At a roadside stall, Gafan and System were eating oden, each holding a small bowl in their hands. They chewed the fish balls in their mouths with synchronized expressions while looking at the fish balls that had a lot of water in them. street.

It looks very leisurely.

"Boss, please have another order of chikuwa and tofu buns."


Heat rises and spreads in the moist air after the rain, mixed with the faint fragrance of food.

Gafan looked down at System, who was adding spicy food to a small bowl filled with oden, and started teasing.

"System, your taste is surprisingly strong. Be careful of choking on the spicy food."

"You won't choke. Also, Gafan, your taste is too weird. You even add vinegar to the oden?"

System, who was happily chewing the meatballs, rolled his eyes angrily.

"Except for you, I have never seen anyone add vinegar to soup."

Two umbrellas were leaning against the side.

Not long ago, they just finished eating in a store with a fierce-looking boss.

The two of them chose the same large portion of tonkotsu ramen, but there were some differences when they added seasonings.

The man with dark circles added a lot of vinegar and some chopped green onion under the surprised look of the boss. The girl with white hair licked the corner of her mouth and added some chili sauce and minced garlic, and tried to add the same to the bowls of people around her.

As a result, he was lightly hit on the head with a knife.

"Because I like to eat a little sour food, which helps digestion, and it is quite relieving for me."

Gafan replied lazily, and by the way, he tapped the little head of System who was trying to add spicy food to his bowl again with his knife.

"Don't make trouble, I still prefer to eat something lighter."

At this time, after finishing the ramen, they had no intention of going back. Instead, they found a roadside stall selling oden and continued eating.

Not to mention the system that seemed to have no concept of fullness, Gafan felt that his appetite had unknowingly increased.

And he found that he didn't know when, but it seemed that he would no longer experience "hunger".

His body was constantly changing subtly, heading in an unknown direction, but Gafan had no reaction to this, and his method of dealing with it was very simple.

Just continue to take care of yourself, eat well, and sleep well.

Isn’t he living well now?

What a big deal.

When Gafan thought about it this way, he was still inexplicably generous sometimes.

"Gafan, what should we have for dinner?"

After eating another bunch of fish balls, System yelled with a somewhat unclear voice.

Sitting on the bench, her calves wearing blue and white rain boots swayed, splashing some water on the ground onto the deserted street.

"We have just finished lunch, system, are you thinking about dinner?"

"Can't you?"

The system tilted its head and blinked.

Her long, snow-white hair was flowing out, and her clean blue eyes were full of appetite.

"...Where did you learn these moves?"

Gafan, who had finished eating the oden and put the small bowl back on the table, wordlessly reached out and gently pinched the other person's smooth and tender face that felt great.

"Tell me, what do you want for dinner?"

"Hehe, I found that as long as I ask you this question, Gafan, you will easily agree."

The system first showed a wicked smile, a very cute smile, and then suddenly shook his head, freed his cheeks from the hands, and bulged his mouth in displeasure.

The other party's actions disturbed her eating.

"Gafan, I want to eat the dinner you cooked. You just promised me last time and you just passively traveled through time. Since then, you have been eating in the hotel."

"Well, haven't I often baked things for you in the wild this month?"

"This is different. You use a pot to cook me rice!"

The system shouted in dissatisfaction. She was tired of roasting the monsters.

When she was in the wild, barbecue and slime buns were her two staple foods.

She still remembered that one time the Gafan elements reorganized a pot and wanted to try to cook some fish soup.

As a result, under the expectant eyes of her and Liya, he first tried to take a sip himself, then fell silent for some reason, and then started to grill meat again with an expressionless face.

"Uh... ok."

Gafan silently looked away and scratched his cheek: "I'll try again tonight."

He always felt that the failure of the fish soup last time must be due to the lack of seasonings and the unused kitchen utensils.

Well, besides that, he felt that he also needed a cooking book.


At this time, a small white dumpling jumped out of Gafan's jacket pocket and jumped on his shoulder. He looked at the steaming oden and screamed curiously.

The snow-white surface is also marked with an obscure Arabic numeral "1". This is because the system requires them to be in the order of birth, and each dumpling is transformed by itself, so that she can distinguish them easily.

"Baixue No. 1, are you also interested in oden?"

Gafan turned his head and asked with a slight smile. He was not surprised by the sudden appearance of the other party. After all, he and the system still had a few white cocks hidden in their pockets.

They will jump out from time to time, curiously observing the world, and then return to the system's body to happily share what they see and hear with other white cats.

They can share memories through contact.


Baixiu No. 1 screamed happily, not sure whether he understood it or not.

However, its appearance did not cause any surprise to the stall owner. After all, the white cats that Gafan had given him had a persistent cognitive disorder.

Ordinary people usually don't notice them, well...

Animals don't count.


On the fence along the street, a wild cat with a lot of rain on its body suddenly meowed, its high-pitched voice full of vigilance and threat.

It seemed to be frightened by something.


One didn't know when it jumped in front of it. Baixiu, who was also staying on the wall, looked at the other person, shouting in confusion and curiosity.

This is the first time it has seen a cat.

"Hey hey hey."

Baixiu No. 3 kept shouting, but did not get closer to the other party.

Gradually, the wild cat also discovered that the strange little guy in front of him did not seem to be dangerous or hostile, so he slowly calmed down, stopped showing his fur and fangs, and looked at the other person with the same curiosity.



"Meow meow~meow?"

"Hey hey hey."

The group and the cat started communicating without understanding the language, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

This magical scene made the sparrows preening their feathers in the tree nearby tilt their little heads and look at it stupidly.

It has never seen such a creature.

After a while, the rainwater on the wild cat disappeared and became dry again. Then it just lay on the wall, licking the white dumplings in front of it intimately.

It was just rubbed by the other party for a while, and then all the rain on its body magically disappeared, which made it very happy.


Bai Xiu, who was being licked, also screamed in confusion.

It didn't understand why the other party suddenly licked itself, but it didn't resist.

However, after being licked for a while, Baixiu suddenly jumped on the head of the wild cat, jumped twice slightly, and screamed twice as a farewell, and then jumped directly off the wall and headed towards The two people left the roadside stall in the distance.

In response, the wild cat tilted its head and meowed twice, watching the other person jump on a human's shoulder, and then looked away.

Then he turned to look at the sparrows still preening their feathers in the tree.



At this time, Gafan, who noticed another Baixiu jumping on his shoulder, turned his head and looked at the other person strangely.

"Bai Xiu No. 3, why are you so wet?"


"Hey, you seem quite happy. Did something good happen to you?"

"Hey hey hey!"

"Uh, I don't understand."

Gafan smiled awkwardly, and then watched the little guy shouting happily, and finally jumped on his head and started to freeze.

"System, you think I can understand thousands of languages, so why can't I understand what the white bastards are saying?"

Gafan helplessly turned his head to look at the girl beside him, who was still eating the last skewer of fish balls with a bulging mouth.

"I don't know, maybe it's because even the white cats themselves don't know what they are talking about?" the system replied nonchalantly, with a little grease stain on the corner of his mouth, "Their communication method relies on contact, not language."

"Well, that's a pity... Huh?"

The raindrops fell on his nose, making Gafan stunned for a moment. He looked up at the cloudy sky without the sun, and he wordlessly and casually held up the umbrella he had teleported to the supermarket to buy again.

"Why is it raining again? It's true, but this time it's quite light."

Seeing this, System, who had already finished eating the fish balls, followed suit and held up an umbrella.

But after walking for a while, she pouted, put it away out of trouble, and moved closer to the person next to her, huddled under the same umbrella as him.

"What's wrong?"

"If you don't want to hold the umbrella, hold it for me."

"Wow, you are really lazy."

Gafan tugged at the corner of his mouth speechlessly, not knowing who was used to this.

But at the same time, his hand holding the handle of the umbrella was slightly tilted to the side, exposing his shoulders to the continuous drizzle.

He has always been quite indifferent to himself.

And this was also noticed by the system.


"Well, what's wrong?"

He looked down at the other person in surprise, and then found that the child suddenly pressed closer to him, and pushed the long handle of the umbrella with his little hand.

"You're on point!"

The system pressed against the other party with an unhappy look on his face and said angrily.

"...Ha, I know, I know."

Seeing the other party like this, Gafan was also happy.

The pain is not in vain.

"System, do you want to eat anything more?"

"Yes! I want to eat takoyaki balls."

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