Chapter 411 Explosion

Central Siberian Plateau, no man's land.

In a blizzard of more than 20 degrees below zero, a group of giant crawler transport vehicles moved forward slowly like a long snake in the darkness.

Soon after, they merged with the transport trucks coming from other places, lined up in two rows, and came to a mountain peak.

The giant steel door, which was four to five meters thick, opened automatically, and two teams of transport vehicles drove into the heart of the mountain.

There are no lights in the heart of the mountain, but a huge blast furnace in the distance is pouring hot molten iron down continuously.

In the blazing glow of radiation, one could see a huge space in the heart of the mountain, filled with all kinds of machinery, all of which were working non-stop.

It's like a factory here.

However, unlike ordinary factories, there is no one in this factory in the middle of the mountain. In fact, all the machinery is operating automatically, and there is no space or buttons that humans can control.

On the east side of this huge unmanned factory in the mountain, in an area planned as a raw material warehouse, the transport truck finally arrived at its destination.

They stopped at fixed positions one after another, and then several robotic arms stretched out from the walls on both sides, skillfully dismantling the modular container carriages on the transport vehicles, and then refueling, repairing, etc. Work.

At the same time, two heavy-duty robotic arms stretched out from above to lift the container and place it on an oversized crawler track that was more than 20 meters wide. The container was immediately dismantled by the robotic arms around the crawler track, and then the containers were removed. All kinds of processed ingots are sent to various processing workshops in categories.

Such crawler transportation facilities are located throughout the factory. Raw materials enter various standard parts workshops through them, and are turned into various parts. Then, in the assembly workshop, they are turned into wholes by robotic arms.

At the end of the crawler track, there is a super giant automated warehouse, where countless traceless stretching spells have been released. Entering it, there are rows of endless brackets, with all kinds of drones and drones piled above. Mechanical dogs, small tracked combat vehicles, and even various types of heavy artillery and missiles.

The dark steel stood silent in the cold wind of Siberia. Except for Murphy, no one in the world knew of their existence.

In the ultra-clean underground space beneath the mountain, a demonized material experiment is underway.

This floor is divided into a total of 300 ultra-clean laboratories. Each laboratory has ten rows of test benches, ten in each row. There are dozens of robotic arms on each test bench, which are taking turns to inspect the test benches. Various materials that have been preliminarily processed are imbued with magic powers of different frequencies, intensities, and properties.

An experiment is performed every two minutes, and each experiment can analyze the magical properties of tens of thousands of materials. Such experiments have been carried out non-stop for several months, and will continue to be carried out in the future.

After the massive experimental data is summarized and initially analyzed through the brain-like supercomputer "Binary Tree" below the laboratory, it is then uploaded to the cloud database "Alaya" via the mind network for research by all Ravenloft members connected to Murphy's mind network. use.

Even with such fast experimental data generation, sometimes it still cannot keep up with the needs of various laboratories. After the successful experience of the Future Research Institute, more and more laboratories have begun to use time acceleration to speed up results. production speed.

"Time," Murphy said in an underground laboratory, "may be the greatest power in the world."

"Any small change will turn into an exponential change with the blessing of time."

"Millions of years of human evolution have given us intelligence, tens of thousands of years of civilization's development has given us wisdom, and hundreds of years of study have brought us knowledge, all of which, with the help of magic, have reached a critical point at this moment. "

"There is an unparalleled explosion happening in the world right now."

"The brilliance and splendor are no less than the explosion of life 500 million years ago."

"The reason why this explosion can happen is because we have been actively accumulating and actively seeking changes. The more we know, the stronger we have."

"But you can't do it." Murphy looked at a crab that was bound in a huge glass box but was still slowly regenerating.

The main body of this thing was blasted by space-based cannons, but it still has many clones, and the one here is just one of them, captured by Lucas for study.

"Your power comes from faith, and the process of absorbing power is passive to a certain extent," Murphy said. "Of course, you will gradually regain strength as the magic power recovers, but as long as the technology explosion speed is faster than the magic power recovery, The speed is faster, and we don’t need to worry about your existence.”

"Time is on our side."

"Human." The crab's mouthparts squirmed, making a clanging sound like the collision of stones and metal. "You know nothing about the power of gods."

"Oh?" Murphy smiled.

"You are trapped here, and you are still so arrogant." Murphy shook his head, "We have captured several individuals who claim to be gods. Of course, you have not yet recovered full strength, but we have also obtained enough The information is already unknown to you."

"The gods are the tip of magic."

"Your power comes from faith, and faith is a concept in the spiritual realm. You borrowed certain concepts, imaginations, and emotions from human thinking to construct a set of rhetoric about why you should believe in you, thereby delineating your authority. .”

"This rhetoric is actually an agreement with believers, an oath bound to believers. You provide believers with some conveniences, so that you can borrow the believers' spiritual power."

"When these spiritual powers gather with you as the node, you will have magic power that far exceeds that of hundreds or thousands of wizards, and the concept that is the core of your belief becomes your priesthood."

"For example, you are the priest in charge of water and sea, so using magic related to water and sea will be very powerful."

"This set of logic belongs to what we call the 'spiritual path'."

"The reason why your magic is so powerful is simply because you have purified huge spiritual power through the 'priesthood', thus increasing the level of your magic power. We have already understood the principle."

"No, you don't understand." The crab's mouthparts tapped. "You may understand knowledge and technology, and you may be good at using the power of reason, but you do not understand human nature."

"Human nature?" Murphy smiled, "You actually talked about human nature with a human being?"

Crab didn't find it funny, and his voice was as calm and cold as ever, "Perhaps your intelligence, which is higher than your own kind, makes you so proud that you don't bother to understand it, but human stupidity is far beyond your imagination."

“Knowledge and reason are virtues that only a few deserve.”

"Ignorance and ignorance are the truth of this world."

"Human beings are weak and selfish, short-sighted and like to deceive themselves and others. Rather than racking their brains to understand the truth, they are more willing to believe in an authority. Rather than struggling with reality, they are more willing to immerse themselves in false fantasies. .”

"This is the nature of your race, this is human nature."

"Man is trapped in his own nature, but God can use it as a rein to drive you around. Although you are a human being, God is the master of using human nature."

"You ignited the explosion of technology."

"But we are also waiting for an explosion. An explosion ultimately caused by human stupidity."

At the same time, thousands of kilometers away, in Rome, the Capitol.

Several young wizards cast the Disillusionment Curse on themselves, and then walked in swaggeringly.

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