Mu Miaomiao burst into laughter, and said, "Miss Han, you are so comforting."

Mu Miaomiao's mood was still relieved by Han Fei's words, and her expression relaxed a little, and Han Fei said again, "Do you want to do something?"

Mu Miaomiao nodded immediately, Han Fei raised her finger and said, "Then come over and listen."

Mu Miaomiao leaned forward, and Han Fei whispered some words.

At this time, the people sitting by the bonfire did not know that they had been spotted, and they were eating meat and drinking cozily.

"Brother Zheng, are you sure of success?"

Zheng Canmin, who was holding the hip flask, showed a disdainful expression when he heard the words, and said, "Do you still doubt my level?"

"No, we all know your level, but don't I worry about it? Many of the contestants here are from families. If there are three shortcomings, we will be held accountable... "

Zheng Canmin swallowed the wine in his mouth, and said, "Who can find us without knowing it? If you are afraid, just withdraw."

The words behind Zheng Canmin still had a strong look of contempt. The face of the person who had just spoken flashed a little sullenly, but after thinking of Zheng Canmin behind Zheng Canmin, he still held it back, barely showing a smile, and promised: " How can it be? I’m not worried, but you’re right. Those who make big things don’t stick to the trivial, so just do it!"

Zheng Canmin smiled and said, "That's right, if we do something good together, we can also enjoy the rewards we get together."

As soon as the voice fell, they heard the sound of messy footsteps, they stood up together, looked up, and saw a slim woman ran out of the bushes, pale and messy clothes ran out. .

"Help, help! Help me!"

The woman’s delicate face was panicked, and the good-looking face immediately aroused the man’s desire for protection. When Zheng Canmin saw the woman, a touch of experience flashed in his eyes, and he immediately greeted him, wanting to reach out and hug him. Such a delicate and pleasant little person.

But before Zheng Canmin's hand touched the woman, he felt his foot slippery, as if he was severely tripped by a stone. He leaned forward and fell so badly that his entire face was deformed.

Mu Miaomiao, who was running, almost burst into laughter, but she froze her life, and she had to hold back the expression on her face. She knew that the stone that flew out suddenly must be Girl Han. Masterpiece!

It turned out that this delicate woman who ran out was not someone else, it was Mu Miaomiao. At this moment, she was so dirty that she was running up to them weakly, saying: "My heroes, save me, there is a tiger behind. 1 "

When the others heard this, they were shocked, and immediately asked a few martial artists to come over and take a look. If there are really beasts, it is better to cheat earlier.

When Zheng Canmin got up from the ground, his face was so bad that he stepped heavily on the stone that tripped him, and it was unbearable to be embarrassed in front of the beauty!

"Girl, don't be afraid, you will be fine with us here!"

It is really not easy for a few people to see such a natural temperament beauty, especially in this wilderness, and they are fasting very much. Now they have encountered such a stunner, all of them want to express themselves in front of Mu Miaomiao.

Mu Miaomiao is not afraid of being surrounded by these people. The stone just gave her a booster. With girl Han here, she won’t be okay, so she said, "Thank you, heroes." Thank you for your help."

Zheng Canmin pushed the others away and walked in front of Mu Miaomiao, and said, "What's the girl's name? Next Zheng Canmin."

Mu Miaomiao casually made up a name, "I, my name is Xiujuan."

Zheng Canmin immediately opened his mouth and said, "It turned out to be Girl Xiujuan, this is really a good name, and it's worthy of your temperament like a girl!"

Han Fei, who was hiding in the dark, almost twitched with a smile. Even the stone in his hand could hardly be grasped. Xiujuan's name could be praised so much. These men are really big pig's hoofs.

Mu Miaomiao continued acting hard, saying: "Thank you for your praise, the little girl can't afford it."

Zheng Canmin smiled and said: "Why, the girl is so beautiful, how can she be alone in this forest? Is the girl also a contestant?"

Mu Miaomiao quickly said: "The son joked, how can I be a contestant? My home is not far from this forest. My father is a hunter. I originally wanted to go to the stream to wash clothes, but I didn't want to meet the beast. Fortunately, I met you guys, otherwise I don’t know how it is today!"

Hearing such an explanation, no one doubted it. Such a weak girl didn't really seem to be a doctor. As a result, she lost her vigilance in her heart, and quickly took Mu Miaomiao to sit down and handed it over with food.

Mu Miaomiao quickly said, "No, no, no, let the little girl do these rough jobs. I can't do anything, but I have a good cooking skill!"

A few big men immediately showed a knowing smile. Isn't it beautiful to have beautiful women to serve?

Then he let Mu Miaomiao start to work. Mu Miaomiao pretended to faint a little while stirring the soup. The powder in his hand tilted down like this, mixed into the soup, and then he couldn't stand still. About to fall, Zheng Canmin rushed over to support her.

Mu Miaomiao almost restrained her disgust, and glanced in Han Fei's direction, as if she was telling Han Fei that she had successfully put in the powder.

"Miss Xiujuan, are you all right! What's wrong with you?"

Mu Miaomiao pretended to weakly hold his forehead and said, "I, I haven't eaten anything, and I can't hold it anymore."

"Oh, girl, you said it earlier, why do you need your help!"

"Yes, come here, I am a doctor, I will show you the disease 1"

"Go away, I am also a doctor, let me come!"

"You people have all been quarreled. Master Zheng has the highest level of medical skills. Naturally, Master Zheng will come!"

Zheng Canmin said with great satisfaction: "Girl, let me show you, the next level is enough."

Mu Miaomiao quickly shook his head and said: "I, I'm fine, I'm just a little hungry, everyone is hungry, first, let's eat something!"

After that, Mu Miaomiao was about to get up, and at this moment someone who was not very close suddenly spoke.

"Wait, there is a problem with this soup!"

Mu Miaomiao's heart shook, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

Zheng Canmin turned his head and said, "What?"

The man took out the silver needle, drew it into the soup, and said, "Look, the silver needle has changed color and is poisonous."

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

Zheng Canmin frowned and walked over, looked at the discolored silver needle, turned over the contents of the pot, and said, "There are no poisonous mushrooms."

Now everyone looked at Mu Miaomiao.

After she appeared, she was the only one who touched the pot of soup.

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