Finally, some strategic plans were finalized at the meeting.

In North America and West Asia, they will support some pro-China forces and let them charge into battle, and then the Chinese army will follow behind to take advantage.

It's not easy to find this kind of force in South America, so you can only find it yourself.

However, the military has decided to take the civilian route. That is to say, let the infantry swarm forward without the artillery support of battleships, no support of armored vehicles, and no aircraft.

In Africa, it is still dominated by cultural penetration.

For Europe, it is a two-pronged economic and cultural approach to penetrate and control.

Jiangning, weapons research and development center.

Nie Ping, the commander of the army who was about to go to North America, came to the weapons research and development center before departure to see if there were any good products.

New weapons can often have unexpected effects on the battlefield.

He became famous during the Battle of Annan, and at that time he also relied on a semi-automatic rifle to kill the enemy by surprise.

He always attaches great importance to new weapons.

"Commander Nie, look, this is our latest fully automatic rifle developed."

Guan Hong, the head of the weapons research and development center, picked up a rifle and pointed it at the target.

Da da da......

Nie Ping frowned and complained, "You call this a rifle?"

At this rate of fire, it is no different from a light machine gun.

In the past, semi-automatic rifles had to be pulled once to fire a bullet, but now this kind of fully automatic rifle can shoot out all the bullets in the gun by pulling the trigger.

And it is extremely fast and has extremely fierce firepower.

"Of course it's called a rifle. The effective killing range is more than three hundred meters. Have you ever seen a submachine gun that can shoot such a distance?"

Guan Hong said.

The rate of fire of submachine guns is faster, but the bullets of submachine guns are less powerful and have a short range. They are used for short-distance charges and are not conventional weapons.

In today's battles, the distance between the two armies is generally very long, and the weapons are more dependent on long-range rifles.

"I can't afford it. How many bullets will it cost to use this thing?"

Nie Ping smiled bitterly. Guns are good, but they cost money.

"You are not allowed to equip yourself with large-scale equipment. Picking an elite weapon like this can act as a deterrent. I heard that you are not going to support the Chinese Association Army to deal with the enemy. If your weapons cannot defeat the Chinese Association Army Forming suppression and not having an advantage in numbers, wouldn’t the Chinese Association Army have other ideas in mind?”

Guan Hong reminded.

Although the rebellion of those supported forces cannot shake Dahua, they can still cause some trouble to Dahua locally.

In order to avoid this kind of trouble, it is best to have the ability to crush the enemy in local areas.

"Then let's set up a regiment."

Nie Ping felt that Guan Hong's words had a certain truth, and if it was only used as a deterrent, it meant that it was not used very often, and naturally there was no consumption.

Next, the two went to visit the newly developed multiple rocket launcher.

After a roar, the intended explosion point was destroyed.

Wherever the shells hit, not a blade of grass grew.

"People in your R\u0026D department, can you stop being such a spendthrift and always developing impractical things?"

Nie Ping put down his telescope and complained.

"Not practical? This thing is much more powerful than field artillery. Look at the firepower. If a division is equipped with a hundred of these rocket vehicles, it will be razed to the ground wherever it goes."

Guan Hong said disdainfully.

When the decisive battle is decided, it often happens in a split second.

At this time, the more intense the firepower, the better.

The rate of fire of traditional artillery is too slow, and the firepower is incomparable with this rocket launcher.

If the two armies fight, the rocket launcher will win.

"The key is who can afford this thing? Each shell costs at least ten yuan."

Nie Ping said.

"The Guards, they are already equipped with a lot of equipment."

Guan Hong said.


Nie Ping.

"Send me a few, and I'll help you test the actual combat effectiveness."

Nie Ping smiled and said.

If it is to help with testing, it will naturally be free of charge.

Guan Hong gave Nie Ping a picture of indifference, expressing his indifference.

The Guards have already tested the effect of this weapon in exercises, and it is absolutely effective. There is no need for further actual combat testing.

"I asked, can you develop a weapon that is easy to use and cheap?"

The two continued to visit, and Nie Ping complained.

"I'm afraid you haven't woken up yet. You don't understand the simple truth that cheap goods are not good, and good goods are not cheap?"

After Guan Hong finished speaking, he picked up another piece of clothing and threw it to Nie Ping.

"What is this stuff?"

Nie Ping asked.

"Bulletproof vests can effectively prevent shrapnel injuries and non-penetrating injuries. Equipped with this kind of clothing, I can guarantee that the mortality rate of soldiers can be reduced by 30%."

Guan Hong said.

Today, the armies of other countries mainly rely on two weapons to kill the Chinese army, one is grenades and the other is rifles.

Grenade is a shrapnel attack, which is superior in quantity but not as lethal as rifle bullets.

Wearing this kind of clothing can effectively protect the soldier's torso.

And the enemy's rifles are now imitating the big guns.

Hua may come directly from Dahua, so some of their guns use flat-head bullets.

Pointed bullets have a long range and strong penetration, but have poor lethality against people. After hitting the human body, there is a high chance that they will pass through the body.

Although it hurts to be hit by such a bullet, a small number of soldiers can still fight.

The head of a flat-nosed bullet is a dome, which creates a large resistance when the bullet flies.

However, after hitting the human body, due to poor penetration, the warhead then rolls in the human body, causing far more damage to people than pointed bullets.

A soldier who was hit by a flat-head bullet in the torso could basically not be saved, because his internal organs would be greatly damaged.

It is precisely because of poor penetration that body armor can be effective.

If it is a sharp-pointed bullet with strong penetrating power, the bulletproof vest will not be able to stop it.

"This thing isn't cheap either."

It doesn’t matter whether it’s good or not, just ask about the price first.

"It is mainly used by a small number of elite troops."

Guan Hong smiled awkwardly.

"Your R\u0026D department serves the Guards."

Nie Ping stared at Guan Hong as if he had discovered some truth.

This made Guan Hong afraid to look at Nie Ping, because Nie Ping was right.

But he also had difficulties, because only the Guards would give them funds to develop new weapons.

Therefore, they must first study the weapons that the Guards need.

No one from the Army Department provides them with funding, so they naturally have less motivation to research cheap weapons.

In the weapons research and development department, Nie Ping finally failed to find the weapon he wanted and could only continue to use the old gun.

Of course, it can’t be said that nothing was gained.

At least, he extorted a batch of advanced equipment from Guan Hong and could equip an elite regiment.

This elite group can act as a great deterrent to the enemy.

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