How Can My Hyakki Yagyo Be So Cute

Chapter 410: Doomsday New World (23)

After bidding farewell to King Kong, Xu Shenxing and his group continued to go deep into the park area.

Xu Shenxing’s dress is a bit funny now. He didn’t know where he found a nylon rope, **** a few wooden sticks, and carried them on his back. At first glance, he looked like an ancient Chaihelang... Xu Shenxing also knew his own image. It's a bit subtle, but it's a matter of urgency, and now it's not the time to care about your personal image.

Unlike entertainment and commercial areas, the park area has the highest degree of naturalization. If it weren’t for trekking through the lush forest and occasionally seeing some park facilities, it’s totally impossible to believe that it was just a man-made place before. Park built.

"Are you sure that you didn't take the wrong path?" Xu Shenxing, who was struggling through the jungle, asked depressedly.

"It should be this way..."

The beast-eared little girl who was full of confidence now seems uncertain: "But I remember that there were not so many trees before..."

Xu Shenxing looked at the surrounding trees suspiciously. Although they were not as thick as a single person, most of them could not be grown in just three or four years.

This undoubtedly reduced the credibility of the child's words a lot.

Fortunately, she didn't lose the chain - after passing through the bushes, what appeared to Xu Shenxing was a large concrete section that was uplifted due to site changes.

In this section, a sewer opening is just as exposed.

"It's here!" The little girl wagged her tail, pointed at the sewer entrance excitedly and said, "'Teacher' lives here!"

It looks like it has been deserted for a long time. It has been covered with moss, and it is soft when stepping on it, as if stepping on the flesh of some animal.

This sewer is not the same as the sewer in the business district. Generally speaking, it is much smaller, but it is also large enough for an adult to walk in without bending over and bowing his head.

There seem to be many air holes on the top of the sewer that are connected to the ground. In daylight, sunlight will enter from these pores, making the sewer not as dim as it seems at first glance.

In addition, on both sides of the sewers, there are small lights like those in the sewers of commercial districts, which seem to be used at night.

Moreover, there is no sewage in the sewer, and even the traces of water are not visible. It should have been stopped long ago.

After walking a few steps inside, you will encounter an iron fence that separates it.

There was a small door on the iron fence. At this time, the small door seemed to be closed tightly. The doorknob was randomly wrapped with an iron chain, and a large rusty lock was hung on it.

Behind the iron fence, you can see something similar to the searchlight that Da Hei found before. The wires behind the searchlight’s **** are connected by a method that makes people feel like a layman just by looking at them, and they extend all the way to the depths of the sewers. .

"Huh? Why is this iron gate closed?"

The beast-eared girl tried to pull the door on the iron fence. Although the girl looked like a little girl without the power to hold a chicken, Xu Shenxing actually knew that the other party could easily move a distance of five meters and be able to lift it. The strange force girl, who rushed for hundreds of meters with a large black weighing hundreds of kilograms, would definitely be a female man if it was put on the earth-but the iron gate on the fence was not moving at all. It seemed that it was not only tightly closed, but also The iron fences themselves are very strong.

This made Xu Shenxing's heart a little ominous foreboding: Could it be that his protagonist's aura is in effect again? Why does the protagonist halo all turn out to be auspicious, but his own will always bring weird troubles?

"Girl, get away a little bit."

So he simply pulled out a stick of firewood from behind...I mean a wooden stick, and one stick went down and cut the iron fence silently.

"Mr. Xu, you are vandalism." Da Hei immediately said aloud.

"It's okay, no one else saw it anyway."


"I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen!"

As the iron gate fell, there was also a "clanging clang" noise not far away.

"What's that sound?" The girl's ears were straight up suddenly, and she seemed a little frightened.

Throwing the wreckage of the wooden stick in his hand, Xu Shenxing glanced at the iron fence under his feet. Behind the small door, there was a thin iron wire that had been connected to the ceiling.

"It's a mechanism, a simple but practical alarm device." Because he had seen something similar before, Xu Shenxing immediately recognized the true purpose of the thing. He kicked the wire and explained to the girl: "This wire is hanging. A basket with some messy things in it... From the sound just now, it should be a can or something... The basket will maintain a delicate balance. Once someone opens the iron door, it will be under the influence of the iron wire. The basket will tip over immediately, and the contents will fall to the ground and make a sound, acting as an alarm."

While they were speaking, four figures flashed out of the fork in the sewer ahead. They kept a certain distance from Xu Shenxing and his group. Even though they couldn’t see each other's expression clearly because of the light problem, Xu Shenxing could still feel them. The hostility emanating from his body.

"Do they have your'teacher' among them?"

Because of Chai He in hand, Xu Shenxing is calmer now, and there is even room to ask the girl.

The animal-eared girl sniffed her little nose, seeming to be sniffing something.

After a while, she shook her head: "No, none of them are'teachers'."

"Who are you, why are you breaking in here?"

At this time, one of the four people in front of him was probably the leader and asked. Her tone was rather severe. Even if she didn't say it clearly, she undoubtedly identified Xu Shenxing and others as an intruder.

In a sense, Xu Shenxing, who smashed people's doors casually, was indeed considered an intruder...

"I'm Hiromi from the entertainment area. I came here to find a'teacher'!" said the beast ear girl first.

"The master hasn't seen guests recently."

The other party refused without hesitation, but seemed to understand that Xu Shenxing and his party did not intend to invade, so the hostility weakened slightly.

However, Xu Shenxing's eyes lit up because of this.

Originally, he thought that the "teacher" of the beast ear girl was no longer here. To find the other party, he had to run the task of at least ten chapters and eight chapters. But now from the other party's words, the "teacher" is still there. It's just not seeing outsiders.

"Eh? If the'teacher' doesn't see other people, what should I do if there are new friends?" The beast ear girl said strangely: "If there is no'teacher', how should everyone learn and adapt?"

"...It doesn't matter, no new friends will be born anymore."

After a moment of silence, the other party said slowly, but there was an unspeakable heaviness in the words: "You go back too. Now whatever you have is meaningless... Soon, all friends will be killed. It's better to die in your own home than to die in a strange land."

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