On March 10, it had been seven days since the capture of Nanjing, and Wu Changqing had just finished dealing with all kinds of trivial matters.

The military, internal affairs, economics, and many things require his nod.

After dealing with these matters, Wu Changqing was free to go out for a walk.

However, Tiangong is not beautiful, and it started to rain not long after going out.

Although the rain was not big, it also wet the street. After pedestrians and carriages stepped on the road, the entire street became muddy. In particular, some horses leave behind feces after passing, and the feces and mud are mixed together and look disgusting.

The dignified capital of a country turned out to be such a scene, and Wu Changqing was quite speechless.

But he also knows that Nanjing's urban environment is already good, and the streets are at least compacted. In other small cities, once it rains heavily, there is no way to go to the streets.

Moreover, the drainage systems in those small cities are not good enough, the quality of the people is not high enough, and it is normal for excrement and urine to appear on the streets.

There are no public toilets in this era. Farmers who come to the city to sell goods, or people who are far away from home, often solve the three emergencies on the street quietly.

During this period, the cities in Western Europe were even more unbearable. There was no feces and urine on the streets, and it was embarrassing to call them cities.

As someone living in a 21st-century city, Wu Changqing couldn't stand this sanitary condition.

When he returned to the mansion, he formulated a sanitation policy, which was not allowed to defecate on the street. Violators were fined one tael of silver and the streets were cleaned for three days.

Littering on the streets is not allowed, offenders will be fined one dollar and the streets will be cleaned for three days.

In order to solve the three urgent problems, a public toilet must be built every three miles in the city. The garbage of each household must be dumped in a designated area, and special personnel shall be arranged to clean it up......

Such trivial matters as hygiene were not worthy of Wu Changqing's intervention. However, he does not intervene, and other officials will be satisfied with the status quo.

After all, the hygiene in Nanjing is much better than other places.

In addition to formulating sanitary regulations, Wu Changqing also plans to get out the cement to pave the streets, so that the streets will not be full of mud when it rains.

The technical content of cement is not high, but it has a great effect. Not to mention that it has a huge role in this era, even in the 21st century, cement is indispensable for any construction project.

Of course, the so-called low-tech content is compared with the invention of mobile phones and computers. People in this era can never come up with it.

Let alone people of this era, it is unlikely that ordinary people in the 21st century will know how to make cement.

Fortunately, Wu Changqing has a system, all this is not a problem.

His consciousness entered the system technology interface and found the interface of the cement production process.

Among them, there are dozens of types of cement and production processes. Wu Changqing only selected the simplest Portland cement.

After consuming 100,000 resource points, Wu Changqing lit up the manufacturing process of Portland cement.

Afterwards, the knowledge and process of those manufacturing processes came into his mind.

First, the limestone and clay are crushed, and the ingredients are mixed in a certain proportion, and then ground into raw materials.

The raw meal is then poured into a special cement kiln for calcination to burn it into clinker.

Finally, add a small amount of gypsum to the clinker, grind it into a fine powder, and the cement is finished.

This is just a rough process. The actual process is much more complicated. Wu Changqing wrote it down on paper in great detail, and then sent someone to call Tong Youwei.

It's not that he has any special hobby for Tong Youwei and wants to take care of him.

It's just because the initial investment in making cement is relatively large, and now he is relatively tight and has no spare money to spare.

Therefore, he can only give this treasure to the big businessman to get it.

Tong Youwei was the one who first proposed to rely on him, and his loyalty was guaranteed. The second is that the Tong family has strong financial resources and has started to invest.

After comprehensive consideration, Wu Changqing decided to hand over the baby cement to him for production.

Knowing that Wu Changqing had summoned him, Tong Youwei came to the Duke's Mansion in a hurry.

"I've seen the grandfather of the country, but I don't know what the grandfather of the country has ordered?"

Tong Youwei asked.

"Of course it's for your benefit. You first see me make a trick for you."

Wu Changqing said with a smile, he took out a small packet of cement, which he directly exchanged with Resource Points, 1 Resource Point for 100 kilograms, it's cheap to death.

However, no matter how cheap this thing is, using resource points to exchange a large amount of resources is an act of brain water.

Because the demand for cement is never-ending, it takes hundreds of thousands of tons to build a highway.


Tong Youwei almost fell drunk.

A dignified grandfather of a country, a hero with an army of hundreds of thousands in his hand, looking for himself to do tricks for himself?

Tong Youwei felt that he must be dreaming.

If he hadn't experienced countless ups and downs, he might not be able to achieve even the most basic calm at this time.

With a stomach full of doubts, Tong Youwei didn't dare to say more, he only dared to watch quietly.

I saw Wu Changqing stirred the water, lime, and a brown powder for a while, and then smeared the silt on the ground...

After a long time, Wu Changqing said, "Go and touch the ground."

Tong Youwei didn't dare to question, so he touched the small piece of road that had been painted with mud.

Then, he was shocked.

The road was extremely smooth and extremely hard, like a rock.

However, this is clearly

Some water and powder, why does it look like this?

Tong Youwei couldn't figure it out, couldn't figure it out.

"This kind of thing is called cement, and it is hard when it meets water. This thing is very useful. It can be used to pave streets and official roads. It can be used to build houses mainly made of brick and stone, and it can be used to build extremely strong city walls."

Wu Changqing's words made Tong Youwei stunned, and he immediately understood the great significance of this kind of thing.

However, he did not understand why Wu Changqing told him all this.

"The weapon of this country is handed over to you to manufacture, are you willing?"

Wu Changqing asked.

pass it to me?

Tong Youwei was taken aback. He didn't understand why Wu Changqing was so kind to himself, but there was no reason for him to refuse.

"What the grandfather of the country has explained, the grass-roots people must do their best."

Tong Youwei said.

"Don't rush to agree, you should also look at this thing. In the early stage, it mainly supplies the government. And the government can't buy it at a high price, so if you get this, you may not make much money in the early stage. You If I don't want to, I won't force it, I'll just find someone else."

Although Wu Changqing could force him to agree, but the twisted melon is not sweet, it is best if the other party is willing to do things with heart.

Only then did Tong Youwei understand why Wu Changqing was looking for him. The co-author was borrowing his own money to work for the government.

"It is the honor of the grass-roots to serve the father-in-law, and I dare not ask for compensation."

Tong Youwei agreed very decisively, no matter whether he could make money or not, Wu Changqing said this because he looked down on him. If he refused at this time, Wu Changqing would inevitably be unhappy.

More importantly, Tong Youwei knows Wu Changqing fairly well and knows that he has given many merchants benefits in Suzhou, and he is not a person who likes to squeeze merchants.

Doing things for him shouldn't suffer too much.

"Very good, don't worry, as long as you work hard for me, you will benefit from it in the future. I'm afraid you won't be able to make any money from this cement, but I will give you a way to make a fortune in the future."

Wu Changqing is a person who likes to reciprocate. As long as Tong Youwei is willing to relieve his worries, he will give priority to this guy if he has any small inventions to make a fortune in the future.

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