House Dad’s Literary Life

Chapter 844: Blowing, my pride indulgence (2/3)

Of course, before making this new album, Yang Lan didn't just want to know the advice of Mo Xiaojuan and Jin Yingming. Not only did he want to know the fans' preferences, he also needed to focus on Murphy's opinions.

After Yang Lan asked, Murphy indulged and said: "I want to sing the most... In fact, I don't care much about the type of song. Relatively speaking, I prefer to sing some challenging songs, not so easy. Singing well is like "Listening to the Sea" and "Love in Life". I would like to like these songs that have higher requirements for singing."

"It is more difficult to sing. I have tried to sing this song "Love in my Life". I can't sing the taste of Yang Lan." Jin Yingming couldn't help but shook his head and sighed. "I really don't understand you." How to sing it out!"

If you can change the shape of the Tuen Mun pronunciation in a special way, you can also sing a variety of different songs.

Of course, Yang Lan did not say this. He smiled and said to Jin Yingming: "Every song has thousands of ways to interpret it. You don't have to learn my singing. You can sing well."

"The problem is that I don't listen well to myself. I like to listen to the version you sing. Sorry, Murphy, I am not targeting you." Jin Yingming said that he felt that he was not right, and he returned quickly.

Murphy couldn’t help but she waved her hand and said that she didn’t care.

"The views of your men are different from those of our women. I am with Xiao Ai, and I like the version that Philippine sister sang." Mo Xiaojuan blended in.

Yang Lan still pondered what Murphy said, and suddenly remembered a song that was recognized as difficult to be sung in previous lives. If you change something else, he will not take it out immediately, but this one is really interesting, both lyrics and singing, very special!

So he took the cardboard from the table next to him and pulled out the pen and brushed it on it.

Several people saw the movement, thinking that Yang Lan came to the inspiration, they stopped talking and did not dare to interrupt Yang Lan’s thoughts.

Only Murphy can go over and see what Yang Lan wrote.

"How the wind is getting more and more, my heart is getting more and more, my voice is like a trace of dust, and I am dancing freely with the wind..." Just looking at these words, Murphy couldn’t help but widen his eyes and opened up with some surprise. mouth.

This lyric is very unique!

I don't know why, even if I look at it, I feel that there is a kind of attractive magic. Murphy can't help but like these lyrics.

Perhaps the freedom of expression expressed in this lyric is very special?

Murphy is not a person who yearns for freedom. On the contrary, she does not like to change too much in her life. If you want to be free with other actresses and yearn for rock, I am afraid that Yang Lan will sing "Miss Dong"!

But when singing, Murphy likes the unfettered feeling expressed in this lyrics!

It’s like listening to the sea, swaying the sound high and falling again. This sense of freedom in playing the rhythm is very fascinating!

Therefore, seeing this lyrics, as if it has become a dust, was smashed in the wind, the music rhythm represented here should be endless high, floating, Murphy fell into meditation.

After the lyrics were "written", Yang Lan hung it on the whiteboard in the studio.

"Yang Yang, is this the song that you improvised?" Jin Yingming couldn't help it anymore. He didn't wear glasses today, he walked excitedly and looked in front of the whiteboard.

"This song is a previous inspiration, but it has not been finished, because it is a bit difficult, Murphy can sing, but the audience does not necessarily sing it. Its range is very wide, the main song is in g3 to g4, but The chorus mentions a complete octave. In g4 to g5, it can be regarded as one of my experimental products!" Yang Lan smiled softly and said to him. "Today Murphy raised it, I will give it to you." Look at it."

Jin Yingming touched his chin and said: "I don't know how to sing, but you are very interesting. Look at the words at the end of each line, not exactly rhyming, or basically rhyming, but from the expression In terms of content, the images and moods it expresses are very strong, and there is a special sense of sight..."

Mo Xiaojuan can't wait, she looked at it and found the empty talker: "I don't think so much, listen to your brother-in-law and sing it! How about this song, we have a general impression on it!"

"This song, the male voice will taste a little worse, but I can listen to you again, the right to be a reference." Yang Lan did not deny, brewing some, began to sing.

"...have been in the direction of the wind, go over!"

"Blowing, my pride is indulgent..."

He studied the singing of the previous Sha Baoliang, and the main song was partially calm with a desire for freedom. The chorus was partially struggling with a trace of struggle.

I have to say that in the male voice, this song can sing to get the level of Sha Baoliang, it is already very good! The limitation of gender is doomed that Yang Lan can't learn the taste of the original singer.

In the past life, Su Yunying’s singing was described by the use of her ear, in addition to her vibrato, special tail processing, and even a singer of Western music, there is also a unique separation from her own voice. Sing!

This is what Yang Lan can't learn. Murphy may be able to, because her tone is really very good, she is a woman, she can simulate a female voice in a variety of states, or ethereal, or hoarse, or not awkward... A lot worse.

Of course, even more fascinating is the casual, improvisational taste expressed in Su Yunying's original sing.

However, even if Yang Lan can't sing the taste of the original singer, his unaccompanied singing is enough to make Murphy and Jin Yingming and others feel intoxicated.

"There is still such a song!" Jin Yingming and other Yang Lan sang, can not help but sigh, "I see the lyrics you wrote, I feel unusual, now I listened, I feel special."

“How special is it?” Mo Xiaojuan asked strangely. She felt good when she listened, but she said that she was good, she couldn’t say it.

Jin Yingming smiled and pointed at his head and said: "It's special, I just thought about it for a long time, I didn't find a template that can match it. In Chinese music, there isn't a song similar to its singing. This is what it is special!"

Even if "Love will win" is not so special, because the tune of "Love will win" is also very scratching, but it is a type that can be classified into old songs. Many songs that have been circulated in Nanyang. It's about the same.

But "Noko" does not have a corresponding template, let alone the world, even in the past, Yang Lan, it is the most special, even after its release, no one can imitate the same style of songs.

Yang Lan still hopes that Murphy can sing the taste of the original singer, or surpass the original singer. Therefore, he and the unrecognizable Murphy said: "Sing this song, you don't sing with me, you have to imagine you really It’s a leaf that is blown by the wind, breaking all the melody first, making it messy, and then finding the unique rhythm that belongs to you!”

"I want to try." Murphy had some tickles. She looked at the recording room in the studio and said with eagerness.

It is definitely not good to sing this song for two days, and during the time when Yang Lan wrote her new album, Murphy had her new "toy".

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