He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(359)

At the same time, another shadow gradually emerged from the edge, with a sphinx body and a pair of wings on its back. Even people unfamiliar with mythology can blurt out the name of the Sphinx.

The last demon is more ferocious and terrifying than his first two companions. His nine snake heads are like dancing seaweed, casting entangled shadows on the stone wall. This monster actually transformed into a human and walked around. In addition to many snake heads, his body was covered with green and black scales, his claws were sharp, and his feet were like hooks.

As soon as these three heavyweight brothers came on stage, Xie Ning felt like passing out.

Chimera, Sphinx, Hydra - the biological children of the legendary snake demon, full of evil and causing trouble in all directions. Are they the visitors to Echidna today?

"Compared with the last time I came here, the changes here are really great." Chimera raised her head and looked at the stars on the zenith with the eyes of a lion and a snake. "When did Echidna have a leisurely life and learn how to do it?" These are hypocritical tricks. What else does He want to do? Set up a temple in the underground palace so that those who worship Him can obtain supreme blessings?"

After the demon said these sarcastic words, he laughed harshly, and the Sphinx said softly: "Don't get carried away, Chimera, can you withstand the power of Echidna? He was defeated by Olympus. The God is exiled here, but his power is still above you and me. Don’t let Him punish you like a young child! That way, our faces will be dull.”

"We just want to leave here," Hydra's nine heads shook together, "because it is undoubtedly unwise to enter His territory without permission."

The demons were talking a lot, and Xie Ning watched and listened with fear.

There is a rich and wild vitality in Echidna, which adds a touch of divinity to his aura. It is more appropriate for him to be called the Demon God. However, these descendants of the demon god in front of them have no divinity and are full of demonic nature. Just by observing them with the naked eye, you can tell that they must be cold and cruel evil beasts.

He wanted to run away, but as soon as he took a step back, one of the heads of the Hydra Hydra keenly noticed the strange movement here.

"What is that?" Hydra shouted, "Hey, Sphinx, Chimera, look, are they the humans raised by Echidna?"

After hearing his words, the Chimera took a big step, its sheep's hooves crushed the bones of many bronze bulls, and walked towards Xie Ning. At the same time, it stretched out a paw, trying to grab the human by the waist and take a closer look.

Xie Ning was so panicked that she backed away repeatedly. The Chimera caught all the fish in one go and tried to catch it a second time.

"Don't touch me!" Xie Ning shouted, "This is not your home, please get out!"

The Sphinx said "Hmm" in surprise, "What language does he speak? I am as knowledgeable as I am, but I have never heard such a strange pronunciation. Did Echidna teach him?"

Xie Ning was stuck for a while. People are lazy. He and Echidna stayed together for a long time, and gradually, he no longer cared about learning the language. Anyway, he could understand what Echidna said, and Echidna could understand him. He was happy to speak Mandarin.

However, without Echidna's divinity, these monsters naturally could not understand what he was talking about. Xie Ning hurriedly switched to the local language in her mind, and while scurrying around with her head in her hands, she stammered loudly: "Don't touch me, please get out!"

The Chimera bared its blood-stained fangs. He seemed to find it very interesting, so he leaned down and looked at Xie Ning carefully.

"You weakling!" He laughed, and suddenly a strong and rotten hot wind blew out of his throat, as if a whole mass grave was buried on the base of his tongue, and it blew Xie Ning's left knee and right knee. , fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"Who gave you the courage to instruct us, the blood descendants of Gaia, the Earth Mother? Even if I kill you, what will happen? Will Echidna still insist on arguing with his kind? Maybe I really should crush you, otherwise, the gods in heaven and people in the world will laugh at me for being a coward for accepting the instructions of such a weakling!"

At this time, Xu Dela saw Xie Ning's picture album placed on the golden easel. He picked it up with one paw in surprise and said, "Look, the content in this painting is so lifelike and lifelike! Alas, Chimera, you shouldn't kill him, Echidna actually raised an artist in his lair. In my opinion, not everyone can have this outstanding skill."

Chimera was attracted by his brother's words, so he temporarily put down his claws threatening Xie Ning, and turned to look at the album held by Xudra.

In front of the demon's fangs and claws, the material of the paper was so fragile that a few big holes could be pinched out of his drawing book without any effort. Xie Ning's heartbeat stopped for a moment. He hurriedly got up from the ground, his hair almost standing on end in his anxiety: "Put it down, put it down! Put it down quickly!"

But the more anxious he was, the more energetic the demon became. The Chimera let out a roaring and happy laughter, the Sphinx looked on coldly, and the nine heads of Hydra had different expressions. They just looked at Xie Ning sideways, as if they wanted to say something, He looked too lazy to say anything.

When she was in elementary school, Xie Ning was bullied by her classmates for a long time because she was pretty, quieter than other boys, and liked to sit on her seat and draw. When some boys passed by his seat, they would suddenly snatch away the blank homework book he used to draw on, and then throw it to his companion standing far away, causing Xie Ning to become red-faced and run around chasing after him.

As an adult, although he didn't cry at the bullies like he did when he was a child, the current situation still made his eyes red and his cheeks bloodshot. He wanted to pick up a utility knife and cut them all to death on the spot.

When Xie Ning was shouting at the top of her lungs and her eyes were dizzy with anger, the brass door of the nest was violently pushed open again, hitting the stone walls on both sides and making a loud moaning sound.

——Echidena stood there, with a snake's tail coiled, and his black hair was like a burning evil flame, dancing wildly in the slanting firelight.

When the snake demon saw this scene before him, his fangs were grinding together, and he was so angry that he could not speak. Opposite him, the three-headed demon couldn't help but stand up straight, looking at him with a guilty conscience.

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