And he has cooperated with Xiaozhuang for so many years, and he still knows his character very well.

Immediately after, Feng Gang listened to Xiao Zhuang sigh and said with a helpless gift,

"Although there is an eye bank in the port, it can be in name only, and there is not a cornea in the eye,"

"And, even if someone is willing to donate, there are still hundreds of people in line,"

"So I had to take her abroad for surgery. "

Feng Gang nodded, knowing why Xiao Zhuang was so expensive this time,

And the task is so decisive,

Not as picky as before,

However, thinking that his old partner was going to retire again, Feng Gang's heart was also full of emotion!


Day 3.

and Liansheng,

Deng Bo, the leader, asked Ah Le, who had performed very well in the club recently,

"Is the big D thing settled?"

"That's all done, Dumbie!" replied quickly,

"Hmm!" Deng Bo looked at Xiang Ale's eyes with greater satisfaction, and couldn't help but say,

"Thanks to you this time!"

"If you hadn't done it fast enough to clean up the clues,"

"The bad guys will definitely follow this line and find trouble for us and Liansheng!"

"Otherwise, the loss is small,"

"If we are messed with like this, we and Liansheng will lose face!"

"It's all done according to Deng Bo's distribution," Ah Le was very calm, and he didn't show any pride because he was praised by the leader Deng Bo.

And his unflattering performance made Deng Bo even more satisfied.

Immediately, Deng Bo couldn't help but think of Big D,

thought of the character of Big D again,

And the trouble he's been in lately,

And Ah Le so on this,

Deng Bo's face immediately darkened, and he couldn't help but say,

"Ah Le, your performance this time is very good!"

"I hope you can hold on, don't be like Big D, so impetuous,"

"If you are too ostentatious and don't follow the rules, you will get into big trouble. "

Ah Le smiled slightly, nodded and replied,

"What Dumber said is,"

"But don't worry, I'm not going to be as reckless as Big D. "

"I have always remembered your teachings,"

"Haha!" Deng Bo immediately showed a satisfied look when he heard this,

Then he impatiently talked about Big D,

"This big D is really getting more and more ignorant. "

"How many times have I wiped his ass for him in all this time?!"

"But this time and again, he still doesn't have a long memory!"

As long as Deng Bo said Big D, his face became very ugly,

Of course, it's not that Deng Bo and Big D have a grudge,

Purely because of the recent period, Big D is crazy to expand his power and territory,

And everything is done to the extreme, and all means can be made,

Although the harvest is equally great,

But it caused the dissatisfaction of the leader Deng Bo,

As I said before, Deng Bo is a very well-behaved person.

And what Big D is best at is breaking the rules,

Especially in the end, he often has to be the faucet to help wipe his buttocks, which makes him even more angry.

No, Big D has caused trouble again in the past few days, but fortunately, Deng Bo received the news in time,

sent a steady Ah Le, and only then did the finishing work be done!

Immediately, Deng Bo said dissatisfiedly,

"If it weren't for the fear that Big D would cause us and Liansheng a lot of trouble, I wouldn't have bothered to pay attention to him!"

Ah Le smiled slightly, and did not follow.

I have to say that in this regard, Deng Bo admires Ah Le very much,

Ah Le never takes the initiative to speak ill of people, nor does he like to break the rules, he is very stable in his work, and he has a very good relationship with other people in the community.

Now he is even more valued,

Similarly, many of his uncles are also very happy with him.

And although Big D often gets into trouble, although the leader Deng Bo is dissatisfied with him, but because although he is impulsive and reckless, his personality is also very bold.

But because he has reaped many benefits from helping the community, there are also some people who support him.

However, Deng Bo still prefers Ah Le,

After a pause, Deng Bo shook his head, and then said,

"Sooner or later, the position of this person will be your turn in the next generation,"

"Personally, I don't think Big D is suitable for the position of a talker,"

"Although he has good ability, as a talker, his character is still flawed,"

"So ......"

Deng Bo looked at Ah Le with a look of relief and said,

"You must remember that whether you are doing things or being a person, you must follow the rules,"

"This way can it last,"

"I can also rest assured that I will hand over the position of the person who spoke to You!"

"These are Dunbo's teachings!" replied Ah Le with a sincere face.

If Qin Lie was present at this time, nagging Ah Le's expression, he would definitely scoff,

In his opinion, the most unruly in the entire Heliansheng is Ah Le,

This guy was a smiling tiger before, and he was better at disguise,

And even Dunber didn't see this,

Deng Bo looked at Ah Le's humble and teachable appearance, and couldn't help but smile,

Then I couldn't help but think of Big D again,

Immediately afterwards, my thoughts extended, and I couldn't help but think of another person, a person who is very similar to the personality of Big D.

Then he couldn't help but continue,

"Look at Qin Lie in Hongxing,"

"I tell you, don't learn from him!"

"Don't look at his beauty now,"

After a pause, Dunber said in an accentuated tone,


"An unruly person like him is destined to die a bad death in the future!"

"I've seen too many examples like him!"

When Ah Le heard this, after hearing Deng Bo's words, he couldn't help but think of Qin Lie, and at the same time, his heart was also hot!

In fact, no one saw that he actually wanted to be a person like Qin Lie in his heart!

Take control of everything!

But Dunber was right,

Do things or talk about the rules,

Otherwise, like Qin Lie, although he has fame and strength,

But because he brought down Hong Tai,

So now many clubs are very wary of him!

And among them, Deng Bo is one of the people who hates Qin Lie the most!

"I see, Dumbie!" Ah Le nodded thoughtfully,

"Hmm!" Dunber nodded, and then said,

"Ah Le, look at it, it won't be long before this Qin Lie will definitely ......"

However, just as Dunber said this,



A gunshot rang out!

In a flash


glass breakage,

Before Dunber could react,

A sniper bullet passed through Dumber's eyebrows!

The plasma, mixed with the white liquid, was sprayed out instantly.

splashed Ah Le's face.

There is no need to explain how fast the sniper shoots bullets, and everyone knows it.


Ah Le watched defenselessly as Deng Bo was killed like this,

Under the effect of the impact of the bullet, Deng Bo's eyes widened, and he fell to the ground on his back, killing instantly!

Le: "......"

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