Hogwarts: I Really Don't Want to Be a Wizard

Chapter 101 Professor Fu, I think it would be better for you to have a nose.

Chapter 101 Professor Fu, I think you would look better if you had a nose.

After seeing clearly that the person in front of him was Gretel, Voldemort relaxed his body.

He crossed his hands together and put his elbows on the table.

He watched Gretel indifferently as he attacked his servant.

He saw that Gretel did not kill them, but just knocked these guys unconscious.

He actually doesn't care about this group of people very much. As long as Gretel can surrender to him, even if all these people die, he won't feel too distressed.

However, the way Gretel appeared was really surprising, and could even be considered terrifying.

Therefore, Voldemort has not completely let go of the wand in his hand until now.

Gretel didn't care about Voldemort's assessment of him. No matter what, it was impossible for the two of them to come to the same camp.

He came here today for one purpose, to gather wool.

The reason for knocking out irrelevant people is just so that I can better negotiate with my dear professor.

After all, the method he was going to use would damage Professor Fu's great image in the hearts of his servants.

If there is a sober person on the side, it is difficult to say whether Professor Fu will choose to fight him to the death because of his face.

Therefore, these people must be knocked unconscious.

Elimination cannot be eliminated, at least not now.

Shuguang also hoped that they would confront the Order of the Phoenix so that he could fish in troubled waters.

If all these people are really wiped out, Professor Fu, a lonely man, let alone dominate the British magic world, first find a way to save his life in the hands of the Order of the Phoenix.

Once all the Death Eater elites are killed, without Dumbledore taking action, the veterans of the Order of the Phoenix can give Professor Fu a taste of what it means to be alone and helpless, and what it means to be unable to defeat four people with two fists.

Don't look at Gretel knocking out these dozen Death Eaters so easily.

That's because the real elite of the Death Eaters are still enjoying the special care of the Dementors in Azkaban.

Now these guys are just the backbone.

Besides, Gretel had already prepared a plan before arriving at the meeting. Whether they calculated it mentally or not, there was really nothing these people could do against Gretel.

His strength is not as strong as he appears.

At least, if he really faced a sniper, whether it was Voldemort or Dumbledore, they could hang him up and beat him.

All he can do is escape if he can't fight.


"Gretel, I like it very much that you can come, but I am very unhappy with your behavior."

The moment Gretel stopped, Voldemort spoke calmly.

With an imperceptible rustling sound, a snake head suddenly jumped out from under the conference table.

The tabletop made of solid wood, like a piece of rotten wood, shattered on the spot with a bang under Nagini's violent impact.

"I was only focused on dealing with people, and I almost forgot that there is a beast here."

With a simple sentence of "imprisonment", Nagini's fangs were about to pounce on her face, but finally stopped ten centimeters in front of her face.

As soon as he lowered his hand, the wand usually hidden in his sleeve slipped into the palm of his hand.

A hidden curse lingered on the tip of the staff.

"Professor, you don't mind if I take something from your pet.

After Gretel appeared, Voldemort, who was surprised for the first time and then calm, now seemed a little nervous.

There was still a trace of unspeakable anger hidden in his eyes.

"Professor, don't worry. I'm not here to kill people. I just want to ask you some questions like I did at Hogwarts."

While Gretel was talking, he took out the largest reagent bottle from his bag and put it next to Nagini's fangs.

"Little cutie, don't resist, I'll lend you some venom."

When Nagini's poison sac was emptied, the reagent bottle floating next to Gretel was already half full.

Just like the basilisk is full of treasures, Nagini's venom is also a good potion material and can be used to prepare many powerful potions.

Seeing Voldemort's frown getting deeper and deeper, Gretel knew full well the principle of giving up when something is good, so he quickly took a few steps back and released the spell that bound Nagini.

Once the seal was released, Nagini continued to charge fiercely, and Grete pointed the wand at it again.

Voldemort felt the fatal threat coming from the tip of the staff and hissed a few words before the snakehead turned his head unwillingly and swam back to him.

She leaned against him tiredly, the snake's head half resting on his shoulder.


From 1991 to now, Voldemort had murderous intentions towards Gretel for the first time. He could bear Gretel climbing up, but he did not allow Gretel to climb up on his head.

Taking action against Nagini had completely exhausted Voldemort's remaining patience with Gretel.

With the idea of ​​destroying it if he couldn't get it, Voldemort made his ultimate move.

His eyes were full of anger and madness. He had given Gretel nearly five years, showing no mercy at all, not even allowing his servants to hurt him when they chased him.

But now, this boy has grown to this point.

Originally, after hearing that Gretel and Dumbledore had parted ways, he fully expected Gretel to throw herself into his arms.

He had even been secretly considering what position to leave for Gretel among the Death Eaters.

But now he doesn't want to, he doesn't allow anyone to resist him, so what if he is a genius? He has seen a lot of them, not to mention the crucian carp crossing the river, but it is by no means rare.

As long as he can gain immortality, he will see more geniuses. At the worst, he will just train his successors himself.

Gretel really didn't expect that Voldemort's reaction would be so fierce and decisive.

The moment the green light rushed out of the wand, Grete also raised his hand and threw out his own spell.

He wanted to try to see if the Expelliarmus spell was the anti-Voldemort treasure in Harry's world.

The crimson light was directly defeated the moment it came into contact with the Death Curse, without even a short delay.

This confirms that Expelliarmus is not a Noble Phantasm specifically designed to fight Voldemort.

Harry is, or should be said to be, the savior.

It was possible that no matter what spell Harry used, even if he used a quick confinement spell or a petrification spell.

With the addition of the will of the world, it can eventually become Harry's strongest curse against Voldemort.

Seeing that the Death Curse was about to come into contact with his body, Gretel only had time to shake his head, and in an instant it dispersed into spots of light all over the sky.

When he appeared again, his wand was already on Nagini's head.

"Professor, it seems that splitting another Horcrux has a great impact on you. You would not have been so impulsive before.

Professor, put down your wand and let's talk.

Of course, if you think that you or this cute potion material can avoid my death curse, just pretend that I didn't say it. "

Nagini, an impulsive snake, no matter how stupid she was, felt that life-threatening feeling when her head was pressed with a wand.

Of course, Voldemort was able to escape from Gretel's hands. A phantom was enough for him to disappear from Gretel's eyes.

However, Nagini couldn't do it. It was just a snake. Even if it had become its own Horcrux, it was still just a snake. Without its own help, it would not have been able to escape from Gretel's hands.

After once again splitting his soul to create a Horcrux, Nagini became the only thing he cared about.

Not only because of the Horcrux, but also because it can communicate with his own mind, just like another self.

Voldemort snorted loudly from his nostrils and vented his dissatisfaction.

He raised his hand and threw the wand on the table.

Gretel also retracted his wand at the right time, and patted Nagini's hideous head.

"Very well, Professor, you have finally calmed down. You must know that we are not enemies. We have a common opponent, and that is Dumbledore.

I came here to find you to ask for your help. We don't need to make the situation so stiff, right?

Can't everyone sit down, have a good talk, and solve the problem happily? "

The moment Nagini was freed, she rustled to the other side away from Gretel, and dropped her head in despair on Voldemort's knees who sat down again.

Voldemort reached out his hand and stroked Nagini's head comfortingly, while making a sound through his teeth.

"Grete, I underestimated you.

I don’t believe you are here to join forces with me, so if you have any questions, just say it directly. "

Gretel shrugged noncommittally, teasing Groot, who was awakened by the silence.

"Actually, there's nothing else. I just want the professor to teach me Legilimency."

Voldemort suppressed his anger and said, "Okay."


Gretel did not expect Professor Fu to be so easy to communicate with, so he asked tentatively: "Give me a copy of the research records on Horcruxes?"


He was completely shocked. This situation was completely different from what he had imagined.

Before coming, Gretel imagined many situations, but never thought that Voldemort would be so cooperative.

He cast his eyes at Voldemort in confusion. He didn't understand that Nagini had such a high status in Voldemort's heart.

Even a Horcrux was not enough to make Voldemort make such a concession.

Accepting the request, Grete decisively gave him a sincere smile.

“Thank you Professor for your generosity and I hope we will have a pleasant cooperation.”

Facing Gretel's extended hand, Voldemort didn't even bother to raise his head.

"I don't have paper records, so if I want to get knowledge about Legilimency and Horcruxes, I can only use the original method."

Voldemort's tone was very calm, without any fluctuation or emotion.

Grete had no objection and agreed directly.

Just when Voldemort threw the same shadow that concealed knowledge as before, Gretel used magic particles to shape a box, raised his hand and put the shadow in his pocket.

"Professor, you are not honest at all."

Gretel raised his wand and pointed it at Voldemort, who was holding the wand back in his hand.

"Heh, you too."

When Avada lit up in front of his eyes again, Gretel disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

All that was left was, "Professor, I think you would look better if you pinched your nose."


12 Grimmauld Place.

Dumbledore stood at the window, holding a letter in his hand, looking extremely sad.

He didn't expect that Voldemort would actually write him a letter, and the things described in the letter made him still unable to calm down.

Voldemort's letter mentioned Gretel, the young man who said he wanted to bring the wizarding world to the sun, but he actually came to find him.

Surprisingly, Voldemort was defeated by Gretel and was forced to hand over the information about Legilimency and Horcruxes.

Dumbledore didn't want to believe it, but he didn't dare to completely disbelieve it.

He didn't know how long the Order of the Phoenix, which he had just reassembled, could last if Voldemort and Gretel really united.

Obviously, he had acquiesced to Dawn's actions, and he also sent a letter to Gretel, admonishing him to stay away from Voldemort.

But why did this young man take the initiative to come to the door?

Is it possible that this person who once said that he was not interested in eternal life was just pretending?

Gretel didn't know that Voldemort, a guy who was obsessed with fighting and killing, was actually playing tricks on him.

He even did not hesitate to contact the professor he feared most in his life, Albus Dumbledore.

Gretel would be speechless if he knew that Voldemort described him as a conspirator like no other in his letter, and also framed him as someone whose strength far exceeded his own.

He knew how much he weighed, if it weren't for the fact that Nagini was by his side and made Voldemort take advantage of him.

He could only give up part of the mobile phone market to Voldemort in exchange for the knowledge in Voldemort's hands.

He was ready to cut the flesh.

In addition to cutting off the flesh, of course he also prepared another plan, that is, if he did not cooperate with him, he would tell Voldemort that he would find Dumbledore to cooperate.

Dawn and the Order of the Phoenix teamed up to strangle the Death Eaters.

Not bad now.

He didn't have time to fish in troubled waters before the Order of the Phoenix faced off against the Death Eaters.

He was pushed forward by Voldemort himself, and he was about to face off against Dumbledore.

Originally, when the Order of the Phoenix was founded, its only purpose was to deal with Voldemort.

All the men had been dispersed by Dumbledore, looking for traces of Voldemort.

If Voldemort could be found before he could gather his strength again and form a sweeping force, Dumbledore would be confident of suppressing him.

But now, Voldemort actually sent him a letter, which made Dumbledore confused.

The main reason is that he has never really seen what kind of person Gretel is.

Whether it was Grindelwald or Voldemort, he could clearly understand their purpose.

But Gretel, from the first time he saw her, it was like he was separated by a fog, and he could never see clearly.

He had originally decided to acquiesce to Gretel's actions, but now, he couldn't let go.

After much thought, Dumbledore left Grimmauld Place. He was going to find someone. Only he could gain Gretel's trust.

Hogwarts during the holidays looks like a spooky castle.

Only the ever-burning magic torch can slightly dispel the darkness of the castle.

There were dozens of potions on Snape's desk.

That was the potion that Gretel left behind after his last confinement, and it was also his proof of success.

For several of the potions, even if he was asked to brew them himself, there was no guarantee that they would be successful.

But all the potions that Gretel gave him were perfect.

If there are any flaws, it can only be the flaws in the potion material itself.

"Teacher Snape, I should have passed the exam."

Gretel's voice seemed to still be echoing in his ears.

Snape rubbed the stand-in doll that looked exactly like him in his pocket and murmured.

"Yes, I have nothing left to teach you."

Thank you to book friends Tinkerbell, Xuanxuan, and Lonely, the one who keeps the sheep, for their monthly support. I would like to express my love to all of them.

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