I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 142 August 1788 percussion gun

Afterwards, it was time for the police academy instructors to collectively test-fire the flash cap guns.

Everyone seemed excited after trying the new gun. They knew very well what it meant that this gun could increase the firing speed by three or four seconds.

Joseph himself tried to fire a few shots, but felt a huge recoil and the butt of the gun hurt his shoulders. And in terms of reloading speed, even Louis XVI can beat him by a few blocks.

Well, the Crown Prince relies on his brain, so let’s leave matters like shooting to Kesoud.

Soon, Dean Friant discovered a new advantage of the flash cap gun: "I feel that this gun is more powerful than the 1776 type."

Joseph nodded secretly. There was no leakage in the powder chamber. The force of the gunpowder explosion acted more on the bullets, and the power would definitely be improved.

An instructor next to him nodded: "I feel it too. And when this gun is fired, there is no smoke in the face and it won't choke the eyes."

This is of course also due to the elimination of the ignition chamber. The ignition chamber is close to the face of the gun holder. The leakage of gunpowder gases from here will seriously interfere with the sight, but the flash cap gun does not have this problem.

Everyone excitedly discussed while shooting, until all the seventy or eighty flash caps they brought were used up, and then they stopped still.

Facts have proved that Louis XVI was very skilled in his craftsmanship. Each gun fired nearly 40 times without any problems.

Only His Majesty the King stood aside with a resentful face. He came here to test-fire, but only fired two shots from start to finish. And he was too scared to open his mouth to ask these strangers for a gun...

The empty gun was put away by Louis XVI's bodyguard. Friant looked at Joseph and said, "Your Highness, are these two new guns made by Charleville? What are their names?"

Charleville is the largest firearms production center in France, and previous new guns were basically developed there.

Joseph bowed to Louis XVI and saluted: "No, this gun was made by His Majesty the King himself."

Louis XVI smiled shyly and happily. He wanted to add that the gun was designed by the crown prince, but social fear made him hesitate and he couldn't explain clearly for a long time.

"As for the name of the gun," Joseph thought for a moment, "I suggest calling it the 'August 1788' flash cap rifle."

Everyone shouted the name of the new gun and cheered again, "August 1788! The best gun in Europe!"

"This is a new era of muskets, the August 1788!"

"Long live His Majesty the King!"

Louis XVI's real name was Louis Auguste.

Joseph knew very well that the biggest front in the royal family was still his father. Improving his father's prestige would increase the prestige of the entire royal family. And I am still operating behind the scenes for the time being, so it would be more useful to give my father the fame.

Louis XVI was startled for a moment, and when he heard the shouts and praises around him, he suddenly became elated, and then imagined the majestic scene of the gun named after himself sweeping away enemy armies across Europe. The regret of not being able to take more shots just now is gone.

Although he felt that he had taken the credit from the crown prince, it was hard to live up to his good intentions when his son gave him the naming rights so enthusiastically.

Afterwards, Louis XVI, surrounded by everyone, visited the police academy training ground again, saw the police officers' formation drills, and then embarked on the return journey with satisfaction.

On the carriage, Shiliu reminisced about this short trip - there was no honor guard like the past, only people's heartfelt praise. This filled him with joy and pleasure.

Joseph smiled across from him and said: "Father, I plan to build a firearms manufacturing factory near Paris to produce new flash cap guns. At that time, you will be required to guide the craftsmen in the manufacturing process."

"New firearms factory?" Louis XVI was a little surprised, "Isn't it going to be produced in Charleville?"

Joseph subconsciously said: "This gun is an important means of controlling the military, of course..."

Louis XVI's eyes were bright and clear: "Control the military? But the military is very loyal to me."

Joseph secretly raised his forehead and didn't know what to tell his father - if you really had control over the military, you wouldn't have been unable to transfer even an army to Paris at that time.

He had to change his words: "Loyal to you, ah, yes, yes, of course.

"It's just that the processing technology of the flash cap gun is complicated. At present, you are the only one who has mastered all the processes. We can't let you go to Charleville to teach other craftsmen, right? So it is best to produce it directly near Paris.

"By the way, there will be other new weapons that you need to research and manufacture in the future. The manufacturing plant will be next to the Palace of Versailles, which will be more convenient."

Sixteen was immediately convinced and nodded slightly: "A new manufacturing plant will cost a lot of money. Well, I can spare 500,000 livres right now. Is that enough?"

Joseph felt moved in his heart - such a good employee who funds research and development...ah, no, where can I find a good father?

He hurriedly said: "It should be enough. Even if it is not enough, I will add a little more. Oh, by the way, you will have to send people to the firearms factories in Charleville and Saint-Dienne to recruit some skilled craftsmen as soon as possible. Start making new guns.”

Joseph calculated correctly that if His Majesty the King personally summoned him, he would be able to come and live in the bustling Paris. Those craftsmen would definitely not be able to refuse this temptation.

In this way, your arsenal can be put into operation in the shortest possible time.

When the flash cap gun is manufactured, the combat effectiveness of your own Guards Corps will immediately surpass all of Europe!

He then thought that a truly strong army cannot stay in the training ground forever. Only the smoke of the battlefield can make them grow quickly.

Speaking of which, North Africa is a good training ground - not as strong as the European army, but not as weak as the native Americans.

But how can we bypass the British and intervene in North Africa?

A few hours later, the motorcade entered the Palace Square of Versailles. The carriage belonged to Joseph, and he had to send Louis XVI back first. In addition, he also wanted to talk to Brian about food and North Africa.

As soon as the father and son got off the carriage, Joseph saw a figure in a priest's uniform waiting respectfully outside the gate, but Louis XVI frowned, lowered his head and pretended not to see it, and walked over quickly.

Joseph caught a glimpse of the priest's lonely expression and asked in a low voice: "Father, is there something wrong with Dean Talleyrand?"

Sixteen sighed: "It's about his promotion to archbishop."

"Well, what then?"

"His qualifications are sufficient, and the church also agrees. However, your mother was dissatisfied that he had talked about her privately, so she refused to sign for him. He always came to beg me."

Joseph nodded secretly. Talleyrand was definitely a talent, and now was a good opportunity to make him his own.

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