He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(595)

They silently divided the oasis, each huddled within its territory, and absorbed the nutrients here. They knew in their hearts that such a good opportunity might not come once in a hundred years.

They were right.

The oasis in the sand sea is no different from the fat in the mouth of the beast. One evening, a child from the tribe told his mother that he saw a man riding a black horse from a distance in the direction of sunset. The man seemed to look at him, turned around, reined in his horse and left.

That night, a group of cavalry in black rushed in.

There is no negotiation, and there is no forgiveness. The oasis is the fat, and these tribes are the fleas that live on the fat. The wild laughter of the riders shouting for murder cut through the sky. They raised their knives and chopped, and the heads rolled down. Some people were too frightened and rolled on all fours, but were let go by the butcher's knife. It was dark, and the light from the torch could not shine very well. Clearly, the rider mistook him for a lone animal.

The sticky sound and screams of flesh and blood being separated were endless, and the sound of horse hooves was thundering. When the disaster was imminent, no one from the four tribes dared to confront the black-clothed riders, and they just scattered and fled. When one person fell under the sword of a rider, he desperately begged for mercy and revealed the whereabouts of the other person; when a family was rounded up and intercepted, even if they couldn't understand the language, they would point to the tent where the other person was hiding to gain a chance to show their loyalty.

More than a dozen black-clothed riders just laughed heartily. They were all equal under the butcher's knife. There were no less than five hundred people from the four tribes. They slaughtered all the young and strong men first. The blades were already extremely dull, and even the patterns on the handles were filled with human bone residue and fat.

Stand still!

To the remaining young and old women, they shouted threats and used hand gestures to indicate that these people were not allowed to move. Then, they left their horses where they were, took out the whetstones they carried with them, and ran to the lake to wash and sharpen their knives.

"Aren't you going to let people watch?" one of the riders asked. He was excited to fight, his chest was still rising and falling, and when he spoke, his mouth was full of excited white steam.

"Don't let people watch!" The other one answered him, "They are not people, they are sheep! They are more obedient than sheep, and they are meaner than sheep!"

After these riders sharpened their blades and returned to their original positions, under the light of the torch, they could only hear the sound of the horses snorting and eating the bloody water plants.

The rider was absolutely right. The survivors of the four tribes were still standing motionless, with no look in their eyes, only a kind of fear and numbness that penetrated their bones.

The black-clothed rider let out an amused grin, raised his hand and raised the blade——

The sword fell to the ground, but a very strange gurgling sound filled with blisters came from his throat.

The cavalrymen behind him opened their eyes wide and shouted in fear.

——The tentacles are as black as long snakes and as sharp as sharpened needle points. They pierce through the rider's throat, shattering the throat bone in an instant and ending the life of the person.

The war horses neighed loudly, and no matter how the remaining dozen cavalry reacted, they all died at the same time.

The corpse lay paralyzed on the ground. In the darkness, a white hand took off the torch, illuminating his tired face.

"Yan Huan, be careful," Liu Fuguang said, "don't startle the horse."

Taking the torch from his hand, Yan Huan said with concern: "Take a rest, you are tired."

Liu Fuguang shook his head and turned to look at those people.

After being rescued from the butcher's knife, the old, young, women and children showed no other emotions, such as gratitude, sadness, and joy of surviving the disaster... They looked at Yan Huan and Liu Fuguang, who were obviously not ordinary people, and they dispersed like that!

It seemed as if nothing had happened, and their father, son and husband had not died under the enemy's sword. They lowered their yellow faces and walked slowly, picking up objects thrown away while fleeing along the way, like a group of ants returning to their nest. , returned to the tents of each tribe one after another.

"Look, what's the use of saving them?" Yan Huan looked at these people with malice. Since Liu Fuguang was in front of him, he couldn't make a move, so he could only watch.

"There are four to five hundred of these people. If they unite, they can tear the cavalry into pieces. But what about now?" He half-opened his nine eyes and sneered, "If you save them, you will be able to tear them into pieces." They treat you as equals like human beings, but they don’t see you in their eyes; if your situation is better than theirs, they will hate you a thousand times more; if you can’t suppress them, they will eat you to the bone; but you If you subdue them with force and slaughter them like animals, they will be sincerely convinced, frightened, and willing to be your slaves for the rest of their lives. Can such a mediocre crowd not be considered evil? "

Liu Fuguang didn't look at him and sighed: "You are just trying to save someone, but you have such a long speech, which shows that you have a lot of resentment in your heart."

More than three months have passed since they fell into the world-viewing mirror.

The mirror really deserves the title of "artifact". As soon as it fell in, Yan Huan felt that his divine power was locked, and Liu Fuguang was not much better than him. They estimated that their current strength was only close to the Golden Core, not even Nascent Soul.

Since his birth, has Yan Huan ever suffered from such low cultivation? However, since he can be with Liu Fuguang, this little pain is much sweeter than the six thousand years he spent indulging in fantasy.

The two of them explored where this place was for several days and came to the conclusion that this should be the original appearance of the Drought God's world before it suffered from the disaster.

Why did the mirror send them here?

In the past three months, Liu Fuguang had witnessed and experienced hundreds of battles, large and small. Not to mention high-level monks, there are only a few monks. Everyone's attention is occupied by the never-ending cruel competition.

Competition for water sources, competition for food, strong countries competing for slaves, weak tribes competing for the opportunity to be slaves... And competition must be accompanied by war, and war is a concrete killing.

Along the way here, Liu Fuguang saw countless corpses and famines; he also saw young children who ate clay from walls and drank mud soup until their faces turned yellow and purple, and their bellies looked as if they were pregnant. Through their bellies as thin as green paper, Liu Fuguang could even see See directly into their stomachs.

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