Have You Ever Met Such a Cold Author

Chapter 13: try to meet tomorrow

Lu Lianguang took two boxes of takoyaki and stepped back to school by stepping on the door.

It was rare for Huo Miao not to be playing games. There was a software development tool interface on the computer screen. When Lu Lianguang saw the code on the screen, he couldn't help but be moved: "Sanshui, have you finally remembered what your job is? ?"

"It's playing games." Huo Miao said firmly, "By the way, let's do information security and software development."

This can only be said when talking to Lu Lianguang in the dormitory. If he took it outside, he would have been sprayed to death by his classmates.

Huo Miao, with a baby face that is harmless to humans and animals, and very confusing, is actually the first place in the Department of Computer Science of Dongling University this year. He once hacked the school's official website for a whole week because he was dissatisfied with the school's extended curfew time in his first year of school. This incident was also published in the Dongling Evening News, which caused a stir in the whole school. Of course, the school has not been able to find the prisoner until today. Who, only Lu Lianguang knows who this hero is.

The smell of takoyaki diffused in the bedroom, Huo Miao turned his head, saw the two boxes on Lu Lianguang's table, and exaggeratedly squeezed his throat and said, "Oh, Xiaolu, if you talk about you, come as soon as you come. Bring something, you're welcome."

Lu Lianguang said ruthlessly, "Only half the box is yours. This is my dinner. I'm going to starve to death."

"Wow, it's so miserable that I can't even eat dinner when I see an idol." Huo Miao said sympathetically, "Forget it, then I won't eat it—hey, by the way, have you seen the news? This afternoon's "Book with Yan" "The crew had an actor hitting the nurse."

It's really good things don't go out, and bad things travel thousands of miles. Lu Lianguang sighed: "Not only did I see it, they also looked for me."

Huo Miao said in surprise: "What are they doing with you? For the crew, it doesn't matter what the original author says."

"They are going to hype up a wave of my gender and let me know in advance." Lu Lianguang said.

In tonight's interview, Lu Lianguang promised a few days ago that he would open the wheat. The crew of "Book with Yan" has been in frequent negative news recently, and another medical incident broke out in the afternoon. It just happened that a related hotspot was urgently needed to divert the public's attention. Moreover, Lu Lianguang and another book film and television have been sold to this film and television company. There will be cooperation in the follow-up... He is not easy to turn it off because of affection and reason, so he can only agree.

Huo Miao's hand was extremely fast, and in a few seconds, he had already used the search engine to go through "With the Light" and "Yan Shu", and asked in confusion: "No, why is there no response on the Internet? Could it be that you have already passed the test? Annoyed? Don't, I'm still counting on the old age to get rich by auctioning off your out-of-print special book!"

He thought it was the wrong key word, so he tried "the tenth anniversary of the nib" again. He was puzzled to see that the search results were over and over again saying those words: Bamboo clumps, Feather, Kaimai, Man, Knowing, together.

Lu Lianguang said: "It's a long story. In short... someone needs this hot spot more than "Book with Yan", so I gave it to him."

Huo Miao is a science student and majors in information security. In fact, he basically doesn't read novels. He only knows that his roommate is an online author who writes everything. He wrote the TV series "Book with Yan" that is currently being filmed.

Lu Congguang studied liberal arts and majored in journalism.

At the 10th anniversary celebration of the nib, Bamboo Congsheng refused to interact on the spot. This is a news that is too easy to spread. If there is not a relevant topic that is hot enough to suppress this news, I am afraid that tomorrow, the entire Internet circle will have to do it again. One time to blow up that sentence: Have you ever seen such a cold author?

He chose to use himself to create this burst point for Bamboo Overgrowth, at the cost that he is still negotiating remedies with the people in the Nib Copyright Department.

There is no need to think about hyping gender for the time being. He didn't open the microphone, and it would be too deliberate to bring it up again. While waiting for the copyright department to reply to him, Lu Lianguang opened the three-person discussion group he temporarily set up in the pharmacy.

Don't eat coriander: I'm back to the dormitory! Kneel and thank the two great gods! !

140,000 people unloaded their armor: I also thank God Heguang Tongchen for recommending the two of us in the end~

Hua Hua Luo Yun Jue Yun Shu: No thanks, no thanks, in fact, I didn't delay for a few minutes, I was still very good, and we chatted for ten more minutes.

140,000 people unloaded their armor: True love, who would have thought that in order to listen to the interview with Bamboo Growing, He Guang Tongchen would not hesitate to collude with friends to delay the progress of the party... I have never seen you so lost in Bamboo Growing before. Today, in order to help you, I put I've used up all my embarrassing chat quota this year.

Hua Hua Luo Yun Jue Yun Shu: Guang Guang, so you finally finished your work and caught up with the Bamboo God interview?

Skip the cilantro: catch up! There is plenty of time, thank you two heroines for your help!

After Lu Lianguang finished typing this sentence, a phone call came in, interrupting the chat between the three of them.

He is the person in charge of the Copyright Department of Bi Jian Literary Network.

"Teacher, that's right. We discussed it with the crew just now, and we're going to arrange a draft, to the effect of 'the original author visits the crew and praises the crew's high degree of restoration', can you read it?"

"Okay, okay." Lu Lianguang said casually, he deliberately lowered his tone a little bit, to distinguish it from Kata Yu's voice, who detonated the discussion at the event tonight, "I'm sorry, something happened temporarily today, I'll give it to you guys. Trouble."

The trouble was indeed added a little, but his attitude was so sincere and positive, and he was a legitimate popular author supported by the website, the copyright department hurriedly said: "Where, no trouble, there is a plan for this class visit... , However, the crew is a little anxious to get this press release - can you arrange for tomorrow if you think about it?"

"Okay, but I have classes tomorrow morning and a school meeting after three o'clock in the afternoon, only the middle slots are empty."

"Okay, teacher, are you... oh yes, you are from Dongling University, right? Then we will send a car to pick you up at the school gate tomorrow. I will confirm the specific time with the crew now to see if the noon arrangement is suitable."

"Okay, hard work." Lu Lianguang said, ending the call.

Tang Tu didn't know that the two authors, Qi Xiejia and Yunjuanshu, who were ahead of him, did not time out because they were "specially able to talk", but Lu Lianguang was worried that he would be ill for interviews if he couldn't take medicine. I specifically asked them to delay time.

After he ate dinner and drank the stomach-warming soup that Lu Lianguang specially ordered for him, he couldn't help but took out the message card and read it several times. It was not until his brother Tang Qi called, that he carefully put the The message card signed "Road" was put away together with the ordinary mug.

He and Tang Qi agreed on the phone to go home for dinner tomorrow.

"Okay, see you at noon tomorrow."

"Wait a minute, brother, don't hang up, I have something to tell you."


Tang Qi hesitated and said, "That's it... I'm going to take my girlfriend back for lunch tomorrow."

Tang Tu was taken aback. He left this continent at the age of eighteen, when Tang Qi was less than thirteen years old. In the past seven years, they have been in intermittent contact on the Internet. The most recent one was when Tang Qi was entrusted by Lin Long to help her twin brother Lin Lang find a house in the United States. Tang Tu was actually reluctant to rent the house to acquaintances, especially domestic acquaintances, because acquaintances would chat. But Tang Qi was one of the few people who really helped him. He was always grateful. Since his brother opened his mouth, he agreed to Lin Lang's stay.

In his impression, Tang Qi still looked like that little boy, but he didn't expect his girlfriend to be brought home in a blink of an eye.

He said sincerely: "You have a girlfriend, congratulations!"

Tang Qi said with a guilty conscience, "Thank you, brother, but don't be too happy, just listen to me."

"..." Tang Tu had a bad feeling.

"We've been together for two years. I'm 20, and my girlfriend is 18. We're pretty stable. I think we can... um, we can tell my parents."

Tang Tu interpreted the hesitancy in his tone as nervous. Although he doubted whether his words were useful in that family, as a brother, he solemnly promised: "I will try my best to help your girlfriend speak."

"Help her? No no no no no..." Tang Qi said a series of nos, almost doubting that he had finished all the "nos" in his life, "She doesn't need help from others, no, I mean, brother, are you willing? Towards us, of course it's great. But I'm not worried about that... well, my girlfriend is..."

Lin Long wiped the water from his hair and walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. Tang Qi, her childhood sweetheart and current boyfriend, was calling in the living room, her own phone was ringing, and the agent was looking for her.

In order not to disturb Tang Qi's call, Lin Long went back to the bedroom to pick up the phone. She listened for a while, and said decisively: "No, not at noon, I'm going to my boyfriend's house to see his family. I know, I know, I will be careful, I won't be photographed. Is he going to go back to school at three o'clock? That's it... I'll rush back to the crew as soon as the noon is over, and try to meet the author's teacher."

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