I Build an Aircraft Carrier in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1082 The building will collapse

For the United States of America, the most embarrassing thing is that their trains are not as fast as Dahua motorcycles.

The people on the roof of the train watched helplessly as Dahua's motorcycle appeared behind them, approached, and then overtook it.

"Stop the car. If you don't stop, I'll shoot."

The two leading motorcycles caught up with the locomotive and fired a hail of bullets into the sky.

In fact, there were federal soldiers on the train, but they didn't dare to fight back.

On the train, they were like living targets, with no place to escape.

Once fired, death is inevitable.

Maybe some Chinese soldiers could be killed, but what's the point?

Moreover, those cowardly and rational federal officials would never allow their soldiers to shoot at this time.

On the locomotive, the truck driver was very embarrassed.

He knew that if he parked his car at this time, he would definitely become the target of his venting.

But if you don't stop, you will be beaten into a sieve.

Choosing the lesser of two consequences, the train driver chose to stop.

"Fa Ke, how could he stop the car? Doesn't this put us in the hands of the devil?"

"Damn this coward, coward."

"It's over. We can't escape at all now."

As the speed of the train slowly slowed down, the passengers on the train began to curse, as if the train driver had hurt them.

As everyone knows, if the train driver hadn't stopped, Dahua's soldiers would have fired at the train carriages.

They would rather kill these people than let them escape.

The train was stopped and everyone on board was taken back to Philadelphia.

When they returned to the train station, the people in the train station who were preparing to escape had not had time to disperse. When they saw the federal officials being escorted back, they felt an inexplicable pleasure in their hearts.

When people are unlucky, it won't be so bad if they can see people who are more unlucky than themselves.

"Isn't this the mayor? Why don't you go to New York?"

"Hey, aren't these the Congressman and Congressman's wife? Why are you back? Are you reluctant to leave Philadelphia?"

"Madam Congressman, which Chinese person will you accompany tonight?"


All kinds of taunts came, making those federal officials want to find a crack in the ground to crawl in, or risk their lives to fight the Chinese army.

It's a pity that they didn't have the courage to fight when they still had weapons in the car. Now that the weapons have been confiscated, they have no hope with their bare hands.

Philadelphia fell like London, if not worse.

Those important government officials in London at least left London early.

Basically, none of the officials in Philadelphia escaped. Those aristocrats and wealthy businessmen were all in the same situation. They were made dumplings by the Chinese army.

The Chinese army's movements were too fast, beyond the imagination of these people.

They suddenly discovered that the war could still be fought like this.

Of the more than 300,000 people in Philadelphia, less than one percent escaped, and the rest were trapped in the city, in chaos.

With more than four thousand Marines, it would be difficult to control the entire Philadelphia.

However, the Chinese army was not in a hurry, they had plenty of time to sort it out.

There is an aircraft carrier fleet not far away, so they don't have to worry about being unable to defend it.

The federal troops around Philadelphia also came to Philadelphia to support them, but when they approached Philadelphia, they were bombed and strafed by the Dahua Air Force without exception.

As a result, they fled in a hurry without even seeing the Dahua Marine Corps.

Of course, the federal army's rescue only showed that they still had the ability to resist, but it actually had no effect.

After all, all the senior officials in the federal government are in the hands of the Chinese army.

Unless they can ignore the lives of those people, they can only stare at them when they come to Philadelphia.

At this time, in Philadelphia, Olynyk and others were already sitting at the negotiation table with representatives of Dahua.

They have no choice but to negotiate.

It can even be said that the Chinese people are still willing to talk to them, which is a blessing in their misfortune.

At least their lives were saved, their women were saved, and their faces were saved.

"Mr. O, Mr. Thomas, what do you have to hesitate about? If you don't sign, we will spend more time and energy to find a few people who are willing to cooperate."

Yang Zhiyu, commander-in-chief of the Chinese First Fleet, threw the contract in front of Olynyk and others.

Olynyk was not angry after being humiliated in this way, but just protested with silence.

They had read the contract before and couldn't agree to it at all.

As long as this contract can be a little gentler, they will not take the risk of refusing to sign it.

It is true that the terms of this contract are too harsh, even worse than those in Spain.

After Carlos abdicated, he could at least retain a small island as a fiefdom, retain some of his property, and retain some of his status.

But the contract they received now requires them to surrender unconditionally.

The so-called unconditional means that after they surrender, everything will be decided by the Chinese.

Dahua will give them as many official positions as they want, or not.

This was unacceptable to Olynyk, Thomas and others, especially Thomas, who represented the interests of the manor owner, and his attitude was even more resolute.

The contract stipulates that all territory in the Americas belongs to Dahua, and Dahua can redistribute it.

"No one can sign this condition. Moreover, even if we sign, the people below will not accept it."

Thomas said.

Taking someone's money is like killing your parents. Those farmers may resist to the end in order to protect their private property.

Of course, it is only possible.

Facing the powerful Dahua, many people are helplessly accepting the reality.

What's more, the main ethnic group in America is still Indians. Those farmers wanted to resist, but no one responded.

Just relying on their immigrants, they can't even form a decent army.

"Yeah, let's give it a try."

Yang Zhiyu snorted coldly.

He didn't waste time with Thomas. Today was his last chance to give him.

As long as the other party doesn't sign, he will find someone else.

All Yang Zhiyu wanted was for the other party to sign and issue a statement dissolving the United States.

Don't look at a small statement, it can completely break the will of those troops who are still resisting.

Even the country has been dissolved and there is no one to be loyal to, so what else can they fight?

Even if they want to fight, the rear will not replenish logistical supplies for them.

At that time, an army that is in disarray, has no fighting spirit, and has no logistics will have any resistance.

This statement was the last straw that broke the United States.

As long as Thomas and others sign the contract, there will be no obstacles to unifying the Americas.

Yang Zhiyu left the negotiation table, leaving Thomas and others worried.

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