Have You Ever Met Such a Cold Author

Chapter 63: Fanwai You Hongzhi x Huo Miao (3)

Lu Lianguang had never quite understood why Huo Miao had paid so much attention to You Hongzhi—he didn’t get the answer until three years later—in any case, at the end of the second half of the semester, You Hongzhi’s game began to play for the first time. During the scale test, Huo Miao tried his best to grab the spot. In his own words, he almost wrote a code grab program himself.

"Don't you hate him?" Lu Lianguang asked inexplicably. "If I hate an author, I won't go to see him when he releases a new book."

"First of all, I'm studying information security, not game development. Although we are in the same department and our majors are 108,000 miles apart, there is no competition between him and me." Huo Miao stared at the game beta installation progress bar, He said firmly, "Secondly, of course, a vicious person like him can't make a good game. I just want to get first-hand data, so that I can laugh at him when I meet him in the future. Of course I hate him, he is my first Two annoying people."

Lu Lianguang asked curiously, "Who is number one?"

"Insect Village. I will definitely kill them in my lifetime." Huo Miao said lightly.

"Do you have any grudges with the world's number one hacker organization?"

"It's nothing, I lost once. After all, I'm a person who can't afford to lose... Wow! Okay!"

Huo Miao's computer interface jumped, he sat up instantly, and said excitedly: "Finally installed! Well, I want to see what kind of **** game this **** You Hongzhi has made..."

two hours later.

"You Hongzhi will be my father from now on!" Huo Miao said with tears in her eyes.

Lu Congguang: "..."

"It's so fun, I'll always love Yaoling, it's the best game I've ever played."

Lu Convergence: "...Is it such an exaggeration, brother?"

"Would you like to lend you the number to play for a while? You'll know that the big games you played before were all garbage." Huo Miao said with a vow.

"I haven't played any major games." Lu Lianguang said, "Is it true that a good malicious person can't make a good game?"

Huo Miao clapped the table and stood up: "You are not allowed to say that about my father!"

Lu Lianguang shook his head sympathetically: "A good person, if he says he's crazy, he's crazy."

After the bickering, Lu Lianguang was indeed a little interested in this game, so he happily created a new character at Huo Miao's invitation. He is not mainly to play games, but to watch the plot and settings.

"Tianqingyuan, have you heard of it?"

"I know him," Huo Miao said. "It's very famous. It seems that You Hongzhi specially invited him here."

"It's them, not him." Lu Lianguang corrected casually, "There are four people in the three gods, common knowledge in the Internet circle."

"Why do you still have such common sense in the online literature circle?" Huo Miao was at a loss. "Hey, that's right! You are the author, do you know Tianqing round?"

Lu Lianguang, who is only nineteen years old and still young, manipulated the characters to fight monsters, and shook his head: "How is it possible? Tianqing Yiyi is an ancient god, where can I get to know people."

The game is very fun, but Lu Lianguang was embarrassed to occupy Huo Miao's precious private beta account for too long, and secondly, he was a little impatient to see the rhythm of a short story after a long series of operations, so he quickly returned the account. I gave it to Huo Miao, and I went to Yaoling's official website to find a set to satisfy my cravings.

During the first internal beta test of "Yaoling", the "Yaoling Continent" in the game, which is always daytime, only opened the "Spring Collar" among the four major collars, and only three of the twenty-four safe cities on the continent were open. One, many functions have not yet been perfected, but despite this, this continent has begun to emerge.

When the closed beta was closed, some players even shed tears on the spot, and that night they wrote a long post about their experience in the beta, which caused the majority of game fans to scratch their ears and frantically urge the public beta.

Huo Miao's mood is only more excited than those who vented on the Internet. The excitement is a little unclear. It is true that games... games are fun, but no matter how fun a game is, it is not enough to make him linger in the dormitory every day. The level of attempts to block people at the door of the building.

There are other emotions, urgent, subtle, and it seems that he has finally found an excuse... Before Huo Miao can sort out his congested and hot brain, he blocked You Hong who was returning to the Tibetan Xiu Building to get his clothes a few days later. After that, he immediately praised Yaoling to the sky with a hundredfold enthusiasm, and chased You Hongzhi to ask about the time for the next test.

He called his senior brother to follow You Hongzhi, and walked around him like a little puppy who was happy. You Hongzhi always hated being entangled with people. Today, however, was strangely... happy.

"Do you like games so much?"

"I like it!" Huo Miao nodded, "I've made up my mind, and I will submit my resume to Long Yuan in the summer vacation."

You Hongzhi's expression changed.

"I checked, and Longyuan has a network security department. You can help me ask if the company still lacks people? I'm not bragging. With my level, one husband is the boss, and ten thousand people don't open it!" Huo Miao Still excitedly planning, "I can work semi-remotely, and I can still work full-time during the summer vacation! Brother, you said..."

You Hongzhi looked at the pure enthusiasm in his big eyes, and remembered the conversation in the shop outside the north gate: "If you want to bring him into the game..."

Yes, how easy it is. You Hongzhi has no doubt that as long as he nods his head now, Huo Miao will really start writing his resume, and then what? You Hongzhi knows how talented he is, and the company will never reject such a growing genius.

This child is only nineteen years old, not long after he left middle school, he has just come of age, he is passionate and pure, and he is willing to join a game company just because he likes a game.

It's not a big problem for a nineteen-year-old college student to think so, but the problem is that Longyuan is not a game company.

Once you get in, you can't go back.

Just because of pure enthusiasm, he did nothing wrong. If the life that was framed in the future was not what he wanted, then the big eyes that are full of vitality now...will they be dull in the future?

"There is no shortage of people." You Hongzhi looked down at Huo Miao with no emotion in his eyes, "Especially there is no shortage of people like you."

Huo Miao paused, with a smile still on the corner of his mouth, and asked lightly, "What do you call someone like me?"

You Hongzhi said coldly: "Huo Miao, do you think I'm joking? I'll say it straight today, I wasn't "hired" by Longyuan, I'm one of the shareholders of Longyuan. I'll order personnel at night. , don't accept your resume, don't waste your efforts."

It was as if a small flame that had been burning happily for several days was poured into a pot, and it froze together with the ambiguous, subtle, inexplicable emotions that the owner himself had not noticed.

Huo Miao looked at You Hongzhi in astonishment, and after a while he said, "...You hate me so much?"

You Hongzhi did not reply.

"Okay, that's great..." Huo Miao gritted her teeth and said, trembling with anger. For some reason, he suddenly felt a wave of shame. In the years that followed, he slowly realized what was behind this shame. What's going on? It was an embarrassing and humiliating act of self-inflicted love at the beginning of the love affair.

"You're a shareholder of Dragon Wish, aren't you? Listen, one day, I'll ask you to beg me in! You wait!"

Abandoning these words, Huo Miao rushed out of the Tibetan Xiu Building without looking back.

You Hongzhi watched his back disappear into the corner, and said softly, "Okay, I'll wait."

He took all the remaining luggage in the dormitory on this day and moved out of the school.

At this time, they didn't expect that in just three short years, Huo Miao realized the rhetoric of "I want you to beg me in", but it didn't seem to be in the form he expected...

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