He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(265)

He hasn't finished reading the book in the reader yet, and he plans to continue reading.

It was night, after a day of special training, Tian Yuan suddenly called him from behind.

"Would you like a drink?" he asked.

Gu Xingqiao's heart rang with alarm bells. He turned his head and asked warily: "Why, you still want to get me drunk?"

Tianyuan said frankly: "Last time, I didn't persuade you to drink. You made yourself drunk. This time, I don't want to persuade you to drink. I have increased the proportion of human beings, so I plan to try the effect of alcohol on the human body." role."

Gu Xingqiao was still suspicious: "You can drink it yourself."

"Of course I can drink it by myself," Tian Yuan repeated, "but according to human concepts, if good wine is not drunk with people who understand wine, wouldn't it be a waste."

He raised his hand and, like a magic trick, displayed two light golden wine bottles with slender necks and elegant arcs.

There were so many types of golden wine. Gu Xingqiao frowned slightly. When he saw the brown wine label on the bottle, which depicted a brightly lit giant city, his brows suddenly jumped, and the answer also jumped from his lips. came out: "City of Thousand Lanterns!"

If gold and jade are the symbol of a planet, the City of Thousand Lanterns embodies the image of a city. The brewers with superb skills have made this sparkling wine appear as bright and dim as thousands of lights, and its complex and profound aroma is like the floating fireworks brewing an entire city.

This battleship is really a fortune.

Gu Xingqiao realized this again when facing these two bottles of nationally renowned wines that, even though they were lost, were still praised by future generations.

"Come on." Tianyuan said, "I'll drink with you."

As a Dionysian, Gu Xingqiao couldn't resist this temptation. He reluctantly remained in a stalemate for a long time and said stubbornly: "We can't do it here, we have to find a place with a good view."

Tianyuan agreed to all his requests: "No problem."

They climbed up the stairs, walked into the anti-gravity transport ball, and came to the middle and upper levels of the starship. Gu Xingqiao had never been inside a battleship, and he had no intuitive understanding of the area and volume of the Tianyuan-class battleship. Until he saw that the power engine that transports the ball over long distances starts by folding space, traveling at a speed of three kilometers per second.

Gu Xingqiao counted five seconds in his mind before the stacked transport balls surrounded and opened. It suddenly dawned on them that they had arrived on a wide platform.

The high-hanging window is like a crystal clear full moon, covered with a balancing force field on the periphery, so that the cold starlight of the vacuum can diffuse into the interior of the platform without any hindrance.

Space is vast, cold and unforgiving, but the stars it nurtures are heartbreakingly beautiful, just like the twinkling sea surface at dusk.

They sat on the ground in the starlight. Tian Yuan snapped his fingers and floated up from the ground to the table holding the wine glass.

The sound of the bottle cork being broken was simply moving, and the wine fell into the glass like a stream.

Gu Xingqiao took the cup, and the dense bubbles were like rising frost and snow. It was difficult for him to trace the origin of this complex aroma, but through each burst of bubbles, he smelled the heavy spices, the light... Flowers, smoky corn, even the cold moss on the stone steps...

"Cheers." Tianyuan said.

Gu Xingqiao clinked glasses with him from afar. He carefully opened his lips and took a sip.

This is the first wine he has ever drunk that can be described as "gorgeous".

It is not strong or astringent, and the taste on the tip of the tongue is sweet and slightly sour, making people see the brilliance of a thousand lanterns rising above the capital. Passing through the bubbles, the fragrant fragrance comes one after another, as if seeing an old friend reunited after a long separation, holding hands full of spring flowers, not knowing the names of the flowers, but only a slight movement in my heart.

He looked at the wine glass, and Tian Yuan also looked at him. Under the chaotic starlight, the young man's eyes suddenly lit up, like two stray stars, taking root and sprouting in the human body.

The taste of famous wine is so weak that it breaks into thousands of insignificant particles in Tianyuan's taste buds. He looked at Gu Xingqiao and when he saw the other person's smile, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly unconsciously.

"Then, let's go, you and me." Looking up at the stars in the vacuum, Gu Xingqiao said softly, "When the twilight stretches against the sky, it's like a patient being anesthetized on the operating table..."

"No one has ever been able to leave the abyss alive. I answer you, not afraid of losing your reputation." Tianyuan said, ""Prufrock's Love Song", you seem to have a special liking for the civilization of the Origin Star."

Gu Xingqiao smiled: "I just suddenly remembered it."

With the softening of alcohol, the frequency of his laughter increased much more than usual. Tianyuan stared at his smiling face without blinking, as if there were powerful magnets hidden in the corners of the young man's eyes and eyebrows, firmly attracting his gaze.

He didn't understand what was going on.

Why? When a human smiles, he only needs to mobilize sixteen facial muscles. Why can such a trivial activity bring such an incredible improvement to his brilliance?

Gu Xingqiao glanced at him and asked strangely: "Why are you looking at me?"

Since he asked, Tian Yuan revealed all his troubles: "You look so beautiful when you smile. Why?"

Gu Xingqiao choked. He coughed several times and wiped the corners of his mouth in embarrassment: "Huh? What crazy talk are you talking about again?"

"I said, you look so pretty when you smile." Tian Yuan repeated patiently, "But I don't understand why changing the direction of some muscles can prevent me from moving my eyes..."

"Stop," Gu Xingqiao squinted his eyes and almost jumped, "stop, stop, stop!"

Tianyuan then closed his lips.

"Aren't you the incarnation of this battleship?" Gu Xingqiao asked dizzy, "Can your aesthetics be the same as that of others?"

"I have my own set of measurement standards," Tianyuan said, "but I can still understand human aesthetics."

Looking at Gu Xingqiao's reaction, Tian Yuan said: "If you feel uncomfortable, then let's change the topic. However, I still reserve my opinion: you should accept and get used to my evaluation of you, just like accepting the flames." It has temperature, and the center of the earth has gravity.”

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