He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(330)

They are the people who live in the temple. In the words of the priests, they "cannot participate in worldly affairs" and can only hide here. But Xie Ning was still worried about the king.

To be honest, when he came to this strange era, he was illiterate with a language barrier and no certificate of origin to prove his origin. The most likely possibility was that he was regarded by the locals as a runaway slave and had a dog chain tied around his neck. , sales market. Even if he demonstrates his skills, he will only be a "talented slave" by then. The fact that Xie Ning is living such a happy life is entirely due to the good old man Esson. Because the king regards him as a divine messenger, the people of the country also entertain him generously.

I wish I were really the envoy of God, Xie Ning thought wildly, and when the time came, she just asked for a thunderbolt to hit the roof of that bird king, so that he could not eat and walk around.

He sighed again.

It's a pity that I can't ask for it. Tianlei is not a dog raised in someone's house, and will bite whoever he is told to bite. The priest once said that Princess Antheia was favored by the sun god Apollo, but a war nearly destroyed the country broke out in her hometown, and then a plague broke out. Can she pray to that fictional god for help? It’s not like I lost ten brothers.

The priest commented sadly: "For strangers who go to Cilicia, even if Heracles is reincarnated, it will be difficult to escape from that dangerous and dangerous situation. Just because they are not for pleasure, not for war, not for plunder They left for honor, they left for the cruel and cunning Echidna, to be buried in the belly of a snake!"

Xie Ning couldn't understand what he said. The general meaning was that the people in Chiliciana were simple and simple, just like Gotham. There was also an "Echidena" there, which caused outsiders to never return. Very dangerous.

Echidna, Xie Ning thought to herself, it sounds so familiar. Did I see this name somewhere when I took the sculpture class?

The situation did not allow him to continue thinking. Inside the hall, the messenger's arrogant words and presumptuous attitude had deeply angered the hero standing next to the king. Philion jumped up and roared like a lion.

"Those rude guests, you are so damned!" he shouted. "By the name of my father, the Alps, I will hang you upside down on the city gate and let wild dogs and birds eat you." Just clean your bodies!"

It was like a thunderstorm indoors! Xie Ning held on to the stone pillar in shock, feeling that the stone pillar was also buzzing in the sound, not to mention the two envoys who were facing Philu Weng.

Seeing that a bloody palace drama was about to take place, there was another commotion outside. From far to near, two other apostles in ragged clothes and covered with injuries came running wildly.

With a loud cry they threw themselves at the feet of Aeson and cried out in grief: "O king, what sad news we bring you! Your sons are sailing the ship to Thebes with the intention of re-entering the world. The glory of the seven heroes' expedition to Thebes was revealed, but that was not allowed by Poseidon! We encountered a turbulent storm at sea, and the ship the two princes were on was instantly shattered by huge lightning. When the storm subsided, The remaining two ships also disappeared into the thick fog that could not see the light of day."

As they spoke, they took out their respective tokens of evidence, one was a broken purple gold scabbard, and the other was a broken gemstone belt.

There was deathly silence in the palace, and the queen wailed sadly, holding her daughter's cold palm, and passed out on the golden throne.

The old king stood motionless, the blood boiling violently in his veins, his teeth chattering and trembling, the crown fell from his head, and his white hair fluttered in confusion. His eyes were dizzy, and the old man fell back slumped without saying a word, and his sword collided with the ground, making a loud noise.

Xie Ning held on to the pillar in a daze, feeling greatly shocked both physically and mentally.

It turns out that the fate of a person, a family, and a country can be reversed so easily, like a boat thrown into the storm. The messenger only entered the palace twice, and the people of this city-state were completely overwhelmed by the flood of sorrow.

The envoys from Cilicia were temporarily imprisoned, and the women in the palace wore black veils symbolizing death. The people no longer drank or sang. They mourned the prince who died unfortunately, and maybe they also mourned their beloved prince. The king - because of the successive excessive blows, Essun was already lying in bed and his breathing was weak.

Only this time, there was no more Pan's fruit to save his life.

For a time, the temple was surrounded by people, and people came to plead with Xie Ning, the young man whom Esson called Dolos. They regarded him as a son of God and hoped that he would beg his father again to save this troubled country.

Xie Ning was at a loss and didn't know what to do.

I'm just a bad painter, he thought sadly. I also want to have a close relationship with the god you believe in, so that I don't appear to be such a deceitful person, but I really can't do it.

At this critical moment, the king fell into a coma and the queen was in great pain because of the death of her son. The young princess resisted the burden of governing the country. She left her brother to wait on her father's bedside, and at night she knelt before the shrine of Apollo to pray to him for mercy or good omens.

"I never believe that this sudden misfortune is the consequence we should bear." She shed tears and begged the sun god who had always treated her well, "Have you forgotten how I served you faithfully? Phoebus Apple. Lo, the long-range shooter and the patron saint of the noble, please have mercy on the people of this country. I am willing to exchange the talent you have given me for the safety of my brother and my father, even if it is so precious and surpasses mine. life!"

At this moment, Phoebus Apollo lowered his golden head. With just one glance, his gaze had already passed through thousands of miles of clouds, from the golden palace of the sun to the boundless human world.

Yes, I saw it, he thought secretly, lovely daughter of Essonne, it’s not that I don’t want to pity your tears, it’s just that your country has received a strange traveler who has his feet on the solid earth and the blood flowing from his body. But it was tens of millions of years later that he threw himself here, and the loom of the goddess of fate was stirred up by him into uneasy and messy threads. He made the fate of Eleusis vague and obscure, which even I could not predict.

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