Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 352 Make Britain Great Again

"We deeply regret and apologize for the loss of the United Kingdom. This is not the intention of the beautiful country. We and the United Kingdom are friendly allies and have always had an unbreakable alliance. We will never wantonly bomb the territory of our allies."

"This was a mistake, and more likely a well-prepared conspiracy to undermine the friendly relations between the United States and Britain. We are still investigating the specific matters, but there are some signs that some terrorist organizations and hostile countries were involved in this incident .”

The host turned off the video on the TV and looked at Patrick Duncan sitting opposite, "Mr. Duncan, this is the speech the President of the United States made a few hours ago about the bombing of Congress. What do you think of this?"

Patrick sighed.

"I sincerely hope that what he said is true, but unfortunately, I only see false excuses, like a child who made a mistake desperately trying to find excuses for himself."

"But I'm not surprised. This country's arrogance has always made them like this. They are not willing to bow to a second-rate country like us."

"You were previously a major advocate of the threat theory to the United States. The bombing incident seems to have confirmed this inference. Did you foresee this?" the host asked.

"Foreseeed that the allies of the military alliance would use Tomahawk missiles to blow up Congress?" Patrick shook his head, "I am not a prophet. Moreover, I also far underestimated the shamelessness and barbarity of the other party."

"First of all, I need to clarify that I have not advocated the so-called threat theory to beautiful countries. My view is that we should defend our own rights and interests instead of treating other countries as enemies. That is not what I want to see, that is What the beautiful people do should not be ours.”

"Secondly, the threats I mentioned are only in terms of economic interests and national rights. I see the beautiful country squeezing and sucking our blood, trying to make us give up our own interests and support it through coercion. But he said To be honest, in the past I did not fully realize that the root cause of all this is that our national sovereignty is also deeply hijacked by the beautiful country."

"Today's events have completely awakened me. The so-called allies are actually just the relationship between superiors and subordinates. It is precisely because our national sovereignty and national security are deeply suppressed by the other party that we cannot be allowed to do anything in various fields such as the economy and people's livelihood. free."

“The bombing of Parliament has aroused strong indignation among people from all walks of life in the UK. We have seen large marches everywhere to protest against the violent acts of the beautiful country. There are even many voices among the citizens who want to launch a retaliatory war against the beautiful country. In this regard, What do you think?" the host asked.

"I personally understand the behavior of the people very well, because I also feel the strong humiliation and anger. Parliament is a symbol of British democracy, a symbol of the political achievements we have made since the Glorious Revolution, and it is the center of power in the country. The center is like a person’s brain.”

"The beautiful country's attack on Congress is tantamount to shooting us in the head. We must make the beautiful country recognize its crimes, deeply repent for them, and compensate for our huge losses."

"Do you support war?" the host asked, "Do you think we should fight for our rights through war?"

"On the contrary," Patrick said, "I support peace, and I love peace even more. However, the peace I want, and the peace Britain wants, cannot be a peace that comes from kneeling and begging, but must be equality and true mutual respect. Peace!"

"You just mentioned that we are a second-rate country." The host asked, "Is this what you really think?"

"This is how beautiful Chinese people view us." Patrick said, "I love my motherland. We have a long history and rich culture. We were once extremely developed and prosperous, and we stood at the top of the world... I am proud of my motherland. The motherland is proud.”

"But this is not the reason why I love it. I grew up in this land, and my fathers and grandfathers spent their lives here. They paid a lot and they hope that we can live happily. This expectation is passed on to Now that I have my own child, I will pass this hope on to him."

"This transmission of blood, kinship, culture, and time from generation to generation is the context of our civilization. Without it, I will no longer be me, and the British will no longer be British. We are inseparable from our country. , this oneness makes me love my country as much as I love myself."

"So I would not say that we are a second-rate country, let alone think that we are a second-rate country. But what we must admit is that we have declined from our previous peak. We are indeed much weaker than before, whether it is economic or military Culture, etc., we are no longer the leaders of this world.”

"This will not affect my love for my motherland, but at the same time, I also hope that people can face this."

"So what do you think caused this decline?" the host asked.

"This is a very big proposition," Patrick said. "It involves changes in the world structure, the development of economy, science and technology, and geopolitics. There are many factors that we cannot stop, but of course, among them are Part of it is internal. As a politician, I can say something about our political system."

"Our rise also has various factors, but from an internal perspective, it is due to the fact that starting from the Magna Carta in 1215 to the Glorious Revolution, we carried out a series of legislation and reforms that broadened and supported capitalism. Rights gradually replaced the backward autocratic monarchy with a more advanced capitalist system, which enabled us to catch up with the trend of economic and social development at that time and unlocked the shackles on productivity."

"It can be said that the ups and downs of any country depend on its adaptability to the process of human civilization. The process of human civilization has its own inevitable development law. If you follow it, you can ride the wind, while those who go against the trend will surely perish."

"Our rise is due to conforming to the rise of global capitalism, and our decline is also due to complacency, blocking our own path of reform, and making ourselves increasingly out of touch with the tide of history."

"After the Glorious Revolution, although our political structure has undergone many improvements, since the 20th century, the competition between the two parties has almost plunged our politics into a situation of infighting. Whether it is the Conservative Party or the Labor Party, when one party comes to power, the other party must fight tooth and nail. Holding back. The two sides have restrained and undermined each other, which has caused our political system to fall into endless internal friction, focusing all its energy on dealing with political enemies instead of real matters that are beneficial to the national interest."

"As a result, our self-improvement process has been cut off, and we have gradually begun to no longer adapt to this increasingly rapidly changing world. We have become old antiques in the eyes of other countries. We are stubborn, clinging to incompleteness, and unwilling to make progress. The sun never sets on our empire. It became a sunset country.”

"Your argument sounds like redism." the host reminded.

“It doesn’t matter what the doctrine is,” Patrick said. “Capitalism, red doctrine, whoever can better adapt to the changes in the world is the good doctrine. Maybe we should reconsider what is more suitable for us. "

"Thank you for accepting our interview, Mr. Duncan," the host said. "Finally, do you want to say anything else to the viewers in front of the TV?"

"Thank you also to Sky Broadcasting for the invitation," Patrick said. "I would like to take this opportunity to say to all the British people. We are a prosperous nation. We have created and nurtured a brilliant civilization. Our country was once extremely powerful."

"Please love your country and make it great again."

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