Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 596: Challenging the Ministry of Magic

Chapter 596 Challenging the Ministry of Magic

 Lucius and Karkaroff were very panicked.

Constructing Kyle and getting him expelled from Hogwarts was the first task given to them by Voldemort after his resurrection.

Originally they thought this was a sure thing, so they took it without any hesitation.

To be sure, Lucius also spent a lot of money and used a large sum of gold to convince Fudge to use a ridiculous reason to trick Kyle into the Ministry of Magic, preparing to catch him off guard.

 But the result is different from what they thought.

How could there be no record of casting the Fire Curse in Kyle's wand? There must have been a mistake somewhere...or the Fire Curse must still be behind it.

 So it is naturally impossible for them to agree to stop inspections.

It seemed that he was trying to make them give up, and Kyle didn't stop him.

After Vulcan cleared the way, more than a dozen magic spells appeared one after another, but they were all ordinary and commonly used spells.

 Karkaroff's forehead had already formed a layer of fine beads of sweat.

 “Keep going, keep going!” he shouted.

But at this time, Kyle held down his wand with his hand. With this blockage, the effect of the flashback spell was immediately terminated.

“Principal Karkaroff, you are a bit shameless.” He said slowly: “If we can’t find the spell you want, we will spend a whole day or a month here.

“I’m sure it’s no problem. Anyway, there are still more than half a month before school starts, so I have plenty of time.

“But the problem is that the other people here are different. Everyone has to deal with many important things every day. Isn’t it a little too much to ask them to waste their precious time playing such boring games with you?”

"You have a guilty conscience!" Karkaroff said loudly, "The next one will definitely be the Fire Curse. You must have a guilty conscience, so you don't dare to continue."

However, before Kyle could speak, Amelia Bones, who was sitting in the middle, said calmly:

“Please be quiet, Mr. Igor Karkarov, I think the available evidence is sufficient to show that he has not used illegal black magic.

 “If you can’t come up with other evidence…”

"Yes, Veritaserum!" At this time, McNeill, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said: "As long as he drinks Veritaserum, everything will be revealed."

"I think it's okay." Umbridge immediately agreed. Then she looked at Kyle and said in a pretentious manner: "If you hadn't killed Mr. Nott, you wouldn't have refused to use Veritaserum to prove your innocence. ."

“No, I refuse.” Kyle smiled and said: “Also in 1975, after discovering that memory can be tampered with, the International Federation of Wizards also abolished the use of Legilimency and Veritaserum in interrogations.”

"But if there are special circumstances, such as the prisoner refusing to admit guilt, it can still be used." Umbridge said coldly: "The Ministry of Magic has this right."

"As far as I know, no." Kyle said without changing his expression: "Veritaserum can be used for final confirmation only when there is sufficient evidence. But do you have evidence now? Just rely on a few Can I say a few words personally? This is not okay.

“I now seriously suspect that they are colluding and want to take revenge on me for defeating Durmstrang in the Triwizard Tournament.

“So I think they should be given veritaserum to determine the authenticity of the testimony.”

Amelia Bones tapped her fingers on the table with a thoughtful expression.

McNeil, who just spoke, looked at her and subconsciously took two steps back.

There is no fool among the people present, and it can be seen at a glance that he does not dare to drink Veritaserum.

 But Umbridge chose to turn a blind eye. She still looked at Kyle and asked: "Can I think that you are resisting the Ministry of Magic?"

“Bang!” At this moment, the door to the room was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and Professor McGonagall walked in angrily, blocked by several Aurors.

"You still don't represent the Ministry of Magic." She said to Umbridge rudely, and then looked at Kyle.

"Sorry, Kyle... someone told me twenty minutes ago that the location had changed. I waited in an empty room for more than ten minutes before I realized something was wrong, thanks to..."

 When he said this, Professor McGonagall suddenly paused, and then continued: "Thanks to someone's help, I knew you were here."

"It's okay, Professor," Kyle said. "Maybe someone doesn't want you to come over."

"I think you're right." Professor McGonagall turned to look at everyone on the stage...especially McNeil, Malfoy and Karkaroff, with his lips pressed into a tight line.

"I never knew that the Ministry of Magic could change the content of an interrogation at short notice." She said in a stern tone, "This approach is simply ridiculous!"

"I must remind you, Minerva McGonagall, that this was approved by the Minister," said Umbridge.

"I don't remember that the Minister of Magic still has the right to change the rules of the Wizengamot at will." Professor McGonagall said **** for tat: "But it doesn't matter, Dumbledore is here, I believe he will be here soon, maybe he can help Let’s clear up the confusion.”

Yes, Dumbledore is also at the Ministry of Magic at the moment.

Kyle suddenly stopped panicking, or in other words, he had already started thinking about how to delay it for a while.

"Mr. Scrimgeour." He said with a smile: "I suddenly feel that what Principal Karkaroff said just now makes sense. Maybe the next magic spell I use will be Li Fire. How about we continue to check ."

Karkaroff's hands and feet were cold. The last thing he wanted to see now was Dumbledore. Even if Dumbledore couldn't take action against him, he still couldn't help but feel weak in his legs when he thought of the battle on the top of the mountain that night.

 As for McNeil next to him, he could hardly stand.

 The only one who can still remain calm now is Malfoy.

He knew very well that Professor McGonagall was just scaring them. The matter with Harry Potter would not be resolved so quickly. Even if Dumbledore would come, it would not be now unless he was willing to give up the savior Potter.

"Blood debt!" Malfoy suddenly said: "The pre-flashback spell may be interfered with, but blood debt cannot. You only need to use the Sphinx Mirror to see whether he has killed a wizard."

There is a reason for Malfoy to do this. Although Dumbledore is scary, at least he will not kill them directly. However, if the task is not completed, the Dark Lord will not be so easy to talk to.

 They will have to shed their skin even if they don’t die.

Kyle frowned.

 The Sphinx Mirror? Blood debt?

 He ​​is now more and more certain that Diana must have known about their plans and asked him to come to the Ministry of Magic in advance. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence.

But before Kyle could think about it for long, Chris stood up from the side.

“Ms. Bones, I think they should first prove that their testimony is correct.”

"That's right." Professor McGonagall said without hesitation: "It is already a serious mistake to temporarily change the content of the interrogation. I will never allow you to continue to frame the students of Hogwarts for no reason."

 She has a tough attitude and looks like an angry lion.

"I don't agree either." Kyle nodded as well.

Although with Diana's help, he no longer needs to worry about this, it does not mean that he should cooperate with Malfoy and be led around.

 Being so passive is not what Kyle wants to see.


 (End of this chapter)

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