

In the next few days, Qian Qianyi spent all his time researching Wu Changqing, his thoughts and policies, and then he chose what he liked, wrote about his own understanding of these policies, and put forward some propositions.

Qian Qianyi saw Wu Changqing's ambition, so he advocated strengthening the education of the people, increasing the people's dissatisfaction with Daming, and preparing for public opinion for the rebellion.

He used to be the Minister of Rites, and he was in charge of etiquette education. In this regard, he still has quite a lot of experience and methods, and some of the suggestions and suggestions he put forward are also more practical.

At least, it must be a bit stronger than Wei Ziwen.

Although Wei Ziwen is also very talented, compared to Qian Qianyi, an old fox who has been immersed in officialdom for decades, he is definitely inferior.

After these preparations were done, Qian Qianyi went to see Gu Yanwu. Relying on the status of the former leader of the Donglin Party, he still has a certain influence and prestige in the group of the Donglin Party.

Therefore, Gu Yanwu received him very solemnly.

After some small talk, Qian Qianyi understood his intention, and hoped that Gu Yanwu could help to present his "The Rise and Fall" to Wu Changqing, and then introduce him.

Gu Yanwu's recommendation is always more reliable than going to the door to ask for it.

For Qian Qianyi, Gu Yanwu actually didn't like it very much, because in the past he was a staunch resistance faction, while Qian Qianyi was a capitulation faction.

What's more, he is now vaguely the leader of the Donglin Party. If this gives Qian Qianyi a chance to become an official, his status will be threatened.

After all, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, Qian Qianyi's prestige is still there, but his rise is too short, and his prestige has not been fully established.

Although he was unwilling in his heart, Gu Yanwu could not refuse directly, otherwise the people in the Donglin Party would definitely have opinions.

"Mr. Muzhai's masterpiece must be a work of awakening, and I will present it to the general as soon as possible."

Gu Yanwu smiled and promised to help introduce him. He didn't need to worry too much for the time being, because Wu Changqing couldn't directly give Qian Qianyi too much official position and power, and he could also direct Qian Qianyi.

Gu Yanwu has thought about it, and then he will simply let him restrain Ruan Dacheng and let their old enemies continue to fight, it is best to lose both in the fight.

"Then many thanks to Ningren (Gu Yanwu's word), under the leadership of Ningren, the Donglin Party has recovered some of its reputation, and you have atoneed for the old man..."

Qian Qianyi showed a look of remorse and self-blame, saying that he should not have surrendered at the beginning.

However, since he said the words 'the water is too cold', everyone actually knows what type of person he is.

Gu Yanwu reassured his mouth, but he was disdainful in his heart.

The rise and fall theory was presented to Wu Changqing. He heard that Qian Qianyi wrote it, and he also became a little interested.

After all, Qian Qianyi is a famous person, and the arguments of famous people's works are still worth seeing and tasting.

On the surface, the theory of rise and fall is written about the reasons for the rise and fall of a dynasty, but Wu Changqing saw Qian Qianyi's thoughts in it.

Qian Qianyi touted Wu Changqing's various policies in the book, especially the emphasis on new-style education.

This is clearly slapping the horses and doing what they like.

In addition to touting, the book also emphasizes a point of view, that is, the prosperity of a dynasty must be led by a capable person and a unified court.

These words are actually a bit blatant, meaning to tell Wu Changqing that I, Qian Qianyi, support you to overthrow the decaying court of Daming, and the world can only prosper under your leadership.

Ordinary people may not see this meaning.

But Wu Changqing has been the boss for some time, and this sensitivity has been cultivated.


"This old guy still wants to be an official."

Wu Changqing said with emotion, Qian Qianyi is already sixty-five years old, and in this era, he is definitely old.

However, Wu Changqing also knew that in history, Qian Qianyi had lived in his 80s and still had a long lifespan.

Qian Qianyi wanted to continue to be an official and continue to shine, and Wu Changqing naturally refused to come.

Before Qian Qianyi had Alzheimer's disease, his official experience could be well qualified for some jobs, and it was very valuable.

As for the identity of Qian Qianyi's second minister, it was not a problem for Wu Changqing. There were already many officials who surrendered two or three times under his rule.

These people are all scumbags, they are a time bomb when their side is weak, but when they are strong, they can't make any waves at all.

Wu Changqing can always remain strong in the military, so he is not at all worried about what damage these soft bones can do.

He is short of manpower now, so he can only use these people first. After the situation stabilizes, the imperial examinations will be resumed, or after the students in the colleges have completed their studies, they will be slowly eliminated.

Another advantage of accepting Qian Qianyi is that it sends a signal to Hanchen in the north that Wu Changqing is broad-minded and does not care about the past, which can attract some Hanchens in the Qing Dynasty to surrender.

Maybe some people who want to make meritorious deeds can also cooperate with the inside and outside to provide information and other things. This has a certain effect on Wu Changqing's recovery of the north.

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