After living in the ancient city for a week, Tu Hongzheng understood five or six things about the ancient city.

What he can be sure of is that this is an enlightened civilization.

In terms of science and technology, the level of the ancient city is still at the level of the Tang and Song Dynasties, which is far behind the current Dahua.

However, in terms of martial arts, this place is very powerful.

In the history of Dahua, Xiang Yu holding a jack with one hand and the general's weapon weighing hundreds of kilograms are all fake and just some unofficial records.

There is no such outrageous record in the official history. At most, it is a record of being extremely powerful and different from ordinary people.

In short, one thing that is certain is that the kind of martial arts that can fly into the sky and escape from the earth has never existed.

But in the ancient city, Tu Hongzheng saw the existence of martial arts with his own eyes. It couldn't even be called martial arts, but should be called immortality and magic.

Jumping ten feet high, there are many people in the ancient city who can do it.

There were not many people who could fly with swords. Tu Hongzheng had only seen five or six people do this. He estimated that this was the high-end combat power in the ancient city.

Tu Hongzheng simulated the outcome of the battle between Dahua and Gucheng in his mind, and came to the conclusion that Dahua would win.

Under the firepower coverage, these high-end combat forces alone will definitely not be able to protect the ancient city.

This made Tu Hongzheng feel a little more relieved, which meant that Dahua was at least safe.

For explorers like them, the most fearful thing is that some powerful civilization suddenly appears in another world, which can threaten the existence of Dahua.

After getting to know the situation in the ancient city, Tu Hong was about to find an opportunity to slip away and go back to report to his superiors.

But this is not easy. After all, the gate of the ancient city is always closed and is only opened when going to work in the fields.

As for what kind of work he would do, Tu Hongzheng had no choice but to wait for his boss's arrangements.

On this day, he was lucky and was arranged to go out of the city with other people to harvest beans and rice.

He was very happy, but he found that the other fellow travelers didn't seem very happy. Instead, they all seemed a little nervous.

Tu Hongzheng didn't know the reason. He was still pretending to be mute and couldn't communicate with these people.

But he didn't care.

Arriving at the bean rice field, Tu Hong was cutting down the plants with others, and then tied them onto wooden carts, continuing the process.

Tu Hongzheng checked the surrounding soldiers from time to time, trying to find an opportunity to slip away.

At this moment, a black cloud suddenly floated in the distance.

"Quick, the beast tide is coming. The harvest will be completed and returned to the city within half a quarter of an hour."

A man with a flying sword came over and shouted at Tu Hongzheng and the others. Unfortunately, Tu Hongzheng couldn't understand. The other people's faces became more panicked after hearing this, and they swung the machetes in their hands faster.

Although Tu Hongzheng didn't understand, he was so excited that he immediately guessed that there might be some danger coming soon.

He knew it, but there was nothing he could do.

The man with the flying sword was flying in the air, with a wide field of vision. Tu Hongzheng had no chance to escape.

Moreover, he also wants to know why other people are nervous. This is also intelligence.

Therefore, Tu Hong was waiting patiently and continued to cut down Doumi like everyone else.

About half an hour later, Tu Hongzheng finally knew what the danger was.

He could see with his naked eyes that a large group of beasts were coming from a distance.

Most of them were things he had never seen before.

One of them is like an elephant, but it has two long trunks and is much larger than the elephants on Earth. Tu Hongzheng would like to call it a double-trunk elephant.

There is also a combination that looks like a python and a mantis, with the body of a snake and the mantis's pair of broadswords, which is not easy to mess with at first glance.

There is also a bird that flies in the sky, a giant frog that moves by jumping...

Tu Hongzheng couldn't understand why these strange animals could gather together. This was against science on earth.

Principle, it violates the laws of nature.

After all, snakes eat frogs, how can frogs and snakes get together? That's not asking for death.

However, an unscientific scene happened in front of Tu Hongzheng, giving him a new understanding of the other world.

As expected, foreign worlds cannot be measured by the common sense of the earth.

"court death."

The man holding the sword cursed loudly, then waved his hand, and a flying sword flew towards a commoner who was trying to escape back to the city, piercing him.

"The speed is very average, far inferior to bullets, but it seems that it can control the direction change and is difficult to intercept..."

At this time, Tu Hongzheng still had time to collect and analyze intelligence.

Little did he know that they were already in great danger at this time, otherwise the common people would not have risked their lives to escape.

"Let's go. Evacuate in an orderly manner. Don't leave any food behind."

The man with the sword killed the escapee to establish his authority, and then shouted and ordered to retreat.

Upon hearing this, the people immediately stopped what they were doing, loaded the grain into the trucks, and then retreated towards the city.

Tu Hongzheng also followed suit, but he still looked back from time to time to observe the enemy's situation.

As a veteran, he was very calm in this situation.

This calmness saved his life. When he turned around, he saw a giant frog spurting a stream of liquid towards him.

Although he didn't know what this liquid was, he believed it was definitely not some sugar-coated bomb.

He follows the trend

Roll and slide under the wooden cart.

Then, he heard screams.

When he rolled out from under the car, he saw several people who had been stained with the liquid rolling on the ground, white smoke rising from their bodies, and their clothes and muscles being corroded.

Concentrated sulfuric acid?

Tu Hong was thinking of something similar.

At this moment, he saw the man holding the sword shout loudly, and several flying swords gathered together and stabbed the giant frog, piercing it.

The giant frog exploded immediately, and its entire body was shattered into pieces.

So powerful.

Tu Hongzheng said with emotion.

However, he also noticed that the flying sword man was panting, and it seemed that this move consumed a lot of energy.

"The disadvantage of martial arts is that people get tired easily."

Tu Hongzheng thought to himself.

If it is a Dahua rocket launcher, it is not a problem to fire hundreds of rounds continuously.

The people in front of them have the power of rocket launchers, but their sustained firepower is far inferior to Dahua's rocket cars.

While analyzing, Tu Hongzheng did not forget to escape.

It's not that he's afraid of death, it's that he knows he can't die.

Now in Dahua, he is the one who knows the best about other worlds. He must bring this precious information back. His life is particularly important.

He wanted to live, and other people also wanted to live, and they were all retreating to the city.

However, they could not leave the food behind. The soldiers on the side were staring at them, so they could only push the wooden cart hard.

So damn backward.

Tu Hongzheng complained secretly.

If there are several trucks at this time, there is no need to go to such trouble.

No, if there is a group of tanks, there is no need to escape, just fight those monsters directly.

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