


Chen Xiuni felt that her breathing was almost suffocating, and the feeling of death pervaded her whole body. Since entering the nuclear level, he has hardly encountered too much pressure on the earth. Even if he is facing the spirit of fire, he can run if he can't beat it. Not to mention getting into the particle level afterwards.

Powerful at the particle level, whoever breaks through will know.

She has almost reached the height of invincibility, and is revered as the Goddess of War. On land, Shen Cong was the only one who could put pressure on her.

But Shen Cong is a teammate, so he can ignore it.

But now, Chen Xiuni once again felt the strong pressure of death, just like when she faced the worm warrior, she felt that she would die at any time.

"It's still ten minutes before Shen Cong arrives. I have to make it through!" Chen Xiuni swung her unicorn arm vigorously, fighting the long sword to block the attack of the big fire spirit beetle.

The surface of the Goddess of War is already full of potholes, which were all caused by the impact of the fire spirit beetle.

On several occasions, the car was overturned by the fire spirit beetle. There was not only Chen Xiuni in the car, but also several evolutionists who assisted her in controlling the Goddess of War. But at this time they dare not show their faces at all, and can only hide in the chariot in order to protect themselves.

bang bang!

The agility of the fire spirit beetle is getting higher and higher, and the speed is getting faster and faster, and the Goddess of War cannot compete with it. It is also at the particle level. Obviously, the body structure and strength of the Great Fire Spirit are far superior to the undeveloped vehicles and chariots.

"How are you?" Although Chen Xiuni was anxious, she remained calm on the surface, and asked her teammates in the carriage in a deep voice.

"Captain, we are fine, but there is no way to use the Blackstone light cannon to assist shooting anymore. It is impossible to aim at all. Even if we fire, it will not cause any damage." A team member shouted.

Another team member said: "The Goddess of War is seriously damaged, and the self-inspection system shows that the screen is full of red lights. Captain, it's time to move strategically!"

Chen Xiuni said calmly: "I can't get rid of this big fire spirit beetle... Let's hold on for another ten minutes, Chairman Huang is already on his way."

The team members looked frustrated: "Ten minutes, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do."

Chen Xiuni drooping eyelids,

Two lights rose from the eyes: "I will switch the chariot to manual transmission later, and Shen Xiu will drive it."

Shen Xiu hurriedly asked, "How about you, Captain?"

"I'm going down to lure this bug away!"

"Captain, it's too dangerous, you can't have an accident, let me go instead. I can ride the violent motorcycle, and I can distract it for at least a minute, which is enough for the Goddess of War to evacuate the Haining area." A team member stood up, grabbed the handrail, and turned to the Go through the back door of the carriage.

"You alone are not enough, count me in!" Another team member also got up and followed him, and walked towards the back door of the carriage together.

Tenderness flashed in Chen Xiuni's eyes, but she still said: "If I go to lure you away, there is a high chance of surviving. If you go to seduce, you will definitely die."

The two team members didn't stop at all: "Haha, captain, to put it bluntly, you are a major strategic weapon of the country and mankind, and you shouldn't even be at risk of accidents. As for us, although we don't want to die, we It doesn't affect the overall situation if you die."

After finishing speaking, the door of the carriage was opened, and each of them rushed out on a motorcycle made of bone gold.

After activating the Black Stone Energy Treasure, carrying the Black Stone Light Cannon, the two of them dispersed and shot around the big fire spirit beetle, trying to attract the attention of the big fire spirit.

Chen Xiuni felt a slight heat in her eye sockets.

No more hesitation, restrain the coercion directly, avoid the impact of the big fire spirit beetle, and retreat backwards to save the Valkyrie.

The plan is good.

The two desperate team members did attract the attention of the Great Fire Spirit Beetle, causing this big guy who looked like he was on fire to turn around. Chase the violent motorcycle on the left first, and after catching up, press down on the body and directly crush the team member connected to the motorcycle. Then turn around and catch up with the other person in thirty seconds, which is also a strong crush.

The whole chase scene.

It took the Great Fire Spirit Beetle a total of forty-five seconds.

In these forty-five seconds, the Valkyrie has already covered a distance of one and a half kilometers, and its speed has increased to 100 kilometers per hour. But this is not enough to distance itself from the big fire spirit beetle. This huge fire spirit crawls quickly on six slender legs, and its speed can almost reach 200 kilometers per hour.


Two huge clouds of smoke and dust were brought up from the ground.

One after the other, they rushed due west.

"Five minutes, there are still five minutes before Shen Cong can come..." Chen Xiuni was no longer anxious, and the sacrifice of the team members made her return to her previous sassy and calm.

At this time, her idea was very simple, run away if she can, turn around and fight if she can't.

The sky eye radar could vaguely see that the fire spirit beetle was chasing closer and closer behind it, and the terrifying atmosphere at the particle level was always firmly locked on the Valkyrie and refused to leave.

"The car body is seriously damaged, the sky eye radar can hardly sustain, and the Chaoleibo radio station has lost communication... At this speed, in two minutes, I will be overtaken by the fire spirit... I have already run out of Haining Volcano It's very far away, and it will be very difficult for Shen Cong to catch up."

Thinking a little more vividly, Chen Xiuni thought of many, many experiences from childhood to adulthood, and she had recollected them all during the short escape.

In the end, the memory was frozen in the picture of the two men.

One is her father, the mountain-like man who built Mushroom City when people were panicking in the early days of the end of the world. One is an indifferent and invincible man who is a strong insect killer and restores the order of Mushroom City.


The screen is broken.

The tentacles of the Great Fire Spirit Beetle had slammed into the War Goddess, overturning the War Goddess directly, rolling five times on the ground continuously before stopping.


"Still haven't escaped?" Shen Xiu whispered sadly while clutching the handrail, her hair disheveled.

A team member next to him shook his confused head, as if about to cry: "I'm going to die..."

"do not Cry."

Chen Xiuni's firm and clear voice came from beside her ear: "It will be fine!"

The next moment, Chen Xiuni had already rushed out of the overturned War Goddess, holding two long swords, and charged towards the Fire Spirit Beetle. She decided not to care about the Valkyrie, which had completely lost its fighting power, and wanted to fight the Fire Spirit in person.


She persisted for less than 30 seconds, before the two long swords were destroyed, and she was hit head-on by the fire spirit, and fell heavily onto the damaged armor of the Valkyrie, spitting out a mouthful of blood gold.

Then, the red cloud covered the top.

The flaming body of the fire spirit beetle has been raised high, and it is about to press down heavily, kill these prey, and then enjoy the delicious food of the prey.

All the bones and gold were broken and he couldn't move.

Chen Xiuni only felt that there were still many things to be done: "It's a bit regretful, I am so beautiful, and I was still single before I died..."


The big fire spirit beetle fell down.

Chen Xiuni's figure was submerged, and the hull of the Goddess of War, which was already badly damaged, was severely deformed and was smashed flat in an instant, sinking deep into the ground.

Smoke and dust filled the air.

On the ground, only the big fire spirit beetle is showing off its might.



The Great Fire Spirit Beetle seemed to feel that its prey was not dead, so it made another heavy blow, smashing the Valkyrie into the soil completely. At this time, a violent coercion as vast as the sea came from behind it.

In an instant, the big fire spirit beetle, with a flame three feet strong, turned around to rippling active waves, scanning its surroundings nervously.

Spot the target.

On the land to the east.

A huge steel chariot galloping at a high speed rushed towards it in a frenzied manner.

In the cab, Shen Cong frowned. The Tianyan radar had already enveloped the audience, and he could already see the Goddess of War that had been crushed and smashed into the mud.

"It seems... a step late?"

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