Chapter 90 89. "People on the Road" happens to be among the top ten of the year (please order first)

"Brother, welcome to our Wei Guo Film and Television to visit and guide our work."

When the front desk ushered people into the company, Wei Wu quickly stood up to greet them and greeted them with a smile.

"You're welcome, I came here especially to say hello to you today... I heard that "The Lost Journey" has been released?"

Yu Dong handed the gift box to Wei Wu. Wei Wu took it and handed it to his secretary Zhang Wenwen, and then ordered:

"Let's go make a cup of tea."

Then he answered Yu Dong's question: "Yes, January 29th is exactly one month old, so it was released yesterday!"

Yu Dong pondered and said, "Well, based on the box office performance of your movie, you should be able to apply for a one-month extension, right?"

Wei Wu shook his head and said: "It's not necessary. Basically, the box office potential has been exhausted. Even applying for an extension doesn't make much sense. The box office just passed the 50 million mark, so that's about it!"

It is indeed possible to apply for an extension, and the hope of approval is quite high, but the key point is that there are no more films scheduled, so what is the use of an extension?

This Lunar New Year festival is already packed with blockbuster films and the film schedule is tight. And just before the release of "Unfortunately" is released, another blockbuster film is coming:

On January 25, "Fearless" directed by Yu Rentai and starring Jet Li was officially released nationwide.

As a result, theaters directly assigned almost all of the few remaining films of "The Road to Misfortune" to it.

But to be honest, we can’t blame the theaters for being fond of the new and hating the old. The key is that this “Fearless” is indeed a bit fierce!

In its previous life, the film not only grossed 105 million in box office in the mainland, but also won the annual box office championship in Hong Kong (HKD 30.2 million) and Taiwan (NTD 87.2 million) respectively.

The overseas box office is as high as 49 million US dollars, not only the Chinese film with the highest overseas box office in 2006——

Even before Wei Wu's rebirth, it was still the eighth-highest-ranked Chinese film in overseas box office, so Yi Cheng Yi Li's overseas influence is really not random.

"Fearless" is the last kung fu movie made by Kung Fu Emperor Jet Li, and it can almost be regarded as the last glory of his acting career.

Even though the 2007 film "The Legend" had a higher box office, it is well known that this movie was a big money loser.

Although the mainland box office of 200 million looks good, the investment itself is as high as 300 million, and Jet Li's salary alone is as high as 100 million. Of course, the most important thing is that the overseas box office is not good.

The total global box office of "The Legend", which cost 40 million U.S. dollars, was only 42.88 million U.S. dollars. It can be said that the investors lost all their pants!

It can be said that it was the box-office failure of this film, coupled with the disastrous failure of "The King of Kung Fu" last year, that put Jet Li's box office appeal into question, and his remuneration also shrunk significantly. Since then, production has dropped sharply. After 2008, only After making three Chinese-language films, he faded out of the film industry.

In his previous life, Wei Wu bought a pirated copy of "Fearless", but yesterday he chose to go to the cinema and buy a movie ticket.

After all, it is also the last kung fu movie of The King of Kung Fu. It can also be regarded as a formal farewell to the kung fu movies that were once famous but are now gradually declining!

"Thank you." Yu Dong took the tea cup from Zhang Wenwen, put it on the coffee table and said:

"I took a quick look before I came here. The final box office of "Unfortunately" was 50.3 million, right?"

Wei Wu nodded: "Well, we almost couldn't break 50 million. I even thought that if the box office didn't break 50 million in the last two days, I would secretly go and get some!"

Yu Dong laughed and said: "Indeed, if it's just a little bit worse, you can really consider boosting the box office a little bit.

"But next time you can let me do this for you! You'd better not do it yourself, lest word spread about it and damage your reputation as a great director!"

Wei Wu laughed and said, "Brother, don't be ridiculous. Who am I to be a great director? I just made one movie, and the box office is at best acceptable."

Yu Dong took a sip of tea, waved his hand and said:

"Why doesn't it count? Besides you, who else dares to grab Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige and have sex with them as soon as they come up? You can even trample Zhang Yimou under your feet in a head-on confrontation!

"With your directorial debut, you can directly enter the top 10 of the year and become famous. If you can do both at the same time, there is basically no one else but you!"

It's already the end of January 2006, so the annual box office rankings for 2005 have basically been settled.

With a box office score of 50.3 million, "The Lost Road" happened to be ranked tenth in the year.

Ranked ninth is the science fiction blockbuster "War of the Worlds" by great director Spielberg (53 million), and No. 11 is Liu Zhenwei's "The Monkey King" (50 million).

It can only be said that fortunately "The Great Sage" was released just one week earlier than "The Man on the Road", so it was released a week earlier than him.

Otherwise, they might really be able to boost the box office a little bit, and take advantage of the situation to overtake "The Journey" and push it out of the top ten of the year.

Of course, maybe someone has already brushed it. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence? Exactly 50 million?

It's very possible that the original box office was only over 49 million, but someone added a little bit to round it up to 50 million.

After all, more than 40 million and 50 million still sound a bit different.

With a few hundred thousand, you can hold a celebration banquet under the banner of 50 million, which will give a certain bonus to the fame and qualifications of the director and starring actors. This small amount of money is equivalent to the publicity fee.

Seeing that the pleasantries were almost complete, Yu Dong started to get down to business:

"Junior brother, I came here today to talk to you about the schedule of "Those Years". Do you think we should set the schedule first and then see when the promotion will be officially launched?"

Wei Wu had already considered it before. In his previous life, "Crazy Stone" was released on June 30, "Superman Returns" was released on July 11, "Mission: Impossible 3" was released on July 20, and "Dragon Tiger Gate" was released on July 11. On the 28th of the month.

Of course, due to Wei Wu's butterfly effect, the schedules of these movies may not necessarily change, so these data can only be used as a reference.

But in general, the schedule of each movie is determined after careful selection and consideration of various factors. Generally speaking, it will not change easily if it affects the whole body.

Generally speaking, June is too early for summer movies and August is too late. Therefore, blockbusters that are released in summer movies are basically released in July with few exceptions.

Based on the analysis of past life situations, relatively speaking, July this year is definitely sooner rather than later. The competition is obviously more intense in the second half of the month, so it would be better for "Those Years" to be released in the first half of the month.

Wei Wu checked the calendar specifically and found that the first Friday in July was July 1st, so it just happened to be released on this day!

Although it has to compete head-on with "Crazy Stone", this is almost the best one to deal with.

The box office of the next two Hollywood blockbusters, as well as "Dragon Tiger Gate", was several times that of "Crazy Stone"! Even the least "Dragon and Tiger Gate" has 49 million.

So should we still invest in "Crazy Stone"? This movie is scheduled to coincide with "Those Years", so it won't be accidentally squeezed out by "Those Years", right?

So if Ning Hao knows how to assess the situation, he should change the schedule of "Crazy Stone" to August.

Anyway, his movie will most likely only be released for a month, and basically there is no chance of applying for an extension. Then it will be released in early August.

It is impossible for Wei Wu to go head-to-head with Tom Cruise's flagship series "Mission: Impossible" or "Superman" in order to accommodate Ning Hao. Isn't that crazy?

Then if Ning Hao asks him for help, then he should vote anyway!

It’s not much money anyway, just one or two million. Even if he wants to invest more, people are still not happy! At that time, speaking as an investor would have more weight, so Ning Hao was asked to change the schedule.

Now that he had thought it through clearly, Wei Wu said directly:

"Then July 1! Start promoting it almost a month in advance. The main audience for our movie is students, so we can start promoting it at full speed almost as soon as the college entrance examination is over!"

Yu Dong nodded repeatedly: "Okay, no problem. Let's set it for July 1st first. We'll talk about any special circumstances later."

The two people then confirmed the specific details and procedures again.

After they finished talking about the business, Yu Donglin suddenly said before leaving:

"Actually, I came here today for another reason, which is to introduce someone to you. I wonder if you are free today. Can you go out with me to have a meal and get to know each other?"

Wei Wuruo realized something: "Who is it?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Let me put it off first, but I guarantee you will definitely be willing to meet this person. And once you get to know him, he will only do you good and no harm in the future."

At this time, Wei Wu had basically guessed it, and immediately said cheerfully:

"Okay, let's go then!"

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