Hogwarts Kryptonian

Chapter 158 New Competition

"Why did you come here by yourself? Where is your uncle?"

"I'm not from his house. They sent me to London yesterday, and I spent the night at the Ministry of Magic last night."

Harry smiled and said hello to Lu Yunkai, and then naturally nodded to Daphne who was standing next to Lu Yunkai.

Platform nine and three-quarters, the last day of August.

The new school year is about to begin.

In the last week, Lu Yunkai did not go to see Voldemort again. It wasn't that he had nothing to say to the miserable Dark Lord, but he was too tired from flying around and there was no need.

Anyway, Lu Yunkai is in this situation now, and Voldemort is fully aware of it. As for his resurrection ceremony, let alone Lu Yunkai, even Dumbledore may not be able to do anything about it now.

On the current platform, Lu Yunkai still saw the pink-haired female Auror...

"That Tonks... why are you following you again?" Lu Yunkai lowered his voice intentionally, "Aren't you angry with her?"

"Why am I angry with her... Oh! You're talking about Professor Lupin!" Harry finally reacted, "I met Lupine last night, and he even had a few words with Tonks. . He is not angry with Tonks anymore, so why should I blame her?"

"...Lu Ping is such a good person!!" Lu Yunkai sighed.

If it were me, if someone reported me and lost my job... I would probably tear that person's heart to pieces.

"And Tonks felt embarrassed herself. She didn't expect Lupine to be such a gentle and kind person." After saying this, Harry's eyes brought a smile, "Then she wanted to apologize to Lupine and She said she wanted to invite him to dinner, but Lu Ping refused, and she was still very angry. On the way here just now, she asked me if I knew where Lu Ping lived..."

"...Oh??" Lu Yunkai also had a weird smile on his face, "But... Tonks is not a few years older than us, right? Luping... OK!!"

"Hehehe..." Harry smiled and nodded.

At this time, Ron and Hermione also came together.

Lu Yunkai smiled and said hello to the two of them, then returned to the Slytherin crowd.

"Why did you go to say hello to that Potter again?"

As soon as Lu Yunkai arrived, Malfoy's complaints came.

"Let's chat!" Lu Yunkai smiled and shook his head, "Why do you feel that you are not in a good mood today?"

"It's not a matter of mood. My father reminded me last night not to get too close to that Potter when I go back to school this year. It might be dangerous. I also remind you to stay away from that disaster star."

"Oh? Did Mr. Malfoy hear something again? Why is there danger?" Lu Yun's eyelids twitched.

"I don't know. He didn't tell me. He just asked me to be more honest in school this year. If I can win a Quidditch Cup this year, he will take me abroad for a whole vacation next summer."

"...You wait here for me!" Lu Yun was happy.

"Hehe." Malfoy scratched his head a little embarrassed, "So, we must win this year! We can learn from Ireland's tactics..."

Lu Yunkai smiled helplessly.

This kid is done.

The train back to school drove all the way back to Hogwarts amid Malfoy's talk.

Originally, it was just Malfoy pulling Lu Yunkai and his two followers there to study Slytherin's possible Quidditch tactics this year, but maybe he was talking too enthusiastically and let the other people sitting next to him The Slytherins heard it too.

You know, all the boys in Slytherin House are now members of the Quidditch team.

The discussion then turned into a bunch of student recaps of this summer's Quidditch World Cup finals...

Until the car stopped on the school platform, this group of people were still arguing about "whether Viktor Krum is the best Quidditch player in the world right now"...

The debate even lasted until the welcome dinner that night.

"A player who can't even win the World Cup says he's the best in the world!"

Malfoy still muttered with an unhappy look on his face.

Next to him, Pansy seemed used to his childish behavior and pretended not to notice.

As for Lu Yunkai and Daphne, who were farther away from him, they didn't listen to him anymore.


At this moment, Mag's voice resounded throughout the lively auditorium.

The welcome banquet of the new semester officially begins.

Just like in previous years, the sorting ceremony was at the beginning of everything. The sorting hat still sang a nagging song, and then the frightened freshmen were packed into each house one by one.

Lu Yunkai didn't know anyone among this year's newcomers, so he just followed the Slytherin team and welcomed and applauded the juniors who had just joined the academy.

On the other hand, Astoria who was standing next to her kept looking around, looking curious.

The banquet that followed was the same as in previous years, with the same dishes and the same house-elf taste. They were delicious, but there were no surprises.

After dinner, it was time for the banquet to end.

Principal Dumbledore stood up and came to the podium.

"Now that we are all fed and drunk, I must once again appeal to your attention and I have a few announcements to make. Mr. Filch, the gatekeeper, wishes me to tell you that this year, several more items are prohibited in the castle. They are the Screaming Ball, the Toothed Flying Saucer, and the Combo Boomerang. The entire list includes approximately four hundred and thirty-seven items, and can be seen in Mr. Filch's office for those who are interested."

At this point, Dumbledore's mouth twitched.

And those students who had just entered the new college looked shocked when they heard the number of more than four hundred.

"I would also like to inform you with great regret that the Quidditch Cup will not be held this year." Dumbledore continued.

"...What??" Malfoy, who was sitting next to Lu Yunkai and had been thinking about this year's Slytherin Quidditch tactics today, was stunned.

"Ah? Can't do it? It's... such a pity." Lu Yunkai almost blurted out that it was too good.

He really doesn't have much interest in Quidditch or anything like that!

And they were not the only two students to express their opinions on this matter. The whole auditorium buzzed again.

"This is because a large event will start in October and continue throughout the school year, taking up a lot of teachers' time and energy. But I'm sure you will all have a lot of fun doing it. It will be hosted at Hogwarts this year An event that has not been held for more than a century, I am honored to tell you that the Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts this year.”

Dumbledore smiled and returned his attention.

"The Triwizard Tournament?? Oh my God!" Malfoy, who had looked indignant just a second ago, suddenly lit up.

And he wasn't the only one with such an expression. Many students had unconcealable excitement on their faces.

"...What is the Triwizard Tournament?" Lu Yunkai asked Daphne with a confused look on his face.

"It's just..." Daphne started to speak.

"The Triwizard Tournament is a friendly competition between the three largest wizarding schools in Europe. Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. Each school selects a champion, and then the three champions compete against each other. A magical project. The Triwizard Tournament is held every five years, and the three schools take turns hosting it. However, due to too many deaths during the competition, people have tried to resume the Triwizard Tournament several times over the centuries. , but none of them were successful. This summer, our Department of International Magical Cooperation and Magical Sports at the Ministry of Magic decided that the time was ripe for another attempt. We have done a lot of work to ensure that every warrior will not be in danger. "Dumbledore patiently explained the questions of most students in the auditorium, "In October, the principals of the other two schools will lead their carefully selected competitors, and the ceremony to select the warrior representatives will be held on Halloween. The group will arrive in October and will spend most of the school year with us. I hope that you will be warm and friendly to our foreign guests during their stay at the school, and once the Hogwarts Warriors are finally over. Chosen, you will support him or her wholeheartedly.”

"This is okay! It's more interesting than the Quidditch Cup!"

Lu Yunkai's eyes also lit up.

yes! Quidditch or something, flying around silly, how great is this! Three magic items…

"Do you know what the competition is about?" Lu Yunkai asked Malfoy.

"I don't know. It must be different every time, right? I can write and ask my father later." Malfoy looked eager to give it a try, but quickly said, "Hey! No! It's impossible for him not to know that there will be three events this year. Tournament, right? Then why did you tell me that if I win the Quidditch Cup this year, you’ll take me out for the whole vacation next summer?”

"He just doesn't plan to take you to play! You'd better go ask about the Triwizard Tournament! Then help my brother-in-law win the championship!!" Astoria said with a smile on her side.

"What is your brother-in-law!" Malfoy became even worse because he realized that his father was trying to fool his somewhat depressed mood.

Yes, if Lu Yunkai participates in this competition, he will definitely have nothing to do with this Triwizard Tournament...

This might as well be the Quidditch Cup! !

"I don't think we have much of an advantage over the sixth and seventh grade students. Let's not even think about winning the championship." Lu Yunkai shook his head quickly and glanced at the senior students next to him.

But in his heart, he was indeed ready to move.

It doesn’t matter if you give it a try. If you are chosen... the prize money in this competition should be a lot, right?


"I know you all want to win the Triwizard Trophy for Hogwarts. However, for safety reasons, the participating schools and the Ministry of Magic have agreed to set an age limit for this year's contenders. Only seventeen or older Only students over 10 years old are allowed to register..."

Dumbledore's words almost immediately set the entire auditorium on fire.

Seventeen years old, that means only those in sixth or seventh grade can do it?

Protests of all kinds arose one after another.

"How can this be! We also want to participate!" This sentence was shouted by Malfoy.

"That's right! We are in fourth grade this year. Even if it happens again in five years, we won't be able to participate!!" Daphne was also furious at the side, "That is called eternal glory!"

"...Why are you so angry!" Seeing Daphne's look, Lu Yun became happy.

Do you still want to participate? Don't make trouble...

"My sister wants you to participate! I have a husband who has won the Triwizard Tournament...ah! Can't I just stop talking?" Astoria rubbed her legs with an aggrieved look.

At this moment, suddenly, with a bang, the door of the auditorium opened.

The originally noisy auditorium seemed to have been paused. Almost all the students looked towards the door of the auditorium where the loud noise came from.

It was a man wearing a cloak, holding a cane in his hand, with scars all over his face, and an eye that kept rotating... It was a prosthetic eye.

Suddenly, there was a click, and a huge lightning sound rang out from the roof of the auditorium, which simulated various weather conditions.

Many students were shocked by this strange scene.

"Well, please allow me to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Moody." Dumbledore added quickly.

It can be considered that the hurdle of being able to compete at the age of seventeen has been bypassed.

"Moody? Crazy Eyes Moody?? That Auror??" Daphne looked at the ugly man in front of her in shock and exclaimed in a low voice.

"Auror? Is this person famous?"

"Now half of Azkaban is filled with him." Blaise on the side replied to Lu Yunkai.

"...Cow." Lu Yunkai couldn't think of anything else to say for a while.

But how could such a person come to Hogwarts to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?

But with such a person in school, Lu Yunkai could confidently tell Voldemort that he couldn't influence Harry.

Well, good thing.

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