Hidden Corner

Chapter 106: 106 becomes a strong four

 Chapter 106 106 Becoming a Strong Four

 The black smoke is flowing continuously and continuously.

 A few minutes passed before it slowly faded, became smaller, and disappeared.

 Let go of his hand and look at the three eye drops again. It was obvious that the drops were brighter than before.

Li Chengyi just had a sudden impulse to try to see if his radiant force field could purify the negative hidden dangers in the potion.

Now it seems that it may have some effect, but he still dare not try it.

He followed the same pattern and gave the other two commodities a set of illumination and purification.

There is also a slight emission of black smoke.

 After doing this, Li Chengyi already had some ideas in his mind. To study these things, he alone would definitely not be enough.

 He needs a team.

 A team that actually turns these things into benefits.

 At that time, he can completely come up with some products he thinks are suitable for others to study, and then create safe derivatives to earn profits.

 ‘Of course, the best way is to do it yourself. ’

Li Chengyi made the decision to exchange blood bottles and three eye drops. If these two products can eliminate hidden dangers, they may be of great help to him.

 He thought for a while and felt that these three things might be useful in the future, so he immediately carefully put them away and placed them in a secret corner of the house.

‘Wait for some time to complete the practice of Long Xuli, and then concentrate on this thing. ’

 He makes a decision.

  After putting away his things and sitting on the sofa, he took out his mobile phone and contacted Sima Gui.

 ‘Brother Turtle, are you feeling better? ’—Cheng Yi.

  ‘No big deal, I just got an artificial kidney. ’—Sima Wensan.

 ‘This is not a big deal! ? ’—Cheng Yi.

‘My previous kidney was also an artificial one, and it was fine. I got used to it every time I changed it. ’—Sima Wensan.

 Li Chengyi was speechless. Brother Turtle usually looks like a dull gourd when he is quiet, but in fact he gives people a sense of humor once he gets acquainted with him.

  ‘Just be fine. In addition, I plan to form a small team of my own so that it will not be difficult for me to do things alone after the boss leaves. Do you have any suggestions? ’—Cheng Yi.

Li Chengyi knew that he had no money, but he could do big things if he had money, and he could do small things if he had no money.

 Formating a civilian group first can also lay the foundation.

 ‘Actually, I had planned to ask you this before, but because the boss is still here and you are also on the boss’s team, it’s hard to say. But now that you mentioned it, I’ll mention it to you. ’

Sima Gui recovered quickly. Apparently he had a lot of time to recuperate.

  ‘Actually, many old people in the Tower of Despair have their own teams. Someone has asked about your situation several times before, hoping to get you in. See if you are willing? ’

'pull me? ’ Li Chengyi had always thought about forming a group by himself, but he didn’t expect that others had already had this idea and had even formed one.

 But then he thought about it, he had so many secrets, joining other groups would probably cause huge inconvenience.

 ‘You should listen to the conditions first and then decide whether to take the exam or not. ’—Sima Wensan.

 ‘Okay, you say. ’—Cheng Yi.

“I’m not very familiar with three of the five groups that invited you, so I won’t go into details for you. They were all formed by rich and powerful newcomers. We’ll see after they have survived for half a year.

 Just look at two of the permanent regiments. The leaders are both old men in the Tower of Despair. ’

Sima Gui obviously had a draft in mind.

   ‘You speak. ’

“You are so polite to me now. Before, you were called Brother Turtle. You are so realistic.” ’ Sima Gui was obviously a little unhappy.

But down to business, he knew Li Chengyi's potential. Among other things, he was the favorite type among the team just for his super high-frequency memory flashes.

 Because when others are in need or faced with difficulties, he can enter the flash of memory as quickly as possible and come to help.

 This is where others can’t compare.

 So these kind of people with strong consciousness are liked by all teams.

‘The first one is Rainbow Candy, who is always popping up in the group. Her family has money and she is also quite capable. She formed a three-person team. One of her team members died before, and she is now looking for new companions. They sent you an invitation. The advantage of this team is that it has money and power. ’

‘The second one is Zanghe in the group. He is a very old man. He has formed a team of five people. He is a very righteous person. His advantage lies in his strong personal strength. ’

 ‘See if you want to try it. ’ Sima Gui gave two options.

 ‘What is their purpose in forming a team? ’ Li Chengyi asked.

'Purpose? Isn’t it just about living longer? What else is there for? ’ Sima Guiyi didn’t react for a while.

  ‘Forget it. My friend and I have formed a team, and I plan to find someone from your group to partner with. Brother Turtle, do you have any suggestions? ’ Li Chengyi asked back.

  Okay, what kind of type do you need? ’ Sima Gui was not surprised. He had obviously guessed that the mysterious armored man was obviously related to Li Chengyi.

“You probably know our situation. After the boss left, what we lacked most was logistics and network security.

Of course, the most important thing is to be able to live for a long time. Only those who can survive in a dead end are qualified to become companions. ’ Li Chengyi simply replied.

 ‘Yes, everyone else thinks so too. ’ Sima Gui replied, ‘In your situation, most people who are timid would really not dare to enter. ’

The Utopia killer came to the company before, but if Ding Ning hadn't forced him to retreat remotely, I really don't know where things would have developed.

 ‘Originally I was going to recommend myself, but that friend of yours is too trouble-making. If you insist on teaming up with him, then I won't dare. Dead ends are dangerous in the first place, but if it happens like this in reality, then do I still want to live? ’

 ‘Brother Turtle was joking, as if we wanted you. ’ Li Chengyi joked with a smile.

   ‘Yes, I am mediocre in all my abilities, and my only strength is my ability to do so. That's why I can live so long. ’ Sima Gui showed a laughing expression.

 After a pause, he quickly sent another message.

  ‘Looking at it this way, there are very few people who dare to join your team. There are only a few qualified people, and it also depends on whether you are worthy of their selection. ’ ˆ ˆ ‘Let it go, please put our situation at the top of the list. My friend, don’t mention your identity directly, just introduce the strength information. Let’s see who wants to come and ask him to contact me. ’ Li Chengyi replied.

  ‘Do I look stupid? Got it, then what is the purpose of your team? ’

Li Chengyi paused, and a smile appeared in the darkness.

  ‘Get out of blind spots. ’ He typed these four words.

Sima Gui did not reply, obviously he was stunned.

Others only think about living one more day, but he is lucky enough to have such a lofty goal.

Think about it, who was the last person to have this goal? Rean!

 Where is Rean now?

have no idea.

 You can’t see people alive, you can’t see corpses even if you are dead.

Does Rean have no team?

  Yes, and it is a world-class team.

The results of it?

The team is dead, leaving his father to give up his career and look for his son all over the world.

Li Chengyi didn't know whether Sima Gui believed it or not, but after knowing this, he still had this determination, which showed that he was not on the same page as ordinary people.

 After stopping to chat, Li Chengyi packed up his things and prepared to rest.

 Less than twenty minutes.

 His phone rang again.

 Pick it up and connect it.

"Hey, Rainbow Candy, where are you? I'll be right over." A young-looking girl's voice came from the other end of the phone.

“???What are you doing? Don’t you have teammates?” Li Chengyi didn’t react for a while.

 “Come together, can you pick it up?” Rainbow Candy obviously has the same style as the group, being fast-paced and doing things without delay.

"Let's meet first. Are you sure you've thought about it? It's very dangerous here." Li Chengyi didn't expect that Sima Gui would send the message and someone would come to the door immediately.

"I have had this idea for a long time, but no one is like me. So I can only do it by myself. Now you are here, help each other. Hurry, time and place!" Skittles looked very anxious. .

"Suiyang City, Eternal Botanical Garden, you can search for satellite maps and navigation." Li Chengyi immediately stopped talking nonsense.

 “Okay, see you in half an hour.” The phone hung up.

Li Chengyi breathed a sigh of relief.

 Just after hanging up the phone, the ringing sounded again.

 “Hello?” He answered immediately.

“Hello, is this Mr. Cheng Yi?” A gentle male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes you are?"

“I am the Rural Trident in the group. I saw the team invitation you sent. Can you send me an address to meet?” The man is much more normal than Skittles.

 It’s just this online name

“Sure, Suiyang Forever Botanical Garden, I’m here now, come over.” Li Chengyi replied.

"Okay, I should be there in an hour. I look forward to meeting you." Rural Trident replied.

"Okay." Li Chengyi hung up the phone. Before he could take a breath, another call came in immediately.

 One after another, for more than ten minutes, he answered sixteen calls.

 All of them came here to apply for the team.

 Obviously he underestimated his own sign of super consciousness.

So far, he has only passed through one blind spot, which is the Grievous parking lot.

 But he helped boss Syndra's team get through the dead end of the slot machine. Although everyone died, it was really just a little short.

 Then now we are in the dead end of the Silent Shop, and we can escape at any time. So this qualification may be the key to attracting people.

 Hang up the phone, it became a little quieter, and Li Chengyi regained consciousness.

 ‘I thought these people would not dare to approach because of danger. Now it seems that they are all outlaws who may die at any time, and there are very few people who are afraid of Utopia. ’

 He sighed. He just wanted to form an elite team, but he didn't expect so many people to come.


 After a few minutes of rest, the call came again.

 He glanced quickly and was stunned for a moment.

This time it’s not an unfamiliar number, it’s the boss Sindra’s.

 Press to connect.

"Xiao Yi, Sima Gui told me about your team formation, is that okay? Your friend's provincial federation has already put him on the wanted list. The Utopia side also. With such a big fanfare, you may It will be dangerous." Syndra asked in a deep voice.

“So I must form a team as soon as possible to ensure personal safety.” Li Chengyi replied.

 After Syndra leaves, he must form a team, otherwise all his whereabouts may be located by network hackers at any time, which is the greatest danger.

As for personal safety, he was embarrassed to say that Utopia had already extended an olive branch to him, so there was no need to worry about danger for the time being.

As for the others, they were the Tiefeng Group that he had dealt with before, Xu Zhongsheng who he had killed, and the local Xu family behind them.

 Compared to Utopia, these two are caterpillars, which are exactly the target test subjects of this team.

"In this way, you can always use my network security services. Don't rush, and take your time as a team. When you are completely done, tell me, and I will take over. What do you think? Like?" Syndra said.

“Boss, if you were a woman, I would definitely chase you!” Li Chengyi was immediately moved.

 “Get out! You kid. That’s it. I’ll hang up first.” Sindra cursed with a smile and disconnected the call.

 (End of this chapter)

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