I am Vardy

Chapter 76: Preferably Victoria herself

On the second day, the match between Everton and Norwich did not attract much attention. When the media reported it, the most mentioned sentence was "The two teams fought hard in the rain, and the Toffees won!".

But Vardy has once again been popular. Both the media and the fans like such a funny and topical Vardy too much.

"The Sun": Veteran driver Vardy will show you 18 ways of tying SM!

"Echo": Is it difficult to kill three times? Bind teammates first, then score goals, and finally overturn the billboard...

"Daily Telegraph": Vardy - the best performance artist in the Premier League!

"The Independent": You will never understand the funny world!

"Guardian": Doesn't anyone care about Vardy scoring again?


It's hot as hell!

Vardy is using his passion to bring joy to the fans. Even if you are not an Everton fan, it is hard not to say love to Vardy.

Of course, after these attractive titles, a large section describes Vardy's various amusing behaviors, but he did not forget to praise Vardy fiercely.

After coming to Everton, he played a total of five times, started twice and came off the bench three times. He scored 5 goals unbelievably, ranking third in the scorer list, second only to Henry the Great and Johansen.

The most important thing is the terrifying scoring efficiency. On average, one goal can be scored in 45 minutes. Even the super shooters in world football cannot achieve this.

Everton currently has 21 points, ranked behind Chelsea and Arsenal, and continues to rank third in the standings, holding Manchester United and Liverpool under them, and the dark horse is fully revealed.

But if all of Vardy's goals are removed, Everton will lose 11 points and fall directly into the relegation zone...

From this we can see how important Vardy is to the current Everton team!


After the victory over Norwich, the team had two days off as a reward for the players' performance.

Vardy still couldn't escape the sad reminder of the treat, and a few animals came to block his door the next night.

"Well, it's not that I'm reluctant to pay, the main reason is that I always go to nightclubs, which affects my state too much! How about we change to an activity suitable for all ages?" Vardy tried to correct the outlook on life of several animals.

Several animals looked at each other in blank dismay, with a look of ignorance.

"Is there anything more interesting than going to a nightclub?"



Then the three turned to Vardy again, "Don't do it, go to the nightclub!"

Vardy felt like he was about to cry. No one could do anything when he met these unreasonable guys!

In desperation, he could only continue to hang out with the three animals in the nightclub. If Gravesen didn't suddenly feel sick to his stomach, it might have been another night.

One morning, Vardy felt that he could no longer fool around with them, so he called Annie early and made an appointment to have lunch together.

Instead of accompanying the beauties, he would accompany a few big guys who pick their feet. Valdy felt that his head was twitching to do such a thing!

Thinking of Annie, Vardy's heart felt hot. Although it was already late autumn, he felt that spring was at the right time.

The two have overlapping jobs, but it's more like a relationship between friends, the kind that talks about everything.

And Vardy is no longer satisfied with this, he hopes to be with this lovely girl.

Do you want to find a chance to confess?

It just so happens that Halloween is about to come, hold a make-up party, and show love in the middle of the most exciting time?

Well, go back and discuss with a few cattle!

At noon, Vardy waited for Anne in the restaurant, and... that damn Grace...

Vardy was dumbfounded.

Why are you here again?

I still think I'm not bright enough!

The eyes looking at Annie are full of resentment, why do you take her with you everywhere?

Even if they are girlfriends, they shouldn't be connected every day!

Showing an ugly smile, Vardy invited the two women to sit down.

"Look at his mischievous eyebrows, he must have thought of nothing good!" Grace's first words made Vardy's teeth itch with anger!

Professional demolition for 30 years!

Annie showed an apologetic smile, and comforted her best friend again, and then the atmosphere improved a little.

If two count as a date, what count as three?

Vardy's plans were all disrupted.

Originally, he wanted to go to the movies after dinner, but now, seeing Grace who was inseparable from Anne, Vardy had no thoughts.

No, I have to find a way, otherwise my happiness will be too far away.

Otherwise, who would you encourage to chase after Grace?

In this way, she probably won't have time to be a light bulb!

It's okay for four people to date, it's better than being like a light bulb now!

Several of the animals are married, obviously not, why don't we try Chadwick?

OK, that's it!


On the training ground the next day, his teammates saw that Vardy was still making fun of his funny performance in the game, but Vardy had no time to pay attention to these bastards, and he pulled Chadwick away.

Vardy didn't know that Chadwick was a little hostile to him. After all, he robbed Chadwick of many opportunities to play.

"Hey Nick, don't say I'm mean, how about I introduce you to a girl?"

Chadwick forgot all hatred at once, his eyes lit up.

"Really? That's great, I like Victoria's type, preferably Victoria herself!"

Vardy's face was full of black lines.

You are funny, right?

Do you like Victoria, have you asked Beckham?

Although he really wanted to kick Chadwick away, he resisted the urge in the end. Without this wingman, who will help him get Grace away?

"This, you know, Victoria is a scarce resource, and it's not easy to get it. The girl I want to introduce to you is more tempting than Victoria. You will definitely like it!"

Vardy described beautiful scenes to Chadwick, as if he was fooling a child with a lollipop.

"That's great, you're such a nice guy! However, if I get the chance, I'd still like to date Victoria!"

Vardy wanted to ask Chadwick: Do you know that you look like you deserve to be beaten?

"Then it's settled. When I make an appointment, let's go on a four-person date!" Vardy resisted the impulse and smiled at Chadwick.

Chadwick was so moved that he was about to cry. For the first time in his life, he felt that someone treated him so well, and he wanted to give his heart to Vardy.

Vardy has no qualms of conscience at all, maybe Chadwick, the dumb guy, and the arrogant Grace are a natural match!

It seems that I also have the potential to be a matchmaker!

What seems wrong?

Shouldn't it be the youngest moon?

Well, it doesn't matter, as long as you can get the damn Grace away from Anne!

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