Hogwarts: Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Chapter 117: You are a well-deserved dark wizard


A question mark slowly appeared on the white paper of the diary, representing Tom's current mood.

"No, I don't understand what you mean, Lou En?"

The handwriting was still scribbled, and he was panicking now.

"It literally means, senior."

Lou En rested his chin in one hand and wrote with a quill in the other.

"Now that you have nothing to teach me, it means that you have no value.

"And—you just wanted to control me, didn't you? 35

His handwriting is still very beautiful and coherent.

Nothing appears in the diary.

But Lou En could clearly feel the diary in his hand trembling uncontrollably, as if it was a precursor to a volcanic eruption.

"Lou En, what are you doing? 35

At this time, Hermione came over curiously.

"It's just a diary, to record something.

Lou En closed the diary and chuckled.

"Really?" Hermione half-squinted, but she didn't ask.

After all, everyone has their own little secrets, and even she has some privacy that Lou En doesn't want to know.

Just like when you go to bed every night...

Thinking of this, Hermione hurriedly shook her head and put these things behind her.

"It's almost nine o'clock now, let's hurry up to Professor McGonagall's class." "After speaking, she pulled Lou En out of the seat.

Lou En was still holding the diary when he left.

This thing can't be thrown into the Shenwei space casually.

"Really, Fred's two, there's no one to be found when you need it!

Ronald complained, then got up with the book and followed behind Lou En and Hermione.

Harry was also scratching his head in anguish, and he was also somewhat unfamiliar with the spell that Professor Flitwick was going to test.

Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class.

Malfoy and Crabbe were undoubtedly late.

It was the first wizard other than Harry and Ronald to dare to be late to her class.

"I must tell Severus`.!

Professor McGonagall said angrily.

Hopefully Malfoy won't be punished too badly by Snape, since he's been in a bad mood lately.

Lou En couldn't help thinking.

With the slow opening of the textbook, this section of the deformation class officially began.

The sorcerers in the second grade have to learn to turn animals into objects, and they are not allowed to make a little mistake, such as the final exam of the first grade, which is to turn a small mouse into a snuff bottle.

Lou En naturally needless to say, his transformation spell has been used like a fire.

What he said in class was a breeze for him.

As for Hermione, she also followed Lou En to rehearse the Transfiguration spell well during the holidays, but she still took notes seriously in class.

Lou En opened the diary he had put on the table a little bored.

Since the writing of that paragraph, this diary has not had any reply.

The tremor at the beginning seemed to be an illusion, but now it seems like an ordinary diary.

"You deserve to have the potential to become a dark wizard..."

Seemingly noticing Lou En's actions, a line of words slowly appeared on the diary.

"Thank you. I appreciate the compliment."

The corner of Lou En's mouth twitched, and he wrote this line with a quill pen.

It's not easy to get Voldemort's praise.

Diary: "...you can't kill me!"

Can't kill?

Lou En was taken aback, then laughed.

There are only two ways to destroy Horcruxes that he knows, one is the fangs of his own psychic beast Basilisk, and the other is the Fierce Fire Spell taught by Tom himself.

"Lou En Geralt, I'll let you know what a disaster your deception will bring you!

After writing this sentence, there is no movement in the diary.

No matter how much Lou En poked it with the quill, there was no response.

Is this a threat?

Senior Tom's current hole card is just a basilisk, what else can there be?

Lou En shook his head disapprovingly.

Speaking of which, the basilisk also needs Parseltongue to wake up, and he once asked Tom to learn, but the other party would not teach him anyway.

It has been said that this is a kind of talent, and people without talent cannot learn it.

"Looks like we need to figure out a way to get Tom to wake the basilisk.

Lou En thought of a way.

Professor McGonagall's class is still very dry compared to Lockhart.

At least not so boring.

After competing with Hermione for a few academy points, it was time to dismiss.

"Today's score is more than I added!"

Hermione raised her head proudly, her white neck looming under her brown curly hair.

"But you don't turn your hair into rabbit ears or cat ears."

Lou En whispered.

Hermione had been thinking about getting revenge ever since he had been turning her hair into all kinds of ears.

But it all failed, her shapeshifting spell didn't work on Lou En's blonde hair at all.

".々 Shut up!"

The mention of this made Miss Hermione angry.

Lou En is getting more and more extreme lately, always fiddling with the brown curls without her noticing, turning into cat ears, rabbit ears...

And also to be held by Lou En in his arms, petting like a pet.

The key is to be comfortable...

Thinking about it, the little witch covered her head with her hands and glared at Lou En.

"I think you're pretty comfortable too—it hurts!"

Before Lou En could finish speaking, Hermione rushed over and bit his neck with his tiger teeth.

"Well, we're here...isn't the time?"

At this time, a familiar voice sounded, and the tone was full of complexity.

Hell, why do these two hug each other every time I see them?

Fred thought angrily.

This young couple saw that he also wanted to fall in love.

Hearing (Wang Zhao's) there was a sound, Hermione hurriedly pushed Lou En away, as if Lou En had rushed over just now.

"You two really pick your time..."

Lou En touched his neck and said speechlessly.

"By the way, Ronald wants to ask you for help to review the spell, but I can't find you these days.

Remembering what happened this morning, Lou En helped Ronald deliver a message.

"Reviewing spells?" Fred waved his hand, "The two of us don't have time to do those boring things, and the cards are already critical.

"It will be available for sale at Hogwarts soon.

"Okay, then I'll tell Ronald for you.

Lou En nodded.

But at this moment, he felt the diary in his hand shake.

This is not an illusion, it was indeed shaking just now...

Looking at a clean sheet of paper in the diary, Lou En thought.

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