Hollywood Secret Garden

Vol 3 Chapter 175: 911 (2)

Han father. do not go! "Angela raised his voice violently. But then she knew what to say.

"What's wrong, Chris?" The godfather asked strangely over the phone.

"I said, I have a bad feeling, very, very bad feeling, I think it is possible to lose the important person around her Angela stiffly and say the previous words again, and then quickly check through the computer to check the major Headline on the website, "If you can, come and see me now? godfather? I have never forced anything from you, I just want to come and see me now, without delaying you too long, just stay with me for one morning! "

"Well, dear, I promise to come and see you. When this small business is settled, how about coming immediately and staying with you for a day?" The godfather's hearty laughter sounded, but this only made Angela More anxious.

"No, Godfather, don't do that, please, the girl is almost speaking in a begging tone.

"Hey, it's not like what a smart and clever genius lady should say. After the godfather quipped a sentence, he asked seriously:" What the **** happened, will make you so morbid, dear? .

However, before Angela continued to persuade, the other person's vague voice suddenly sounded on the other end of the phone. Brian talked with the other person and said apologetically, "Sorry, Chris, I'm almost there. Talk again

Following the inexplicable hang up, Angela was dumbfounded. She didn't think she was so entangled that everyone agreed to the inexplicable request, but at the end of the godfather bumped into the wall. She hurriedly continued to make the phone call and left the godfather anyway. This is the Twin Towers where the godfather of New York is going!

What's wrong is when she dials the number again. The message came when the phone that was dialed was turned off.

"Asshole!" Angela slammed the phone on the ground, the phone dropped into the grass a few times on the ground, and the anxious girl turned in the garden like a headless fly. After a long while, she finally calmed down, quickly checked the relevant reports on the Internet, picked up her mobile phone and hurriedly went out.

"Where are you going ?. Mayvis got up immediately and followed closely?"

"Manhattan!" Angela walked forward without turning back, and the phone that had been automatically closed in her hand could not be opened, which made the already anxious girl more irritable. Damn, it's made for yourself, how can it still break when you fall!

"Just because of your ridiculous hunch?" Mayvis, who followed him, asked, in her opinion, Angela's series of behaviors this morning are exactly the behavior of OCD patients.

"It's not ridiculous at all." Angela turned sharply and glared at Mevis.

The female agent frowned and didn't speak again. If it hadn't been for Angela who had been around for so long and could not look at each other and then reconcile, otherwise she would really think that Miss Genius was crazy because she couldn't bear the pressure.

"Kriss. What happened?" Grandpa appeared in front of Angela when he came to the vestibule.

"Nothing. Grandpa, as long as you stay at home, there will be nothing to do at home. Angela smiles at Grandpa with a grin. But there is no stay at his feet and she walks out.

"Kriss, what's the matter? You look uneasy. Grandpa frowned and followed him.

"It's okay. Grandpa, it's okay. Angela turned back and hugged the old man immediately." I just, I just have bad feelings, very strong bad feelings. I know it's hard to believe, but ", I would rather trust my instincts, so do n’t go anywhere today, grandpa?

Holding her grandpa's arm and sending him to his grandma out of the back room, he repeatedly urged them to rush out in their puzzled eyes.

"Go to Manhattan, Butte. As soon as possible." Try to hold yourself in a panic. Angela got into the car and said to the bodyguard who had been waiting. "Also, borrow your phone and use it.

"Good lady Buckett took out her phone and handed it to Angela. When Mevis got in the car, she started the throttle and the other bodyguards in the other car followed at the same time.

Damn, no wonder I always feel like I forgot something, I'm such an idiot! Angela leaned back on the sofa, closed her eyes and sweared in her heart, trying to smile but couldn't smile. She knew that she really couldn't blame herself. There were some things she was paying attention to every day, and she would naturally remember them very clearly. And some things, even if they are very important, are known all over the world, but if there is no reminder, they will slowly be discarded in the corner as time passes, and they will not be turned back until they are stimulated one day. Of course, the memory will not disappear, even if you can't remember it for a while, you will subconsciously avoid certain things. How many times Angela has been to New York but has never been to the Twin Towers.

Yes, I never went to the World Trade Center, even if someone suggested it, I would decline it. If I had been there before, I would probably remember it before that, and I wouldn't use it. Angela tapped her head lightly. Trying to calm down her anxiety, but after calling Godfather's cell phone again and again, the shutdown message from her made her do nothing?

Heck, there is no wireless network, and mobile phones can not access the Internet, wondering if it has happened. Angela, who dialed again without success, scratched her head angrily and looked out the window. The car had now reached Brooklyn. From the relaxed expression of pedestrians on the street, the worst thing should not have happened yet.

Maybe "Maybe these things have changed because of her appearance?" Angela thought comfortably. Then she pinched her fingers anxiously, because she couldn't remember the specific time except knowing that the attack was two.

"Don't worry. Nothing will happen. Everyone will have." When it's too sensitive. Sitting next to her, she watched Mevis for a long while, and finally spoke to comfort Angela;

"I wish I was too sensitive, but Angela covered her forehead with a grin.

"Think of something else or something not so bad." Mevis thought for a few seconds. "Look, your godfather is just talking about a small business. Is there any accident in the World Trade Center?"

"I remember the year of return or the year of vomiting, there was an explosion at the World Trade Center!" Angela retorted.

"Do you think the same thing will happen again?" Mevis spread his hand. "Terrorists will not use the same tricks in the same place. Besides, we have strengthened surveillance after that incident.

Further strengthening is not necessarily useful. The girl staggered the sentence back, she couldn't say too much.

Angela bet. If he claimed on a blog or called a television station that a terrorist plane had hit the World Trade Center, Mevis would bring himself back to assist in the investigation before noon. She is not a saint or an angel. She just wants to protect herself and her family and friends. Such a subtle notification pushes everything down is the best she can do.

Hopefully "I hope things have changed. At this moment Angela can only pray in her heart like this. However, at this moment, Mayvis narrowed her eyes narrowly, and pushed Angela down next to him and rushed there. In front of the window.

Realizing that the bad Angela looked at it immediately, a plane over the destination Manhattan crashed into the north building of the World Trade Center! Countless fragments rise up with smoke and fire, and even if no sound can be heard in the car, that level of terrible impact is enough to make people feel the same.

Angela's complexion suddenly turned white, and she pushed Mevis aside and slammed on the back of the driver's seat, screaming, "Hurry up! Buckett! Let's go! Get by now!"

"Please don't worry, Miss Backett is calm, even though he also sees the smoke of the World Trade North Building.

Fortunately, the rush hour has passed, and the bad traffic in New York City is relatively better. After driving for a while, the car finally reached the Brooklyn Bridge. If this behavior is usual, it will be scolded by other drivers, but now their attention is attracted by the previous disaster. .

The flustered Angela finally calmed down after taking several deep breaths in succession, and greeted the co-pilot, Wade: "Turn on the car radio and listen to what the radio is saying."

"I think you should go back now!" Said pale-faced Mevis, holding Angela's arm, after talking to Warren in the car behind him.

"Never!" Angela shook her hand away. "My godfather is there now! I want to know his condition!"

"You're useless! Police and firefighters will soon arrive at the scene to control the situation. Even if you get there, you can't do anything!" Mevis said sharply.

Angela couldn't help it, but immediately raised her voice sharply: "It doesn't need you to control it! It doesn't!"

She bit her lip and stared at Mevis, her body trembling slightly, as if she would throw her out if she didn't agree. Angela was already in a mess. On the one hand, she expected the godfather not to be on or left, but on the other hand, she always felt that he was there, and the mobile phone dialed until now is still off. It made her want to go crazy.

Mevis also stared back. She didn't seem to intend to make concessions. At this time, after changing the different channels, the car radio finally came out with a report that made Angela care. Almost three minutes ago, a plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center and caused an explosion. Fire and smoke were visible from miles away, and dozens of people had been injured by the fall. No one was killed for the time being. As for the internal situation of the North Building, it is unclear, the police have begun to maintain order, but the manpower is obviously insufficient, and firemen are still on their way. "

After covering her mouth tightly and listening to the broadcast for a long while, Angela spoke again: "I want to go, I want to go anyway!"

She looked up and looked at Mevis with a scary, determined gaze: "Don't stop me, Mes".

The female agent stared at her for several seconds, biting her roots, and finally raised her hands in annoyance and waved, and sat back in her seat.

As you walk towards the World Trade Building, the situation becomes more chaotic. Many panicked people are running in the opposite direction, and many people stand still looking straight at the smokey building, and some even hold it. Keep shooting.

Not far from the World Trade Center, Angela was stopped by police.

"Sorry. Gentlemen, you can't go there; if there is something urgent going there. Please go around the road." The policeman said to Buckett in the cab.

"Mr. Police. I have relatives working in the World Trade Center. I just wanted to go and see if there was anything sitting behind Angela and said with a half head.

"Miss no, our people are maintaining order and evacuating the trapped people. Putting other vehicles in before this will only make our job more difficult. The other side mercilessly rejected her.

hateful! Anxious Angela looked around? In this case, what happened to those who walked in? "Wait! She suddenly opened the car door and drilled out, and quickly passed the intersection to the World Trade Center.

Damn it! Can't she make people feel at ease? "Mayvis couldn't help cursing, and immediately jumped out of the car and ran behind Angela. Then the co-pilot's Wilde said

Warren and several other bodyguards, who got off the bus Er Er, also jumped out of the car and chased the two leaves and Erpin to the World Trade Center.

The policeman who was blocking the road was startled. If it wasn't for the driving Buckett who said "Nothing" to him, he might yell and "stop". It was only after watching these people out of sight that he patted the back of his head. Why was the woman so familiar at first?

The scene around the world trade building gets worse the worse, the ground is full of shards of various sizes, and there are dust everywhere, and people go out calmly under the maintenance of the police.

Suddenly, Angela's legs and feet suddenly became a little soft, and her breathing was quick. She looked up at the South Tower that had not been hit, and dialed the number in vain again and again.

"Sorry, miss. You can't move forward, it's not safe here.

. Although there are also ordinary people walking around, it seems that most of them are reporters, so Angela was quickly stopped by the police again.

"Mr. Police. My loved ones are working on it, I just want to see him Angela said anxiously;

"I'm sorry, you can't go there. It's dangerous here. We are evacuating the people in the building, so please go home and wait patiently." The young policeman raised his hands and shook, and followed what he found for a few seconds. And then asked carefully: "You are" Sister Angela Mason

"Ah? Um," yes, it was my Angela who didn't expect to be recognized, but now I can't care so much, "My godfather is now in the World Trade Center, I just want to know how he is doing

"We can't do anything about it, Miss Angela." The other person shook his head. "You can't go up now. I suggest you go back to the hotel and wait patiently.

"I told you. Even if you are here, you can't do anything. Mevis stepped forward and grabbed Angela's arm." Stop being willful? Maybe your godfather has left here? .

"Why not turn it on?" Angela lifted the phone in her hand, and wailed in her tone. "How many times have I dialed repeatedly from leaving the villa to here? But I didn't call it once!"

Mayvis moved her mouth without making a sound, she didn't know what to say. At this moment, a terrified shout sounded from the crowd around. Angela and a few of them raised their heads for the first time, and saw another plane installed obliquely on the south building of the World Trade Building. The ringing almost broke the eardrum.

"Hide." Mevis shouted, regardless of whether Angela heard her grab her and dragged him to the street.

At the same time, the crowd around them followed the chaos, and people shouted and ran down the buildings on both sides. Even the police were no exception. The scene was chaotic.

"Mum, mum," a five or six little girl was stumped and crowded, crying overwhelmed.

Finally, Angela, who had returned from the explosion, didn't know where she had the courage. She immediately broke away from Mevis and rushed forward and ran into two people to hold the little girl in her arms, and then ran to the building desperately. go with.

As soon as she ran in, Zhentian's voice rang outside, and countless things fell on the street like it cracked?

"Damn. Do you know how dangerous it was just now?" Mevis shouted whitishly?

Angela ignored it, just patted on the little girl's back comfortably while looking blankly through the building's door to look at the South Building, which was also on fire.

"Everyone pay attention. Please leave here quickly, don't get crowded, listen to our command line." The police's voice rang again, and almost everyone heard it through the horn.

People were panicking again. If the North Building was hit before, it might be an accident. Now the South Building is also hit. That ’s terrible. God knows whether there will be planes flying over to hit those high-rise buildings.

"Henor ?! Eleanor?". A crying and anxious female voice sounded from far and near in the crowd.

"Mum! Mum!" The little girl hugged by Angela responded loudly.

Angela, who had been staring at the South Tower, finally came back to her, and quickly hugged the little girl to find someone. Soon, a young woman in her twenties rushed over with tears on her face, and leaped forward from Angela after she recognized her daughter, holding her in her arms and crying?

"Don't be sad, madam, your daughter is fine." Angela watched them softly and said, "Hurry up and leave."

"Thank you, Miss, thank you very much." The other side said gratefully, and left with her daughter in a hurry.

Angela smiled bitterly and looked up at the South Tower again, a feeling of dizziness came to her mind. Just then, White walked over with her cell phone: "Miss Angela, Mr. Jared called to ask you to return to Long Island immediately, and your godfather Mr. Brian is there now."

"What did you say ?. Angela couldn't believe him.

"Mr. Jared said, if you don't believe it, you can call back right away." White nodded earnestly.

Angela stared at him for a few seconds, suddenly suddenly paralyzed as soon as her body was soft, but fortunately, Mevis supported her in time.

"Call. We'll go back when I'm sure, Mess." Angela whispered, she didn't notice that there was a camera not far away, and she had recorded everything she had said and done before Come down; 2k novel reading network

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