Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! ······

The behemoths fled, the rocks were broken, the earthquake shook, the sky roared, and the underground smashed.

Goddess of ten feet tall, one step twenty or thirty meters, every step, screaming roaring, as if returning to the era of ancient behemoths, fierce beasts travel.

A grotesque, singular Digimon, or a fire, or spit, or a cannonball.

The Tyrannosaurus squadrons formed a fierce cavalry unit. This is the most ferocious species of the most powerful carnivores. At this moment, only the forward rushing, rushing forward, and then rushing forward.


"Looking at this battle, I know what is the frog at the bottom of the well."

The audience in the downfall was completely conquered, shocked and captured by this war like a military act.

At this moment, there are many people who even dreamed of becoming a Tyrannosaurus Knight, a dragon knight, commanding a Godzilla, becoming a beast commander, a contract digital treasure, and a prestige.

"Every king, please pay attention."

Qin Shihuang’s government looked at Caesar, who was holding his thigh. In order to survive, these emperors told you what is the real ability to bend.

One by one, crying and screaming to the robes of Emperor Qin Shihuang's ruling.

"Qinhuang, we are all innocent, and our hearts are pure."

Caesar's three people can't wait to pull out their heart and prove themselves, provided that the heart will not die.

"Don't let me see you again. After the war, the Qin parliament sent the friendship agreement between the two countries. You will sign it."

There was a trace of disgust in the eyes of Emperor Qin Shihuang, and Caesar even put his nose on him.

If it were not for the regulations of the Wanjielou, he would like to ask Caesar a few people.

"Thank you Qin Huang, thank you Qin Huang, thank you Qin Huang·······"

Caesar heard the words, his face was ecstatic, and his face was grateful. The three men joined each other and got into the crowd. They did not care about the contempt of others.

"Your Majesty, just let them go."

Prime Minister Li Si looked at the three Caesars who had left, and there was no contempt on his face.

The three Caesars, including Alexander, are so embarrassed because of the underestimation of Qin’s strength.

As for their performance, they are so embarrassed, and they are all lost, and 80% of them are themselves, weakening their image.

Let them go, don't know when these ambitious emperors will come back again.

"They can dominate an era, it will be so simple, don't let them go, what can we do?"

Qin Shihuang’s face showed a hint of meaningful smile. Didn’t they let them kill them?

Killed four gods, in the eyes of everyone, they died four immortals, and the vast majority of human beings, the most uplifting of the prestige of Qin Shihuang's administration.

But the death of the four emperors, it is not the same.

He was the master of the Qin Dynasty, and he was destined to attack other worlds.

If the four emperors who just offended him were killed, what would other emperors think?

If the four emperors died, Qin Shihuang’s government believed that the next day, most emperors of the Wanjielou would instantly isolate him.

Even the Eight-Power Allied Forces will be a little alert and estranged for the Chief Executive of Emperor Qin Shihuang.

What is the combination of vertical and horizontal, far-reaching near-attack, and then a smart plan, is empty talk in Wanjielou.

In Wanjielou, there are countless geniuses in various time and space. You use tricks in Wanjielou. What kind of tricks can hold so many people, just take their own insults.

In the Wanjie Building, only the strength and value points, crushing all the strength, or buying all the value points, is the foundation.

Although Qin is known as the first power of Wanjielou, it is definitely not the strongest force.

Today's war, although the reputation of Qin State was beaten out.

However, other forces who played in the battle, who dare to look down?

Qin is able to maintain the title of the first power because the Qin State has more than other countries.

However, these connotations can only allow Qin to develop in the early stage, and it is faster in other countries.

Other countries have exchanged more advanced exercises, higher-level squadrons, and higher-level knowledge from Wanjielou. The former Qin dynasty will soon lose its effect.

If Qin and the Eight-Power Allied Forces fight now, Qin Shihuang’s administration believes that even Qin Guo’s victory.

However, the Qin army's million Qin army can still be left 100,000 people, all of which are unknown.

If Qin Guo loses a million Qin army, he will not be able to recover his strength within ten years.

However, the Eight-Power Allied Forces, I am afraid that it will only take two or three years to train another 400,000 equally elite troops.

Li Shimin of Tang Taizong and Liu Che of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, how can these two emperors who also cultivated the royal dynasty, let him continue to stand alone.

They are now silent and low-key, just to make up for the gap between the Qin and the country as soon as possible.

Similarly, they also have the mind to let Qin Guo help them withstand external pressure, and they will not fight against Qin.

The Qin, Datang, and Dahan countries have attacked other worlds. At the beginning, the forces of the Wanjielou also listed the three countries as the most needy countries.

However, as time went by, Qin Guo became the most powerful country, the most dangerous country, and the most aggressive country.

Prime Minister Li Si nodded and could assist the Qin Shihuang government to unify the six countries. Can you be simple?

"Return to the army!"

On the stage, Huo went to the hospital and took a shot of Garro, under the command of the Digimon army behind him.

This blitz, the four-nation alliance soldiers who died under them may be less than 10,000.

However, the morale of the four-nation alliance has fallen by at least 30%.

The audience in the downfall saw the savage beasts, but they were still trembled.

The experience of the four-nation alliance soldiers who have experienced the fierce behemoths is even more intense.

It was just an assault. At least tens of thousands of people were horribly stunned by the soldiers of the Four Kingdoms, and some were even scared.


Riding on the Tyrannosaurus Rex, in a surprise attack, once again ordered the troops to assault, he wants the Four Kingdoms soldiers to lose the last bit of resistance to courage.

"Qinhuang, Qinhuang I am willing to surrender and lose 60% of the gas."

Alexander looked at the endless panic in the eyes of the four-nation allied soldiers who had been rushing back and forth. In addition to the undead believers, there was courage to resist, even though his most squadrons began to surrender.

"Seven percent of the air transport."

Looking at the unsuccessful Qin Shi Huang's administration, Alexander did not hesitate to increase the bargain.

"I would like to be a subsidiary of the Qin State, a dependent country."

When Alexander said this, it seemed to have exhausted all his strength and fell to the ground.

The dependent countries are not in the history of China. The countries of Korea and South Vietnam can become subsidiaries by handing down the table.

The dependent country here, Alexander is the king of Alexandria.

However, Qin Shihuang’s government can remove Alexander’s throne at any time.

Moreover, the position of the next king of Alexandria was also appointed and removed by Emperor Qin Shihuang.


In the eyes of Emperor Qin Shihuang’s government, there was a flash of inspiration, and he quickly recovered his calmness.

Qin Guoyi unified the original world, occupying the Qing Dynasty of the world of Lu Ding Ji, has exhausted the strength, talents and resources of the Qin State.

If the pressure mountain is now accepted as a dependent country, in the short term, Qin’s strength has reached a new level.

However, this will only increase the hidden crisis in Qin.

Without digesting the harvest of the original world and the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Qin Shihuang’s administration would not expand any forces.


Alexander heard the words a blood spurted out, he voluntarily surrendered to Qin Shihuang's ruling, temporarily gave up his ambitions, and gave Qin Shihuang a politician, he was not willing to let go of Alexandria.

"Then look at the power of the undead believers cultivated by the Four Kingdoms Alliance."

Alexander wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes staring coldly at the battlefield, his face restoring calm, and his body was full of confident domineering.

At this moment, Alexander no longer concealed his true colors, and swept the heroic spirit of the Eurasian non-emperors.

"These believers are all brainwashed and only loyal to their emperors. Death and fear cannot drive away their loyalty."

As if to describe a very dull thing, Alexander did not care about the allied soldiers of the four countries that had been crouched in the ring.

"I don't know what you will do?"

Alexander looked like water and looked calm.

As a general, whenever you want, keep an old well-waveless heart.

"I don't know, but I believe they will solve it."

Qin Shihuang’s government pointed to the coalition forces on the stage, and his face was full of self-confidence. He was an emperor, not a omnipotent god.

Moreover, God was killed by him four, and he has no problem to solve, it is normal.

However, he believes that someone on his side can solve it. (To be continued.)

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