Hidden Corner

Chapter 125: 125 Contact Three (Xie Taiping, the leader of the alliance rewards)

Chapter 125 125 Contact Three (Xie Taiping, rewarded by the leader)

Chen Xudong came over and put his arm around Li Chengyi's shoulders.

"You're good, kid. How long has it been since you've been here and your body has become so strong?"

"I've been practicing some explosive power recently, and it's normal." Seeing that an acquaintance was losing weight, Li Chengyi could only sit down speechlessly.

 He glanced at the group of people slowly gathering behind Chen Xudong.

At a glance, there were at least thirty or forty people, most of whom were in good shape. The man is strong and the woman is hot.

 Most of them are middle-aged people, not many young people.

 “I haven’t seen you for a long time, would you like to see who is coming?” Chen Xudong patted Li Chengyi on the shoulder and pointed to a few people approaching here not far away.

Li Chengyi took a quick look and didn't recognize it at first, but soon, the memories of his predecessor began to flow out.

 These young people who are approaching are all playmates and friends they have played with since childhood.

 Although some have gained weight, some have become more beautiful, and some have greatly changed their temperaments, from the outline of their brows, you can vaguely tell that they are still the same person.

 A group of people approached lively.

“This is Li Chengyi!” A gentle man wearing glasses pointed here and said, as if he just recognized him.

“It’s Li Chengyi, are you so old? Are you exercising now?” A girl asked in surprise.

"Long time no see, everyone." Li Chengyi couldn't ignore everyone when they came over, so he waved his hand as a greeting.

 In fact, his memory of his previous life was vague. Looking at this group of people, he only remembered that the man with glasses was named Li Qingpeng. He had some background in his family, but not much.

 When my predecessor was a child, I actually couldn’t play with him.

 This group of people used to play in two groups, each playing his own way.

The group is headed by Li Qingpeng. He comes from a good family and studies well, so he is considered the leader.

The other group is headed by Chen Xudong. This guy is the second generation of a small rich man who spends a lot of money and can gather popularity.

Li Chengyi used to be a little transparent because of his humble appearance and average family background.

There is also Lin Sang, who joined later. Didn't come this time.

Chen Xudong pointed to the people approaching and introduced them one by one.

“Zhao Sikai.” He pointed at a shy dark and thin man and said with a smile, “Now he is at the construction site, engaged in architectural design. He is more smiling than before. He was very dull before.”

 “Go to hell. You only know how to harm me.” Zhao Sikai laughed and cursed.

“This is Zhao Funing, our former district beauty, ah, community district beauty.” Chen Xudong pointed to the second ponytail girl in pink sportswear.

This girl has red lips and white teeth, big eyes, a tall figure, and long flowing hair. She is indeed beautiful. A pair of simple washed white jeans outlines her tight, round buttocks and legs.

"What the **** are you talking about? Stop talking about it, you are all disabled now." Zhao Funing stretched out his hand and shook Li Chengyi's hand formally.

There are two left, both girls. Li Chengyi remembers that one is named Yuan Lai. She seemed to have always liked Li Qingpeng before, but she doesn’t know what’s going on now.

He was completely unfamiliar with the other one. He looked through his memory carefully, but he still had no impression.

“Yuan Lai doesn’t need to be introduced, right? The eldest sister who took us to catch up on summer homework before.” Chen Xudong smiled and was slapped on the back by Yuan Lai.

This girl is dressed like a boy, her hair is also short and ear-length, she is a little chubby, and her smile is very friendly.

“We haven’t seen each other for many years, Li Chengyi, are you so strong now?” Yuan Lai stood in front of Li Chengyi and compared the width of their arms with his hands.

Although she is slightly chubby, her arms are much thinner than Li Chengyi's.


 She shook her head and looked at the last girl.

"This is my best friend Zhuang Yijing. She has been in a bad mood recently, so I brought her here to relax."

 “Hello.” Li Chengyi greeted with a smile.

Finally, this girl has a very upright temperament. She is wearing a bright yellow dress and a round straw hat. The simple combination gives off a quiet and bookish atmosphere.

“Hello, I feel safe up close.” Zhuang Yijing joked with a smile.

 “Thank you.” Li Chengyi had no intention of socializing now. But Chen Xudong had already brought people over, so he had to chat with a few people to make up the numbers.

Everyone stood together, a total of seven people, and after chatting for a while, they naturally resumed the structure of two small groups and two tables as before when they were children.

 Chen Xudong, Li Chengyi, and Zhao Funing together.

 Li Qingpeng, Yuan Lai and Zhao Sikai together.

Zhuang Yijing finished her greetings and sat aside to check her cell phone.

 Chen Xudong called the waiter and pointed at everyone present.

 “Everyone here has a bottle of watermelon juice. Let’s keep accounts first.”

“Brother Dong is so happy.” Zhao Funing said with a smile. She has a pretty face but a hot temper. In the past, she couldn’t stand Li Qingpeng and they often fought with him, so they couldn’t play together.

The community is so big, and when there is no one to play with, she can only rely on Li Chengyi and Chen Xudong.

"How is Daning now? Last time I heard your dad said you dropped out of school?" Chen Xudong sat down and lowered his voice.

"I continued studying later. I dropped out of the critical two years of high school and couldn't make up my grades." Zhao Funing smiled and shook his head. "Now I open a small shop and run a clothing business. I can't compare to you, the rich second generation, who is as comfortable and leisurely as you."

"What kind of rich second generation am I?" Chen Xudong waved his hand, "What bothers me most these days is hearing people say that I am a rich second generation. Can you not use the last two words?" "Then you have to be better than your father." Okay." Li Chengyi added.

 “Am I still young?” Chen Xudong was speechless. "In the future, I will definitely do it in the future!"

 “Where is Xiao Yi? What are you doing now?” Zhao Funing looked at Li Chengyi, a little curious.

Among the people present, Li Chengyi was the strongest, bigger than Chen Xudong.

 His figure is really getting closer to a tiger-backed figure.

Sitting on a chair with a calm expression can give people a calm and calm temperament.

 Hearing the question, he quickly sorted out his thoughts and remembered what his temporary job was.

"I work in a biopharmaceutical company as the boss's assistant. I usually follow the boss's orders. When I am busy, I am very busy. I travel everywhere. When I am free, I am just like now." Li Chengyi simply replied.

"That's better than us. After all, I graduated from college. I didn't go to college. Now, really, as you know, everything depends on academic qualifications these days. I can't even get in in many places." Zhao Funing sighed.

“It’s my fault that you were in love and talked too much at that time.” Chen Xudong concluded, “I told you not to waste your energy, just choose me. I didn’t listen.”

"screw you!"

A few people were chatting quietly, Li Chengyi interrupted from time to time, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

 Let’s find out more.

 Unexpectedly, Li Chengyi was the best among the three. An income of 20,000 yuan a month is actually the highest amount of money I can make on my own.

On the other side, Li Qingpeng had already joined a public electric power unit not long after graduation and became a junior deputy section chief with real power. Promotion is rapid. He is still the leader among the few.

After chatting for a while, Li Chengyi’s parents, Li Zhao and Feng Yurong, came over, greeted a few people, and the crowd dispersed.

 Chen Xudong was busy greeting everyone. Occasionally, he turned around and saw Li Chengyi sitting quietly in a corner of the grass. He was holding a mobile phone in his hand but not looking at it. He was just looking into the distance with some distraction.

For some reason, he felt a faint sense of fatigue from Li Chengyi.

 “He is more silent than before.” Zhao Funing said from the side.

"He didn't talk much to begin with. He didn't talk much when he liked Lin Sang before. He just kept it secret in his heart, thinking that no one else would notice." Chen Xudong said.

 “You go and do your work, I’ll go watch him.” Zhao Funing said with a smile.

Looking at Li Chengyi, who is tall and strong, he still has a special temperament.

The sense of impact and surprise that was completely opposite to the ordinary image before gave her the surprise of suddenly finding a gem in the sand.

She walked over without waiting for Chen Xudong to reply.

“Speaking of which, Xiaoyi, are you still living in the same place now?” She naturally sat down on a chair next to Li Chengyi.

“Have you not considered leaving Suiyang to develop elsewhere? For your plant maintenance major, would it be better to find a job in a province with a warmer climate in the south?”

“I didn’t expect that much at the time.” Li Chengyi smiled.

"That's why you are like this because your current job is good. You are lucky to be able to find this kind of job in Suiyang. There are few jobs and few opportunities here." Zhao Funing said with a smile, "By the way, you creature What does pharmaceuticals do? Is it drug research and development? "

“I’m also somewhat interested in this.” Li Qingpeng came over at some point.

“But in terms of biopharmaceuticals, Baixing is much better than us, so there isn’t much potential for development here, right?” He looked at Li Chengyi.

"Elston, Vegaly, and Newland Pharmaceuticals are all top companies in the world from White Star. Especially Vicaly, the Life Tree series of cell-active drugs they launched is very good. I bought it for my dad. Tried a box, it works great.”

 “This.” Li Chengyi knew nothing about biopharmaceuticals, and he just fooled others into getting a job.

Hearing Li Qingpeng showing off a bunch of exclusive nouns in front of Zhao Funing like he was showing off his skills, he was speechless and helpless.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Li Qingpeng glanced at Zhao Funing, with a smile flashing in his eyes.

“More than ten years have passed in the blink of an eye. When I think back to when I was a kid, we used to do our homework together, it’s funny to think about it now.”

"The Tree of Life seems to be very expensive, right? One box costs more than a thousand." Zhao Funing's attention was diverted.

“Don’t you want your parents to be in better health? As long as they are healthy, what does it matter how much money you have?” Li Qingpeng sighed lightly. He came here to agree to a party, and his biggest target was Zhao Funing, his childhood playmate.

Gatherings, gatherings with large crowds are just for showing off and being ambiguous. Otherwise, why would anyone who is so busy go to gatherings?

If we really have a good relationship, we will get together every three days, and we won’t look for opportunities to meet only once.

“Brother Peng, you are doing very well now. But the income from the power department shouldn’t be that high, right?” Zhao Funing asked curiously.

"That's for sure. I also participated in a share in my brother's company, and there are some fixed dividends every year. There are still fifty or sixty a year. Of course, the income cannot be based on wages." Li Qingpeng said with a smile.

"Of course Xiaoyi is doing well now. I heard Chen Xudong say that she earns 20,000 yuan a month. Now that the employment situation is so poor, this income is already considered very good." He kept comparing himself with Li Chengyi everywhere in his words.

“By the way, Xiaoyi, are you still living with your uncle and aunt?”

“Yes, we are still together.” Li Chengyi knew what he meant as soon as he heard it.

“Then if your income is adequate, you can buy a house in a provincial capital. Just raise enough down payment when you are young, otherwise it will be difficult to get a loan when you are older.” Li Qingpeng suggested kindly.

"Houses in the provincial capital are very expensive, right? If you take out a loan so early, won't you be exhausted in the future?" Zhao Funing frowned.

"Fortunately, I bought it early, just over 10,000 per square meter. I'm lucky. The price went up right after I bought it." Li Qingpeng said with a reserved smile. He had been thinking about this sentence for a long time.

 He had a house in the provincial capital, but Li Chengyi still lived together with his parents.

They are both of the same age and were playmates when they were children. When they compared each other, the gap became apparent.

 (End of this chapter)

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