How To Wear a Goddess Statue

Chapter 78: question

Someone was standing outside the tent, asking the princess to discuss the disaster relief. It seemed a little reluctant to hear the voice.

I opened the curtain and saw that it was the person beside the prince.

Eleuil had already calmed down, and when she heard the invitation, Xiuyi raised her eyebrows lightly.

"Luodus, are you going?" The sound insulation of this small tent is not good, the princess subconsciously kept her voice, "Why don't you rest, I'll be back soon."

Luodus whispered, "You don't seem willing to let me go with you."

"Yes, I don't want Romul to notice you."

This sentence has no other meaning, just pure vigilance.

Romul's performance is not malicious, it does not mean that he can really live in peace, even if the crown prince himself has no extra thoughts, what about the people around him?

There may be a guy with eye disease who thinks that Luodus is the "weakness" of the queen, if they still take it for granted to lay a conspiracy against Luodus - Eleuil just thinks I got angry.

Luodus sighed: "Don't worry, no matter what, I'm also the incarnation of God..."

If there is any conspiracy to plot an attack, the other party can try it.

Try and die.

"Of course you won't let mortals succeed, but as long as I think that those people will covet you and disrespect you, I feel unhappy." Eleuil's tone softened, "You will It is my duty to let the avatar come to my side, and to enshrine and protect you."

Lotus gave her a thoughtful look.

"Then go."

Eleuil sighed in relief, then followed the visitor away.

Everyone lives in temporary camps. After dark, bonfires are lit everywhere. When passing by, you can hear low-pitched sobbing, but it is more quiet.

The visitor went straight to the most spacious and exquisite tent. This tent originally belonged to the city lord, but as soon as Acht's men arrived, it was transferred to the king as an appendage of the highest power in the city. Prince.

There is an open space outside the tent. The original great nobles of this city and the relief workers from the royal city sat together, with a flaming charcoal fire in the middle.

The two sides are clearly distinguished and very easy to identify. People on the same side put their heads together and whisper in whispers. The arrival of the princess makes the atmosphere suddenly subtle.

She doesn't belong to either party and seems out of place.

Eleuil calmly sat down in an empty seat.

—I don’t want Luodus to be swept away by such eyes.

Romul nodded happily when she saw the princess appear.

"Everyone is here, let's get started, City Lord Fenegli, please tell us about the latest situation."

The mayor cleared his throat.

"Ever since the goddess of the earth got angry, I have been busy like a spinning top, not turning for a moment. Your Royal Highness, look at these disaster victims nearby. A few days ago, I was the only one in the city of Desimon. Ordinary people..."

The lord of the city is probably a gifted speaker, and he speaks eloquently. During the period, he also mentioned the names of several other nobles in the city, thanking them for their assistance.

The nobles nodded, and they were all serious.

After praising himself, the city lord cut to the chase and began to report on the situation after the earthquake.

Listen, the man from Acht frowned.

They are no strangers to natural disasters such as earthquakes.

There have been many records of earthquakes in the history of the kingdom, especially in the past 100 years, even the casualties of the people and the loss of houses and farmland are clearly remembered.

In contrast, DeSimone's loss this time is not so shocking, but it is also surprising.

It's only been a few days.

Next, the daily additional casualty losses will only be more.

The long smile on Romul's face was gone, and his face was stern: "Father Wang just received the news, he immediately allocated money and materials to send it, it should be a few hours earlier than us. The sun is up, have you used it now?"

"It's all distributed to the surviving people." The city lord patted his legs and sighed, "But Your Highness, you see that the weather is very cold now, and the victims need more clothes to keep out the cold and food to provide physical energy."

"With all due respect, there is still a huge shortage of those materials distributed, and there is still food left, but we have to eat it sparingly. People have no strength and can't save more people."

Romul couldn't bear it.

"They are all Solan's children. I will send a letter to the king to send more money and goods."

The city lord resigned again and again, and finally accepted the additional funding, and thanked Wang for his kindness on behalf of the Di Simon victims.

Eleuil listened the whole time without saying a word.

During the period, she captured the eye contact of the two accompanying officials beside the crown prince, very secretive, as if tacit.

A Romul's staff spoke with a little sarcasm: "Your Highness, do you have any comments?"

Eleuil brushed off the fur cloak, and said indifferently: "Presumably Horst-uncle let his cousin take full responsibility for disaster relief. I just came back from the northwest border, so I can't say much."

I don't know where this sentence touched Romul, who again showed guilt and scolded the staff.

Eleuil gave him a strange look.

This negotiation continued until the patrolling guards were changed, and after the nobles retired, they left one after another.

There are not many aristocratic wealthy businessmen still in this city.

Those who were injured in the earthquake, as well as their wives and children, may have been sent out of the city long ago to live temporarily in other unaffected cities.

Are these people who are still here really just to assist the city master in disaster relief?

Eleuil watched them leave from the corner of her eye, her gait was pampered, her rich flesh was rolling, and the words of disgusting the current conditions floated in the wind. To be honest, it's not like someone who can do such a thing.

The princess tidied up her robes and was about to return to the account to chat with Luotas about today's findings, but was stopped by Romul.

"Eleuil, I want to talk to you."

The princess paused.

She turned her head back, her expression pale.

"What do you want to say?"


The spirit of Luodus wanders in this temporary residence.

Even if it is a temporary camp, it still retains the rules of those status classes, dividing the area of ​​the aristocratic rich, ordinary commoners and poor slaves.

There is no obvious sign, it seems to be the default.

Sweeping past several patrolling guards, Luodus floated to the civilian area. Unlike the rich people who are quiet and peaceful, like camping in the wild, there are only some barely sheltered from the wind and rain. In the shack, more people can only huddle together to keep warm.

Most of them didn't sleep. His face was full of hopelessness about the future.

After experiencing such a situation, many people here have fallen from the "kingdom people" who can live fairly well to poor people.

The reason why they didn't leave with their families like the previous batches of victims was probably still holding some hope that they could get compensation after the incident and continue to settle here.

Lotus frowned.

The natural disaster was tragic, but the situation in the camp should not be so bad, unless the various supplies did not keep up.

Could it be that Horst didn't allocate funds in time to deliver the supplies?

But he even sent the crown prince.

At this time, a low cry entered Luodus' ears.

She tilted her head, looking in the direction of the voice.

"I beg you, give me something to eat..." It was the voice of a little girl, which was even more immature because of the sobbing sound, "Just a little, my mother is about to starve to death, beg you…"

The voice came from the area where the poor slaves were arranged. It said that it was arranged. In fact, no one specially took care of them. It seems that the current rescue still stays in the city, where the shops and houses with small yards are located. Places, slums, no one cares.

There are actually many poor people who survived.

It is true that almost all the houses in the slums collapsed, but those houses were basically made of simple wooden boards, and some roofs were covered with a thick layer of sedge, which would still be pressed down after the collapse residents, but the casualty rate is not as high as that of stone and brick houses.

Many people climbed out on their own.

The little girl who was crying was probably one of them. She looked yellow and thin, and was very short. She was trembling with fear, but she was still whispering to the patrol guard who happened to pass by.

"There is no shortage of food now, go back to boil, can't even wait for the time to receive bread tomorrow?"

"Sorry, sorry, but too little, really not enough..."

"Okay, don't be pitiful."

“Don’t waste food for untouchables, dying early is a relief.”

The little girl's desperate cry increased, and the guard panicked: "Don't let her disturb the adults over there."

"It's so far away, probably not."

That being said, another guard kicked the little **** the head and threatened: "If you dare to approach this side, we don't mind sending you and your mother to reunite in advance, Understand?"

The two guards left together after the harsh words.

Luodus didn't hesitate, she took advantage of the night to turn back into the real body, and walked lightly in front of the girl.

"Take it." It's a piece of dry food.

The girl choked her head up, took it carefully, sniffed it, confirmed it was the aroma of the food, and the tears flowed even more fiercely.

She bowed deeply and said with gratitude and fear: "Thank you, thank you."

After she finished speaking, she ran away quickly, obviously going back to find her mother.

Luodus looked down at the palm of her hand. It was probably a definite rule that she could not use divine power to save human lives, but she did not feel the pain of violating the restrictions.

I don’t know if this indirect use of divine power is not included, or…

A little further away, there seems to be a cry.

Luodus froze slightly, turned into a spirit body again, and returned to the queen's tent.

Eleuil is already here.

She had a plank on her lap for the papyrus, on which she wrote and drew with the tip of a reed pen.

The river goddess suddenly appeared in front of Eleuil, and she was not surprised.

The princess put down her pen.

"This is a big problem, Luodus."

The author has something to say:

I ran 800 today, and now my stomach hurts Orz

I never had it before, at most my legs hurt, what kind of new sequelae is this time qvq

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