The disappearance of Emperor Qin's death quickly spread throughout the country. The death knell was for three days, and the entire emperor had to mourn it for three days. During this period, all happy events were forbidden, and even the red lanterns hanging in the shop had to be After pulling down, the people in the city also consciously changed into dark clothes, and even the original hustle and bustle of the city disappeared.

A depressive atmosphere enveloped the entire city, and even the weather was sinking, a sign that the rain was about to come was ready to go.

Han Shangqing rushed between the Han mansion and the imperial palace for several days. Obviously, the death of Emperor Qin caused great turmoil to the entire court, especially for the officials of the previous generation, who were even more embarrassed. The eldest prince Qin Mu and the second prince Qin Yuan When fighting for the throne, everyone oppressed each other, but who could have imagined that the eldest prince would force the palace, and if the palace failed, the second prince would disappear, and his whereabouts are still unknown!

In this way, Qin Che, the only third prince, was left.

Qin Che was a disabled prince in the past, and there was no possibility of inheritance. So of course, no one would place the bet on him. However, before the death of Emperor Qin, he left his will and passed the throne to the third. Prince Qin Che.

This decree was unexpected and reasonable. After all, besides King Qin, there was no other suitable candidate. In addition, the title of King Qin’s God of War is still quite famous and conforms to the people’s sentiments. There is not much resistance to succession, of course, some small conflicts are naturally resolved well.

After the new king succeeded to the throne, he changed his country name to Che, amnesty the world, and everything else remained the same. This calmed down the panic and anxiety of the hundreds of officials in the Manchu Dynasty. They were afraid of "three fires when the new official was appointed." Wang made a big change on a whim, which would make them miserable and even very guilty.

After all, before anyone laughed at the disabled prince, when everyone ridiculed the king of Qin secretly, if they were seriously investigated, everyone would have offended the king more or less.

The common people don’t need to say even more. They seem to have completely forgotten the fact that King Qin was crippled once, and also forgot about King Qin’s past life. They happily waited for the succession ceremony when they heard that King Qin would meet. Take off the mask he has always worn on his face, and show it to everyone and the world with his true face.

This completely made the people cheered.

You know, behind the scenes, everyone did not wonder what the face under King Qin's mask looked like, handsome? Still ugly? Is it impossible to see people? Or resist the evil spirit?

Almost everyone is expecting King Qin to take off the mask. No, it should be called the new king now. The appearance of the new king has become the trend of folk discussion. There are even people who have opened a bet on whether the new king's appearance is beautiful or ugly. .

The enthronement ceremony was held three days later, and the entire palace was busy. It was really embarrassing to prepare everything in such a short period of time. The ceremonial book was almost always busy, and the new king’s robe was required. All the embroiderers who used the entire garment room have started.

The entire palace is like a huge machine, running frantically, and the subordinates who originally belonged to Qin Che were initially a little worried. The original boss, the prince, could occasionally ridicule and presumptuously, and suddenly became the emperor. The adjutants couldn't let go of their hands and feet, even saying one more word was a mistake.

Fortunately, King Qin’s attitude towards them did not seem to have changed the slightest, which made the adjutants feel relieved and even more happy. You know, this is the emperor who has completely controlled the imperial power and military power in history! Even the deceased Emperor Qin didn't have complete military power in his hands.

And this meant that Qin Che had the absolute right to exercise in the chill, and even some forces that wanted to rebel while Emperor Qin passed away were directly destroyed by Qin Che's army.

After experiencing such a change, almost the entire Han Ling young people enthusiastically joined the army, who had suffered a heavy loss of personnel, especially after knowing that King Qin used to be in the main hall, in front of hundreds of officials of the Manchu dynasty. Qin Huang requested that he was willing to disperse his family wealth, and the deeds of treating the dead soldiers favorably have been spread. People who didn't believe it believed it when they saw the stone stele full of names.

Their new king is a man of love and justice!

The future of their country is very promising!

The news of Han Ling's new king's succession quickly spread throughout the continent, and the other four countries were shocked. Some people guessed it, but others didn't.

The people who guessed it were all defeated generals who had fought against King Qin. Although they lost, everyone admired such a character from their hearts. He had the ability and the identity to ascend the throne.

Unexpectedly people are naturally sighing, and more people are waiting for the good show.

After all, the name Qin Che was a joke in the past. Even if he is now the **** of war, it doesn’t mean that he will be optimistic. Fighting well does not mean that he can govern a country, especially when Qin Che was a prince. However, the abandoned prince has never received the emperor's education and guidance, not even the Tai Fu, it is ugly, just a martial artist!

But how other countries look at it, Chi Siwei just said to Xingyuan with an attitude of watching the show and mocking.

"I said, as long as Yun Zhu's status is, Han Ling will definitely not lag far behind!"

Xing Yuan looked helplessly at Chi Siwei, who was trying to hide his triumphant expression, and felt that this person was extraordinarily cute.

"Siwei, why are you gloating?"

Chi Siwei paused and denied: "No."

"Then how can you guess?"

"Because they have been like this since before, and they are competitive."

Xing Yuan thought for a while, as if it was indeed the case.

"Prior to this, Yun Zhu used a sea battle against Qin Che's Qin family army, and almost wiped out the Qin family army."

"Normal. A Zhu used to be like this. It would be bad if you think he always smiles to bully. He is a smiling tiger."

Xingyuan: "..."

Chi Siwei still raised his lips slightly.

Xing Yuan asked cautiously: "Where is the chill?"

"Vinegar jar, stuffy oil bottle."

Chi Siwei disdain.

Xing Yuan asked again: "What about your Majesty?"

"Nature is supreme and perfect."

Xing Yuan couldn't help asking: "...what about me?"

Chi Siwei was finally willing to put his eyes on Xing Yuan, and he was flustered when he saw Xing Yuan.

Chi Siwei turned his head and left.

Xing Yuan couldn't figure it out and shouted: "Thinking, you haven't said it yet!"

"...I don't want to affect our ally."

Xingyuan: "..."

In short, three days later, the succession ceremony.

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