The first thing the Chinese army dispatched was the air force. A flight formation composed of thirty fighter jets and fifty bombers took off from the airport in Kharkiv and arrived over the Great Western Army's position in Kiev at noon.

Fighters are responsible for clearing the ground of anti-aircraft guns in the front, and then bombers drop bombs.

These anti-aircraft guns pose a greater threat to slower bombers and must be cleared.

"60 degrees, a thousand heights."

On the ground, the air defense troops of the Daxi Army were busy operating weapons.

This time, the Chinese army did not come to throw leaflets, but to kill them. The situation was completely different.

Bang bang bang.

Anti-aircraft guns sprayed out fireworks, but unfortunately the effect was mediocre.

Dahua's third-generation fighter jets are fast and flexible.

When the Onishi Army was manufacturing anti-aircraft guns, it still used Dahua's second-generation aircraft as its imaginary enemy, so it could only cope with the second-generation aircraft in terms of performance.

Although when Dahua's third-generation aircraft came out, the Daxi Army also wanted to improve its air defense capabilities.

Unfortunately, on the one hand, there is no money, and on the other hand, the technology research and development capabilities cannot keep up.

The result turned out to be like this. They seemed to be fighting fiercely, but they posed very little threat to the Chinese army, and their own losses were heavy.

Dahua's third-generation fighter jets are not only equipped with machine guns, but also the latest weapons and missiles.

Although it is only an inertial-guided missile, it is more than enough to deal with the Daishi Army.

For every missile launched, an anti-aircraft battery will be destroyed.

The Daxi Army had never seen such a precise attack method. Some soldiers operating anti-aircraft guns began to drop their weapons and run away.

If you continue to fire, you are waiting to die.

Da da da.

The sounds of anti-aircraft guns and machine guns were heard one after another, and the fight between fighter jets and air defense troops was lively.

In reality, though, the fighting wasn't particularly intense.

After all, Dahua only dispatched thirty fighter jets, and the length of the Daxi Army's entire defense line reached nearly twenty kilometers.

Therefore, the terrifying-looking Dahua Air Force actually did not cause much damage to the Daxi Army. At best, it only harassed it.

Even the fifty bombers did not achieve much effect.

In fact, these bombers were not originally used on the battlefield. Their value lies in bombing enemy cities, arsenals, and warehouses.

This battle is a battle with agreed rules between Li Dingguo and Wu Changqing. Naturally, Dahua does not need to bomb the rear bases and logistics reserves of the Great Western Army.

If we really do this, Onishi Country will suffer disaster.

After the air force bombing, the Chinese artillery began to fire.

This is the main firepower of the Chinese army.

A salvo of three thousand heavy artillery pieces was as powerful as destroying the world.

Countless artillery shells fell on the Daxi Army's position and exploded. The flying dust made the Daxi Army's position fall into a hazy state.

The soldiers of the Great Western Army could only hide in the tunnels and tremble.

Some recruits wet their pants uncontrollably, but no one was laughed at.

Others who didn't pee their pants may not necessarily be brave, but may also be because they didn't drink water.

"Through the trajectory of the artillery shells, the enemy's artillery position has been calculated."

The artillery of Onishi Army prepared to counterattack.

The Daxi Army also has a very powerful artillery force. Of course, this is compared to other countries.

In fact, they only have 300 large-caliber artillery pieces, less than one-tenth of the Dahua Army.

There are a lot of small-caliber artillery, but the range is too short to hit the Chinese artillery. They can only be used to hit the enemy's charging infantry and tanks.


The artillery commander of the Great Western Army shouted. After shouting, he began to feel uneasy.

They are safe until they open fire.

But once they open fire and reveal their position, they will be greeted by shells one after another.

They can calculate the opponent's position, and the Chinese army can naturally calculate their position. In fact, because the various tools of the Chinese army are more advanced, the calculation speed of the Chinese army is faster and more accurate.

After the order was issued, Daxi Army's artillery was launched, and the artillery shells flew towards Dahua's artillery position.

They wanted to destroy some Dahua artillery to reduce the pressure on the soldiers on the position.

The sound of artillery sounded, and the artillery shells fell on Dahua's artillery position. Some unlucky artillery crews suffered devastating blows.

However, this is just a trivial matter to Hua Jun.

Another artillery regiment that had not yet opened fire immediately began to measure the location of Onishi Army's artillery, and then launched a counterattack.

The artillery that was originally bombarding the infantry positions of the Great Western Army also turned their muzzles.

The artillery of both sides started firing at each other. The artillery of the Daxi Army lost the opportunity to move and could only fire to the end. In the end, the Chinese army, which had an absolute numerical advantage, was victorious.

The Daxi Army's artillery unit lasted less than an hour before being completely destroyed by the Chinese army.

"It's not on the same scale at all, just hit it with a hammer."

After learning about the destruction of the heavy artillery unit, Juan couldn't help but complain.

In terms of the size of the Daxi Kingdom, it can be considered a province of Dahua at most.

In fact, if we compare GDP alone, Daxi Country is not as good as Guangdong Province.

In terms of technology, it is far inferior to Nanjing.

Onishi Army

After the sound of artillery stopped, only Dahua's artillery was left raging on the front.

After the Daxi Army's defense line was riddled with holes, the Chinese infantry group followed the tanks and launched a full-scale charge.

A total of 500 tanks participated in this battle. This was also the first battle in the world in which large-scale tanks participated.

Tanks have been equipped with the Chinese army for many years, but they have never been put to use.

But now, the Daxi Army has become the tank's first prey.

For the Daxi Army, this was like a catastrophe.

No matter how fierce Dahua's artillery fire was before, the Daxi Army did not collapse because they were familiar with this method of warfare, had rich experience in bombings, and knew how to deal with it.

As for tanks, all their previous preparations were based on a set of theories based on imagination and had not been tested in actual combat.

This can easily lead to problems.

The anti-tank gunners of the Daxi Army soon discovered that the anti-tank guns in their hands were not powerful enough to penetrate the armor of the Dahua tank.

The only way to stop a tank is to hit its tracks.

However, on the battlefield, it is not easy to hit a tank. Now it is even more difficult to target a certain part.

This is just one of the many problems. In fact, there are many things that the Daxi Army did not expect.

For example, the firepower of the tanks exceeded their expectations, and Dahua's infantry-tank synergy was also very powerful.

In this case, the Great Western Army's front quickly appeared to be broken through.

Although their front line was several kilometers deep, the first line of defense was broken through so easily, and the rest was not optimistic.

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