
The air waves generated by the muffled sound even caused the empty wine bottle on the sofa cabinet next to it to start shaking slightly.

Although for some reason he was unable to completely imitate a human being, in exchange, he still maintained quite astonishing physical fitness despite his size.

The kind that can withstand sniper rifles.

"I told you not to make trouble, I still want to read and bask in the sun."

Severn's eyes were already filled with disgust.

The impression the other party gave him, from the wild and proud person at the beginning, has gradually moved towards the funny direction of Taylor.

"Okay, okay, by the way, you've been out in the sun for half a month, isn't that enough?"

Throwing the pillow on his face aside, Fanma Yujiro was a little surprised that this thing could be thrown with such power.

"As for energy replenishment and healing, the energy armor plate on my body can absorb solar energy and convert it into energy, but the efficiency in this form is really poor now."

Putting the wine bottles on the already almost full table aside, Severn explained nonchalantly.

"But it doesn't matter. After all, I'm not short of time now."

"Oh, that's it..." Yujiro Noma slowly changed from a semi-lying position to sitting cross-legged, frowning slightly, "Speaking of which, how old are you, Seven?"

"Huh? Why are you asking this?"

"It's just curiosity. After all, you are not a human being." Yujiro Fanma also made no secret of his curiosity.

"When I first saw you, I was quite shocked. I visually estimated that you are forty meters tall... You must know that even the Cretaceous Tyrannosaurus rex could not stand more than six meters tall. Mi, it doesn’t even reach the knees of your giant form.”

"Tyrannosaurus rex? I heard that it was a carbon-based creature that was born on earth more than 60 million years ago. That was really a long time ago. Senior Diga has only lived for more than 30 million years now. In my impression, it will be in that The only one who is active during this time period is Ultraman Noah.”

Seven was deep in thought, completely unaware of the other person's stunned expression.

"As for my age, I don't care about it for a long time. It's probably...more than seventeen thousand years old, right?"

There was a bit of emotion in his tone: "I have not lived long enough, and I even have a child, but I still have a lot of things I don't understand about this universe."

More than seventeen thousand years old?

The birth of the earliest human civilization doesn’t seem to be that long until now, right?

Fanma Yujiro was deeply shocked in his heart, and the expression on his face did not hide it.

But surprisingly, he calmed down quickly and his eyes became calm again. In other words, he was such a person.

"Seven, do you have a child?"

"Yes, his name is Zero. He is my son that I am proud of." Seven chuckled, his always calm tone even tinged with pride and showoff.

"He is the most outstanding young warrior in our Kingdom of Light. He is less than 6,000 years old, and he is already fully independent."

"Hahaha, that sounds really powerful. By the way, I also have a son named Fan Ma Renya. Although he is still a young boy, he already has the title of the strongest."

Yujiro Fanma laughed boldly, the sound was so loud that it even shook the glass of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Seven also became interested and started chatting with the other party about their sons.

Although each party did not understand some of the terms the other said, such as "monster" or "ghost back", this did not prevent them from having a pleasant communication.

This is quite novel for Seven. After all, he has never talked and gotten along with a human for so long while maintaining the appearance of Ultraman, and the other person is the first.

It was also his experience on this familiar yet unfamiliar planet...

First friend.

"Hahaha, okay, we're done talking, Severn, let's have another fight!"

Smiling boldly, the topic suddenly jumped.

Yujiro Fanma patted his thigh hard, and his smile became a little wild and unrestrained.

"There is a basement at the bottom of this building that is spacious enough to serve as a venue for our discussions. Last time you were in the state of a 40-meter giant, I really couldn't beat you, but now that you are in human-sized form, I want to try again. once."

"Yujiro, haven't I refused several times? I don't like meaningless battles."

When he heard the other party mention this matter again, Seven, who was still smiling, sighed helplessly.

"And I still have to recuperate from my injuries. Although the body composed of light particles does not have real fatal injuries, the lack of energy will still cause a considerable degree of trouble."

"So haven't I been waiting for you for half a month?"

The aura of Nomad Yujiro has gradually become terrifying, and his hair is even standing up against common sense.

Although he and the other party have been getting along very happily for a while, he has never forgotten his undisputed defeat as the strongest creature on earth.

The emotion called "competitiveness".

It was the first time that it appeared so strongly in his heart.

Every cell in his body seems to be longing for another fight with the opponent, a truly hearty and hearty battle where he can use all his strength and means without any scruples and win or lose the unknown battle.

"Seven, seriously... come with me to fight again."

Seeing the opponent like this, Severn felt that this competition was really unavoidable.

This also made him feel very embarrassed.

Although he is no stranger to such things as sparring, he has even done so frequently with other Ultraman in the Kingdom of Light.

But he has never fought with a human.

Severn thought tangledly that he did not deny or even appreciate the respectable spirit of human beings, but his frail body was an undisputed fact, but...

He looked up at the man in front of him whose aura had become more substantial.

Lost in thought.

Human beings in this world seem a little different.


After a long time.

Seven sighed softly, closed the book in his hand and put it down, and slowly stood up under Yujiro Fanma's smiling eyes.

He agreed.

However, before he could answer, he made another move.


A flash of astonishment flashed in Severn's eyes, and he subconsciously turned his head to look out the window. His sight seemed to penetrate through the noisy city and the vast sea, looking towards an island country.

Just now, he seemed to sense a strange monster-like aura.

It was very weak, even to the point where he wondered whether it was an illusion, but...

"This is the first time I have encountered such an aura of distortion and chaos."

Severn murmured to himself.

"What's wrong?" Fanma Yujiro, who was about to go to the basement with the other party to start fighting, couldn't help but ask when he saw this.

Then he watched the other person raise his hand, pointed in a certain direction outside the window, and asked a strange question of his.

"Where is this direction, on the other side of the sea?"

In response, Yujiro Fanma subconsciously looked in the direction of the opponent's finger and was slightly stunned.


Chapter 149: A battle across eras

"Gafan, let's go buy lottery tickets."

"...This topic jumps a bit suddenly."

Gafangeyou was lying on a park bench. The dense canopy of the sun-shading tree above swayed slightly with the wind, and two dead leaves fell. They were about to fall on the white hair of the girl below, but a big hand pinched him in advance.

He turned his head and glanced at the other party speechlessly.

"Weren't we just talking about what to eat tonight?"

"Yes, but do you have the money here?" The system had a matter-of-fact expression on his face as he nibbled on a freshly roasted sweet potato.

"So buy a lottery ticket, and then use Momonga's "Star Wish" for divination, and all your problems will be solved."

"Wait, let me stroke it first."

Because there were so many flaws, Gafan, who didn't know what to say for a while, thought about it in confusion.

The system added enthusiastically: "As for the money to buy lottery tickets, we can just find a small alley and get it."

"Uh, why?" Gafan asked subconsciously.

"Because there will definitely be gangsters coming up to bother us."

The system laughed evilly.

"Hey, Gafan, the way I looked when I found my human form, by your human standards, seems to be super cute!"

"There will definitely be a group of people who are stupid enough to get involved. Then when the time comes, you beat them all to the ground and start 'robbing the rich to give to the poor' and 'just touching corpses.' Won't you get the money?"

"...Where did you learn all this?"

"The dramas and novels that were copied and pasted in the database!"


The corner of Gafan's mouth twitched, and he reached out and gently pulled the other person's face. The fair skin was so smooth and tender.

"By the way, wouldn't you feel shy and embarrassed if you praise yourself as super cute?"

"Why? I'm just stating the facts."

The system raised its eyebrows, with a hint of confusion in its clean blue eyes.

"Is it possible that I'm not cute like this? But for this period of time, when you carbon-based creatures see me, you basically have the same reaction, and some of them seem to have the so-called desire to mate... "

"Stop! STOP!"

As he listened, Gafan showed a pained expression on his face.

Is this a difference in racial outlook, or is it a matter of common sense? Forget it, this kind of thing has to be done slowly.

"System, in short, we can't take the initiative to do such immoral things."

"Oh, what about the lottery ticket?"

"Well, as for the lottery... I've never touched this thing before."

Gafan lazily made his decadent sitting posture more upright, and then got a little confused.

"Let's forget it. It feels so troublesome, and it always feels weird to use divination to cheat."

"Ugh, boring."

System, who had already finished eating the roasted sweet potatoes, curled his lips, then took out the slime bun out of habit and took a bite.

"So what do we do with the money for dinner?"

"Let's talk about it later. Let's find the lost people first. One of them seems to be quite close to us... Huh?"

Gafan was suddenly stunned.

"What's wrong?" System asked curiously, his mouth bulging.

"I just used detection magic to sense that a nearby ramen shop seems to be holding a Big Eater event. The poster on the wall also marked the winner's prize of 100,000 yen..."

After Gafan closed his eyes to confirm, he gave a thumbs up: "Let's go, our food money for the past few days has been secured!"

He is quite confident about his current appetite. If it really doesn't work, isn't there a system?

After all, he still hasn't figured out how much food this little guy's stomach can hold at one time.

As for those who are lost, they can wait to find them after eating the noodles.

Anyway, this world is so safe, it would be better to say that he has never traveled to an "everyday" type of world before, so now even though he started penniless as always, he is in a completely relaxed state.

He didn't believe what danger this world could bring to him!

"Oh, by the way, system, I almost forgot. If you feel like someone is giving you that kind of look in the future, remember to tell me directly."

"Oh, I understand, but Gafan, why do you know this?"

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