He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(369)

If he had no worries, Xie Ning would be willing to let go of everything and have a cross-race love with Echidna - he didn't think the other party was evil. On the contrary, after spending so many days together, Xie Ning could already To be sure, Echidena is just an oversized marshmallow with fillings. He looks fierce and vicious on the surface, but is actually stupid. No matter what he says, he believes everything.

However, the problem lies here. He can't give up on his family. No matter how difficult it is, Xie Ning will always find a way to return to his hometown.

While he was troubled, Echidna suddenly straightened up, and that smug, somewhat silly smile disappeared instantly. He became the demon Echidna again. It was the harsh look when Xie Ning saw him for the first time. appearance.

"The priest of Cilicia has come," Echidena spat out coldly. "He was so bold that he actually brought a veiled woman and threatened that this was a gift from Xothoth. one's gift!"

Now that he has retreated to the dark Arima and is living a life of exile, Echidena hates people who would ignore his orders - except, of course, Dolos. Sometimes, Dolos is so absorbed in painting that he In order to keep himself far away and not to be disturbed, Echidena also stood aside obediently and stayed there in silence. Because he knew that when Doros put down his paintbrush and saw that he was silent and hiding alone for a long time, he would scream in distress and hurriedly comforted himself, "You are so stupid, why don't you speak?"

However, Dolos was Dolos, how could the Cilicians dare to disobey his instructions? Since he has said that he no longer needs human sacrifices, what can Xothoth rely on to ignore his request?

"I'm afraid that's a trap sent by the gods of Olympus, just like Pandora in the past, trying to lead me to destruction!" Echidna sneered, and immediately smelled the smell of conspiracy. "If you really want to destroy me, why don't you ask Hercules to come down from heaven to earth again, and let me see if the hero who became a god can still kill my body and soul?"

As he said this, Xie Ning suddenly raised his head. The moment the priest and the woman stepped into the underground palace, Apollo secretly used his magical power to ignite an unparalleled strong curiosity in his heart. This kind of curiosity is usually related to the artist's. Curiosity is closely related.

Therefore, Echidna did not notice it, and Xie Ning knew nothing about it. He only knew that Echidna mentioned the name "Pandora". He really wanted to find out how amazing a woman like Pandora was.

"I want to see what she looks like!" Xie Ning blurted out. He looked at Echidna pleadingly and couldn't help but show puppy eyes. "Please, please, let me take a look, just like you said. , what if she is really as beautiful as Pandora, then how beautiful can she be?"

Echidna stiffened when he looked at him like this. He suddenly found that it was already very difficult to refuse Dolos's request, and with such a look in his eyes... it was almost impossible to say "no" from his mouth. It would be uncomfortable to kill him.

"...Okay," the snake demon surrendered, "Let's take a look at this woman from a distance in the dark, because she must be a trap sent by the gods, an entity with evil intentions!"

Holding Xie Ning in his arms, Echidna walked through the twists and turns of the underground palace corridor and came to a hidden dark room. The black rock wall was like a honeycomb, with many small holes for light transmission.

The demon put down the human and saw him running to one of the holes, tiptoeing to look at it. He couldn't help but follow him and quietly glanced at his profile.

The halo of light refracted from the hole, illuminating Dolos's dark eyes and the shadow of the bridge of his nose on his white cheeks. It was so cute.

At this moment, the snake demon looked at his human greedily, Xie Ning curiously looked at "Pandora's" appearance, and Xansipe took off her net with confidence, revealing her dazzling appearance.

Echidna said lovingly: "Dolos..."

Xie Ning's eyes widened and her chin almost dropped to the ground: "Wow! This is so beautiful!"

Echidna: "..."

Echidna was shocked and angry. He turned his head sharply and saw Xanthippe standing in the room with beautiful flowers, playing with the mask with his fingers.

In an instant, the snake demon's eyes turned black with hatred.

Chapter 151 The Snake of Pharisees (17)

Xie Ning was really dumbfounded.

Although he lives in an era of information explosion, is professionally related, and has seen too many beauties in the second and third dimensions of ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad, but all the beauties he has seen together may not be as stunning as the woman in front of him.

Her beauty is illusory and should not appear in this world, but she is alive and real.

Previously, he was still laughing at Echidna's paranoia in his heart. No matter how idle the gods of Olympus were, what reason would they have to send a "Pandora" here?

Now he couldn't laugh anymore. There is no doubt that if this woman is not a goddess, then she must be created by God himself, representing all products that transcend nature.

However, compared to Echidna, her beauty is too...how should I say, dignified and orthodox?

Xie Ning thought for a long time and felt that "mainstream" would be the most appropriate description.

Her blonde hair, snowy skin, blue eyes, red lips, as well as her dazzling appearance and strong body all reflect all the expectations of beautiful women in this era. And what about Echidna? He may be fierce and unruly, possessing all the characteristics of a demon, but when Xie Ning saw him, it was like seeing the howling wild wind, raging mountain fires, the endless rough wilderness covered with the blood-like setting sun, and tigers and leopards dancing under the moonlit night. The roar of the neck... It is a primitive life force. Long before the new god of civilization was born, he had already become the son of nature.

...Oh, it’s useless to think so much. If she becomes my model, I wonder if I can draw her beauty...

Just as she was thinking about it, Xie Ning turned around and said to Echidna: "I think..."

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